
Number Theory


Algebraic (13)
Analytic (14)
Computational (6)
Elementary (10)

e-books in Number Theory category

Book cover: Topics in the Theory of Quadratic ResiduesTopics in the Theory of Quadratic Residues
by - arXiv ,
Beginning with Gauss, the study of quadratic residues and nonresidues has subsequently led directly to many of the ideas and techniques that are used everywhere in number theory today, and the primary goal of these lectures is to use this study ...
Book cover: Geometry of Numbers with Applications to Number TheoryGeometry of Numbers with Applications to Number Theory
by - University of Georgia ,
The goal is to find and explore open questions in both geometry of numbers -- e.g. Lattice Point Enumerators, the Ehrhart-Polynomial, Minkowski's Convex Body Theorems, Minkowski-Hlawka Theorem, ... -- and its applications to number theory.
Book cover: Lectures On Irregularities Of DistributionLectures On Irregularities Of Distribution
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
The theory of Irregularities of Distribution began as a branch of Uniform Distributions, but is of independent interest. In these lectures the author restricted himself to distribution problems with a geometric interpretation.
Book cover: Lectures on Shimura VarietiesLectures on Shimura Varieties
by ,
The goal of these lectures is to explain the representability of moduli space abelian varieties with polarization, endomorphism and level structure, due to Mumford and the description of the set of its points over a finite field, due to Kottwitz.

Book cover: Introduction to Shimura VarietiesIntroduction to Shimura Varieties
by ,
This is an introduction to the theory of Shimura varieties, or, in other words, to the arithmetic theory of automorphic functions and holomorphic automorphic forms. Because of their brevity, many proofs have been omitted or only sketched.
Book cover: Elliptic Curves over Function FieldsElliptic Curves over Function Fields
by - arXiv ,
The focus is on elliptic curves over function fields over finite fields. We explain the main classical results on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture in this context and its connection to the Tate conjecture about divisors on surfaces.
Book cover: Harmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura VarietiesHarmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura Varieties
by - American Mathematical Society ,
The goal of this volume is to provide an entry point into the challenging field of the modern theory of automorphic forms. It is directed on the one hand at graduate students and professional mathematicians who would like to work in the area.
Book cover: Notes on Fermionic Fock Space for Number TheoristsNotes on Fermionic Fock Space for Number Theorists
by - The University of Arizona ,
This is a compilation of exercises, worked examples and key references that the author compiled in order to help readers learn their way around fermionic Fock space. The text is suitable for use by graduate students with an interest in number theory.
Book cover: Modular Forms, Hecke Operators, and Modular Abelian VarietiesModular Forms, Hecke Operators, and Modular Abelian Varieties
by - University of Washington ,
Contents: The Main objects; Modular representations and algebraic curves; Modular Forms of Level 1; Analytic theory of modular curves; Modular Symbols; Modular Forms of Higher Level; Newforms and Euler Products; Hecke operators as correspondences...
Book cover: Langlands Correspondence for Loop GroupsLanglands Correspondence for Loop Groups
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book provides a review of an important aspect of the geometric Langlands program - the role of representation theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras. It provides introductions to such notions as vertex algebras, the Langlands dual group, etc.
Book cover: Essays on the Theory of NumbersEssays on the Theory of Numbers
by - The Open Court Publishing ,
This is a book combining two essays: 'Continuity and irrational numbers' - Dedekind's way of defining the real numbers from rational numbers; and 'The nature and meaning of numbers' where Dedekind offers a precise explication of the natural numbers.
Book cover: Algorithms for Modular Elliptic CurvesAlgorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The author describes the construction of modular elliptic curves giving an algorithm for their computation. Then algorithms for the arithmetic of elliptic curves are presented. Finally, the results of the implementations of the algorithms are given.
Book cover: Arithmetic Duality TheoremsArithmetic Duality Theorems
by - BookSurge Publishing ,
This book, intended for research mathematicians, proves the duality theorems that have come to play an increasingly important role in number theory and arithmetic geometry, for example, in the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.
Book cover: Predicative ArithmeticPredicative Arithmetic
by - Princeton Univ Pr ,
The book based on lecture notes of a course given at Princeton University in 1980. From the contents: the impredicativity of induction, the axioms of arithmetic, order, induction by relativization, the bounded least number principle, and more.
Book cover: Geometric Theorems and Arithmetic FunctionsGeometric Theorems and Arithmetic Functions
by - American Research Press ,
Contents: on Smarandache's Podaire theorem, Diophantine equation, the least common multiple of the first positive integers, limits related to prime numbers, a generalized bisector theorem, values of arithmetical functions and factorials, and more.
Book cover: The Smarandache FunctionThe Smarandache Function
by - Erhus University Press ,
The function in the title is originated from the Romanian mathematician Florentin Smarandache, who has significant contributions in mathematics and literature. This text introduces the Smarandache function and discusses its generalisations.
Book cover: Comments and topics on Smarandache notions and problemsComments and topics on Smarandache notions and problems
by - Erhus University Press ,
An examination of some of the problems posed by Florentin Smarandache. The problems are from different areas, such as sequences, primes and other aspects of number theory. The problems are solved in the book, or the author raises new questions.
Book cover: On Some of Smarandache's ProblemsOn Some of Smarandache's Problems
by - Erhus Univ Pr ,
A collection of 27 Smarandache's problems which the autor solved by 1999. 22 problems are related to different sequences, 4 problems are proved, modifications of two problems are formulated, and counterexamples to two of the problems are constructed.
Book cover: Collections of Problems on Smarandache NotionsCollections of Problems on Smarandache Notions
by - Erhus University Press ,
This text deals with some advanced consequences of the Smarandache function. The reading of this book is a form of mindjoining, where the author tries to create the opportunity for a shared experience of an adventure.
Book cover: A set of new Smarandache functions, sequences and conjectures in number theoryA set of new Smarandache functions, sequences and conjectures in number theory
by - American Research Press ,
The fascinating Smarandache's universe is halfway between the recreational mathematics and the number theory. This book presents new Smarandache functions, conjectures, solved and unsolved problems, new type sequences and new notions in number theory.
Book cover: Pluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functionsPluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functions
by - American Research Press ,
The third book in a series exploring the set of problems called Smarandache Notions. This work delves more deeply into the mathematics of the problems, the level of difficulty here will be somewhat higher than that of the previous books.
Book cover: An Introduction to the Smarandache FunctionAn Introduction to the Smarandache Function
by - Erhus Univ Pr ,
In the 1970's a Rumanian mathematician Florentin Smarandache created a new function in number theory, which consequences encompass many areas of mathematics.The purpose of this text is to examine some of those consequences.