e-books in Euclidean Geometry category
by Nathaniel Miller , 2007
Miller discusses the history of diagrams in Euclidean Geometry, develops a formal system for working with them, and concludes that they can be used rigorously. Miller also introduces a diagrammatic computer proof system, based on this formal system.
by William Gallatly - F. Hodgson , 1914
The author expresses his expectation, that these novel and interesting theorems some British, but the greater part derived from French and German sources will widen the outlook of our mathematical instructors and lend new vigour to their teaching.
by Felix Klein - Ginn and Co. , 1897
Professor Pelix Klein presented in this book a discussion of the three famous geometric problems of antiquity -- the duplication of the cube, the trisection of an angle, and the quadrature of the circle, as viewed in the light of modern research.
by James A. Smith - viXra , 2016
Geometric Algebra (GA) promises to become a universal mathematical language. This document reviews the geometry of angles and circles, then treats rotations in plane geometry before showing how to formulate problems in GA terms, then solve them.
by Florentin Smarandache - viXra.org , 2015
This book includes 255 problems of 2D and 3D Euclidean geometry plus trigonometry. The degree of difficulties of the problems is from easy and medium to hard. The solutions are at the end of each chapter. The book is especially a didactic material...
by J. Harrison, G.A. Baxandall - Macmillan , 1899
This book is written for Science students. The necessity of accurate draughtsmanship is insisted on throughout. We describe how the drawing instruments may be set and maintained. And the numerical answers are appended to many of the examples.
by Paul Yiu - Florida Atlantic University , 2005
We outline some interesting results with illustrations made by dynamic software. We center around the notions of reflection and isogonal conjugation, and introduce a number of interesting triangle centers, lines, conics, and a few cubic curves.
by Wong Yan Loi - National University of Singapore , 1999
Contents: Pythagoras' theorem; Pythagorean triples; commensurable and incommensurable quantities; Eudoxus' theory of proportion; method of exhaustion; continued fractions; the surface area of a sphere; the method; regular polyhedra; symmetries; etc.
by Charles Smith - The Macmillan Company , 1905
In the following work I have investigated the more elementary properties of the Ellipse, Parabola, and Hyperbola, defined with reference to a focus and directrix, before considering the General Equation of the Second Degree...
by Daniel Callahan - starrhorse.com , 2014
Euclid's 'Elements' Redux is an open textbook on mathematical logic and geometry for use in grades 7-12 and in undergraduate college courses on proof writing. It is a new edition of the most successful textbook of all time...
by A.H. McDougall - Copp, Clark , 1919
Contents: Theorems of Menelaus and Ceva; The Nine-Point Circle; Simpson's Line; Areas op Rectangles; Radical Axis; Medial Section; Miscellaneous Theorems; Similar and Similarly Situated Polygons; Harmonic Ranges and Pencils; etc.
by J.L. Heiberg, R. Fitzpatrick , 2008
Euclid's Elements is the most famous mathematical work of classical antiquity, and also has the distinction of being the oldest continuously used mathematical textbook. The main subjects of the work are geometry, proportion, and number theory.
by E.H. Askwith - Cambridge University Press , 1917
The book does not assume any previous knowledge of the Conic Sections, which are here treated on the basis of the definition of them as the curves of projection of a circle. Many of the properties of the Conic Sections are proved quite simply.
by Parker Manning Henry - The MacMillan Company , 1914
Contents: The Foundations Of Four Dimensional Geometry; Points And Lines; Triangles; Planes; Convex Polygons; Tetrahedrons; Hyperplanes; Convex Pyramids And Pentahedroids; Space Of Four Dimensions; Hyperpyramids And Hypercones; etc.
by John Casey, Euclid - Longmans, Green, and Co. , 1885
This edition of the Elements of Euclid is intended to supply a want much felt by teachers at the present day - the production of a work which, while giving the original in all its integrity, would also contain the modern conceptions and developments.
by George Whitehead Hearn - Project Gutenberg , 2005
Researches on curves of the second order are given in this book, also on cones and spherical conics treated analytically, in which the tangencies of Apollonius are investigated, and general geometrical constructions deduced from analysis.
