
Geometry of Four Dimensions

Large book cover: Geometry of Four Dimensions

Geometry of Four Dimensions

Publisher: The MacMillan Company
ISBN/ASIN: 1933998652
Number of pages: 378

Contents: The Foundations Of Four Dimensional Geometry; Points And Lines; Triangles; Planes; Convex Polygons; Tetrahedrons; Hyperplanes; Convex Pyramids And Pentahedroids; Space Of Four Dimensions; Hyperpyramids And Hypercones; Perpendicularity And Simple Angles; Angles Of Two Planes And Angles Of Higher Order; Symmetry, Order, And Motion; Euclidian Geometry; Figures With Parallel Elements; Measurement Of Volume And Hypervolume In Hyperspace; The Regular Polyhedroids; The Polyhedroid Formula;

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