
Debian Linux

e-books in Debian Linux category

Book cover: The Debian Administrator's HandbookThe Debian Administrator's Handbook
by - Lulu.com ,
Written by Debian developers, this is a fantastic resource for all users of a Debian-based distribution. Accessible to all, the book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator.
Book cover: Sidux: Unofficial User GuideSidux: Unofficial User Guide
by - Wikibooks ,
The book will show you how to install Debian unstable 'sid' in a quick and painless way using Sidux LiveCD, its basic configuration and the useful applications. You can use most of the commands shown here with all operating systems based on Debian.

Book cover: GNU/Linux BasicGNU/Linux Basic
by - FTA ,
The aim of this book is to initiate you into the world of GNU/Linux. the text covers the basics of the free software, how to use and modify GNU/Linux to suit your needs, and how to find your way in this new world more easily.
Book cover: Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator's ManualDebian GNU/Linux System Administrator's Manual
by ,
The purpose of this manual is to help you to administer a Debian GNU/Linux system. It is intended to help you learn the basics of administration, and to build on that to get the best out of your machine for yourself and your users.
Book cover: Learning Debian GNU/LinuxLearning Debian GNU/Linux
by - O'Reilly ,
Topics covered: Installing Debian Linux and the GNU suite, X windowing system, performing critical administration and management tasks, setting up LAN, setting up the Apache Web server, and using the Debian package-management utilities.
Book cover: Debian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival GuideDebian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by - Togaware.com ,
This book will get you up to speed with GNU/Linux and deliver a fun and productive environment. It guides you through the different regions of a GNU/Linux system with a focus on getting your desktop environment to do what you want it to do.