

e-books in Theology category

Book cover: Biblical BasicsBiblical Basics
by - Smashwords ,
A brief study guide to the principle construction, themes and topics of the biblical story. Covers both Old and New Testaments. Suitable for group or individual study. A recommended introduction and prerequisite to other comprehensive study guides.
Book cover: Catechism of the Catholic ChurchCatechism of the Catholic Church
- Libreria Editrice Vaticana ,
The book presents a full, complete exposition of Catholic doctrine, enabling everyone to know what the Church professes, celebrates, lives, and prays in her daily life. The Christian faith is presented in the most suitable way possible.
Book cover: The Bible from Start to FinishThe Bible from Start to Finish
by - Smashwords ,
These studies pick out important parts of the bible, from the Genesis, to the last book, Revelation. Each study has notes helping you understand the context and the unusual words. By the end you'll have a good idea of what the bible is all about.

Book cover: The Great SecretThe Great Secret
by - The Century Co. ,
This book, written by Nobel Prize-winner, is the essential text for those seeking the hidden origin of religion and the meaning of life itself. The author explored the world's hidden mysteries for many years until stumbling upon a startling insight.
Book cover: The Origin of the New TestamentThe Origin of the New Testament
by - Harper & brothers ,
The present brief treatise on The Origin of the New Testament was originally delivered by the late Professor Wrede to an educated audience of lay folk. The reader will perceive marks of this in the direct personal style of address throughout.
Book cover: Applied TheologyApplied Theology
by - Monfort & Company ,
Theology finds its best use when applied. Every doctrine has its practical side. Thoughts of God suggest duty and privilege. It is the purpose of this book to discuss doctrines with emphasis on their application to practical life.
Book cover: Theology Explained and DefendedTheology Explained and Defended
by - Applewood Books ,
With our American Philosophy and Religion series, Applewood reissues many primary sources published throughout American history. Through these books, scholars and students can see the thoughts and beliefs of Americans who came before us.
Book cover: Five Great Questions of the BibleFive Great Questions of the Bible
by - Zondervan Publishing House ,
Dr. Criswell answers some gripping questions from the Bible from the Word of God itself. In a series of graphic illustrations from both the Old and New Testaments, the author gives God's answer to these questions from His Word.
Book cover: Trinity and Reality: An Introduction to the Christian FaithTrinity and Reality: An Introduction to the Christian Faith
by - Canon Press & Book Service ,
The Trinity is the heart of the Christian gospel, but Father, Son, and Holy Spirit seldom occupies that position in contemporary discussions of the Christian worldview. This book helps fill the need by unveiling the Trinity at the center of reality.
Book cover: Understanding Roman CatholicismUnderstanding Roman Catholicism
by - Chick Publication ,
A critique of the Roman Catholic catechism, with extensive quotations from scripture. Written by a former Catholic, this book quotes the main Catholic doctrines from the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church, then compares each one with the Bible.
Book cover: The Theology of HolinessThe Theology of Holiness
by - Project Gutenberg ,
Classic work read by book lovers, students and scholars. Science is a systematic presentation of truth. Theology is the most important of all sciences. It is the science that treats of God and of man in his relation to God.
Book cover: Sorting Things OutSorting Things Out
by - J Appleseed & Co ,
Dole enjoys an honored reputation for spiritual insight and creativity. This volume contains thirty-one of his brief works, chosen for their sharp focus and enduring relevance. Each chapter will help you to sort things out along life's path.
Book cover: History of DogmaHistory of Dogma
by - Wipf & Stock Publishers ,
Adolf von Harnack was a German theologian and church historian. He traced the influence of Hellenistic philosophy on early Christian writing and questioned the authenticity of doctrines that arose in the early Christian church.