
Practical Physics by R. A. Millikan, H. G. Gale, W. R. Pyle

Large book cover: Practical Physics

Practical Physics

Publisher: Ginn & Company
ISBN/ASIN: 1124165789
ISBN-13: 9781124165783
Number of pages: 472

The chief aim of this book in all of its editions has been to present elementary physics in such a way as to stimulate the pupil to do some thinking on his own account about the hows and whys of the physical world in which he lives. To this end such subjects, and only such subjects, have been included as touch most closely the everyday life of the average pupil. In a word, the endeavor has been to make this book represent the practical, everyday physics which the average person needs to help him to adjust himself to his surroundings and to interpret his own experiences correctly.

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