by David Ramsay Hay - W. Blackwood and sons , 1846
From the table of contents: Nature of the science of aesthetics explained; Plane figures the bases of all forms; The isosceles triangle; Universal application of the composite ellipse in the arts of ornamental design; and more.
by Silvio Levy - CRC Press , 1995
Contents: Coordinate Systems in the Plane; Plane Symmetries or Isometries; Lines; Polygons; Circles; Conics; Special Plane Curves; Coordinate Systems in Space; Space Symmetries or Isometries; Directions, Planes and Lines; Polyhedra; Spheres; etc.
by Ruslan Sharipov - arXiv , 2007
This is a textbook for the course of foundations of geometry. It is addressed to mathematics students in Universities and to High School students for deeper learning. It can also be used in mathematics coteries and self-education groups.
by Henry B. Fine, Henry D. Thompson - The MacMillan Company , 1911
Contents: Coordinates; The Straight Line; The Circle; The Parabola; The Ellipse; The Hyperbola; Transformation Of Coordinates; The General Equation Of The Second Degree; Sections Of A Cone; Systems Of Conics; Tangents And Polars Of The Conic; etc.
by Richard S. Palais - virtualmathmuseum.org , 2003
Contents: What is Geometry; Geometry of Inner-Product Spaces; Linear Maps and the Euclidean Group; Adjoints of Linear Maps and the Spectral Theorem; Differential Calculus on Inner-Product Spaces; Normed Spaces and Integration; ODE; and more.
by W. H. Besant - George Bell and Sons , 1895
In the present Treatise the Conic Sections are defined with reference to a focus and directrix, and I have endeavoured to place before the student the most important properties of those curves, deduced, as closely as possible, from the definition.
by Igor Pak - UCLA , 2008
This book is aimed to be an introduction to some of our favorite parts of the subject, covering some familiar and popular topics as well as some old, forgotten, sometimes obscure, and at times very recent and exciting results.
by David Hilbert - Project Gutenberg , 1902
Axioms were uncovered in Euclid's geometry. These discoveries were organized into a more rigorous axiomatic system by David Hilbert in his Grundlagen der Geometrie (1899) which contained his definitive set of axioms for Euclidean geometry.
by George W. Hart , 2000
Polyhedra have an enormous aesthetic appeal and the subject is fun and easy. This is a collection of thousands of virtual reality polyhedra for you to explore. There are hundreds here which have never been illustrated in any previous publication.
by Stephen Blake , 2005
This is a text on 3-d Euclidean computational geometry intended to be used in engineering applications. On the other hand, the methods of Whitehead's algebra enable us to readily deal with Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces of any dimension.
by Slavik V. Jablan - Matematicki Institut , 1995
This work is a comparative analysis of the theory of discrete and visually presentable continuous symmetry groups in the plane E2 or in E2\{O}: Symmetry Groups of Rosettes, Friezes and Ornaments, Similarity Symmetry Groups in E2, etc.
by Bill Casselman - Cambridge University Press , 2005
The author gives an introduction to basic features of the PostScript language and shows how to use it for producing mathematical graphics. The book includes the discussion computer graphics and some comments on good style in mathematical illustration.
by George Baloglou , 2007
Planar crystallographic groups are one of the very first mathematical creations of humankind. This book's goal is the gradual unveiling of the structural and the mathematical that hides behind the visual and the artistic.
by D.E.Joyce , 1998
Online edition of Euclid's Elements, one of the most beautiful and influential works of science in the history of humankind. The text of all 13 Books is complete, and all of the figures are illustrated using a Java applet called the Geometry Applet.
by John C. Sparks - AuthorHouse , 2008
The book chronologically traces the Pythagorean theorem from the beginning, through 4000 years of Pythagorean proofs. The text presents some classic puzzles, amusements, and applications. An epilogue summarizes the importance of the theorem.
by Serge Tabachnikov , 1991
Mathematical billiards describe the motion of a mass point in a domain with elastic reflections from the boundary. Billiards is not a single mathematical theory, it is rather a mathematician’s playground where various methods are tested.