
Image Processing

e-books in Image Processing category

Book cover: 3D Video Processing and Transmission Fundamentals3D Video Processing and Transmission Fundamentals
by - Bookboon ,
3D video provides us the sensation of depth by adding a depth dimension to already existing 2D video. This book elaborates on the major components of end-to-end 3D video communication chain and discusses the current issues and potential solutions.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Image ProcessingFundamentals of Image Processing
by - Dartmouth College ,
Contents: Mathematical Foundations; Discrete-Time Signals and Systems; Linear Time-Invariant Systems; Sampling; Digital Filter Design; Photons to Pixels; Point-Wise Operations; Linear Filtering; Non-Linear Filtering; Multi-Scale Transforms; etc.
Book cover: Digital Image ProcessingDigital Image Processing
by - InTech ,
This book presents recent advances in digital image processing, with the purpose of providing an insight into the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. The text is accompanied by graphical representations.
Book cover: Image Processing in Optical Coherence Tomography using MatlabImage Processing in Optical Coherence Tomography using Matlab
by - University of Silesia ,
The book focuses on image processing in Optical Coherence Tomography with the intention to demonstrate innovative approaches and solutions for challenging OCT images analysis. Presented algorithms entirely rely on data derived from OCT instrument.

Book cover: Getting Started with MakerBotGetting Started with MakerBot
by - O'Reilly Media ,
Get a hands-on introduction to the world of personal fabrication with the MakerBot, the easiest and most affordable rapid prototyper available. This book shows you how the MakerBot open source 3D printer democratizes manufacturing.
Book cover: Image Fusion and Its ApplicationsImage Fusion and Its Applications
by - InTech ,
The book provides an overview of basic image fusion techniques and an introduction to image fusion applications in various fields. The book is useful for researchers to capture recent developments and to spark new ideas in image fusion domain.
Book cover: JPEG: Idea and PracticeJPEG: Idea and Practice
- Wikibooks ,
This book explains the JPEG compression method, althoug we have altered the method a little so that it is easier to understand. We explain all the things necessary for making a program that can produce efficiently compressed JPEG files.
Book cover: Effective Video Coding for Multimedia ApplicationsEffective Video Coding for Multimedia Applications
by - InTech ,
The book revolves around three different challenges namely (i) Coding strategies (coding efficiency and computational complexity), (ii) Video compression and (iii) Error resilience. The complete efficient video system depends upon source coding.
Book cover: Digital Image ProcessingDigital Image Processing
by - BookBoon ,
This book introduces the fundamental theories of modern digital image processing including intensity transformations, filtering in the frequency and spatial domain, restoration, colour processing, morphological operations, and segmentation.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Image ProcessingFundamentals of Image Processing
by - Delft University of Technology ,
The book focuses on the fundamental concepts of image processing. We will restrict ourselves to 2D image processing although most of the concepts and techniques that are to be described can be extended easily to three or more dimensions.
Book cover: Astronomical Image and Data AnalysisAstronomical Image and Data Analysis
by - Springer ,
The book explains how to handle real problems in astronomical data analysis using a modern arsenal of powerful techniques. It treats the methods of image, signal, and data processing that are proving to be both effective and widely relevant.
Book cover: Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital ImagesImage Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images
by - R & D Books ,
An image processing tutorial which explains basic concepts, shows results with photographs, and implements programs in C. The book covers filters, edge detectors, and histogram equalizers, print procedures, and I/O routines, which are ready to use.
Book cover: Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale ApproachImage Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach
by - Cambridge University Press ,
An introduction to a range of image-processing techniques with practical examples of applications in electrical engineering, astronomy, physics, and medical imaging. A guide to exciting data-analysis techniques for students and researchers.