
Symplectic & Contact Geometry

e-books in Symplectic & Contact Geometry category

Book cover: Symplectic, Poisson, and Noncommutative GeometrySymplectic, Poisson, and Noncommutative Geometry
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Symplectic geometry has its origin in physics, but has flourished as an independent subject in mathematics, together with its offspring, symplectic topology. Symplectic methods have even been applied back to mathematical physics ...
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Embedded Contact HomologyLecture Notes on Embedded Contact Homology
by - arXiv ,
These notes give an introduction to embedded contact homology (ECH) of contact three-manifolds, gathering many basic notions which are scattered across a number of papers. We also discuss the origins of ECH, including various remarks and examples.
Book cover: Introduction to the Basics of Heegaard Floer HomologyIntroduction to the Basics of Heegaard Floer Homology
by - arXiv ,
This is an introduction to the basics of Heegaard Floer homology with some emphasis on the hat theory and to the contact geometric invariants in the theory. It is designed to be comprehensible to people without any prior knowledge of the subject.

Book cover: Symplectic Geometry of Quantum NoiseSymplectic Geometry of Quantum Noise
by - arXiv ,
We discuss a quantum counterpart of certain constraints on Poisson brackets coming from 'hard' symplectic geometry. They can be interpreted in terms of the quantum noise of observables and their joint measurements in operational quantum mechanics.
Book cover: First Steps Towards a Symplectic DynamicsFirst Steps Towards a Symplectic Dynamics
by - arXiv ,
Both dynamical systems and symplectic geometry have rich theories and the time seems ripe to develop the common core with integrated ideas from both fields. We discuss problems which show how dynamical systems and symplectic ideas come together.
Book cover: Contact GeometryContact Geometry
by - arXiv ,
This is an introductory text on the more topological aspects of contact geometry. After discussing some of the fundamental results of contact topology, I move on to a detailed exposition of the original proof of the Lutz-Martinet theorem.
Book cover: Lectures on Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic and Contact GeometryLectures on Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic and Contact Geometry
by - arXiv ,
This is a set of expository lecture notes created originally for a graduate course on holomorphic curves. From the table of contents: Introduction; Local properties; Fredholm theory; Moduli spaces; Bubbling and nonsqueezing.
Book cover: Introduction to Symplectic Field TheoryIntroduction to Symplectic Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
We sketch in this article a new theory, which we call Symplectic Field Theory or SFT, which provides an approach to Gromov-Witten invariants of symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds in the spirit of topological field theory.
Book cover: Introduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian GeometryIntroduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian Geometry
by ,
The text covers foundations of symplectic geometry in a modern language. It describes symplectic manifolds and their transformations, and explains connections to topology and other geometries. It also covers hamiltonian fields and hamiltonian actions.
Book cover: Lectures on Symplectic GeometryLectures on Symplectic Geometry
by - Springer ,
An introduction to symplectic geometry and topology, it provides a useful and effective synopsis of the basics of symplectic geometry and serves as the springboard for a prospective researcher. The text is written in a clear, easy-to-follow style.
Book cover: Symplectic GeometrySymplectic Geometry
by - Princeton University ,
An overview of symplectic geometry – the geometry of symplectic manifolds. From a language of classical mechanics, symplectic geometry became a central branch of differential geometry and topology. This survey gives a partial flavor on this field.