

e-books in Quaternions category

Book cover: Elements of QuaternionsElements of Quaternions
by - Ginn, Heath, & co. ,
The object of the following treatise is to exhibit the elementary principles and notation of the Quaternion Calculus. This presentation shall afford the undergraduate student a glimpse of this elegant and powerful instrument of analytical research.
Book cover: Quaternions and Clifford Geometric AlgebrasQuaternions and Clifford Geometric Algebras
by - viXra.org ,
This book provides an introduction to quaternions and Clifford geometric algebras. Quaternion rotations are covered extensively. A reference manual on the entities and operations of conformal (CGA) and quadric geometric algebras (QGA) is given ...

Book cover: Quaternions, Interpolation and AnimationQuaternions, Interpolation and Animation
by - University of Copenhagen ,
This text introduces quaternions, their mathematical properties, and how they can be used to rotate objects. We introduce quaternion mathematics and discuss why quaternions are a better choice for implementing rotation than matrix implementations.
Book cover: Vector Analysis and QuaternionsVector Analysis and Quaternions
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
Contents: Addition of Coplanar Vectors; Products of Coplanar Vectors; Coaxial Quaternions; Addition of Vectors in Space; Product of Two Vectors; Product of Three Vectors; Composition of Quantities; Spherical Trigonometry; Composition of Rotations.
Book cover: A Primer of QuaternionsA Primer of Quaternions
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The book is prepared for average students with a thorough knowledge of the elements of algebra and geometry, and is believed to be a simple and elementary treatment founded directly upon the fundamental ideas of the subject.
Book cover: Utility of Quaternions in PhysicsUtility of Quaternions in Physics
by - Macmillan and co ,
Quaternions are especially useful in Physical applications. Here is the table of contents of this classical book: Introduction; Quaternion theorems; Elastic solids; Electricity and magnetism; Hydrodynamics; The vortex-atom theory.
Book cover: Doing Physics with QuaternionsDoing Physics with Quaternions
by ,
Quaternions, like the real numbers, can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided. They are composed of four numbers that work together as one. This book contains a brief summary of important laws in physics written as quaternions.