
Edgar Wallace

e-books in Edgar Wallace category

Book cover: Sanders of the RiverSanders of the River
by - Ward, Lock & Co. ,
Charged with the task of engaging with the indigenous peoples of Nigeria during the colonial period, Sanders takes a no-nonsense approach that, though it may offend the sensibilities of current-day readers, is unquestionably effective.
Book cover: The Keepers of the King's PeaceThe Keepers of the King's Peace
by - Project Gutenberg ,
Unexpected things happen in the territories of the Belgian Congo where Commissioner Sanders keeps an uneasy peace, aided by his trusty assistant Lieutenant Hamilton. He must deal with ju-ju, religious-palava, lost vials of virulent disease.

Book cover: Jack O' JudgmentJack O' Judgment
by - Project Gutenberg ,
He had been shot in his tracks on a night of snow and storm. When the police got him to the mortuary and searched his clothes they found a little tin box of white powder which proved to be cocaine, and a playing card -- the Jack of Clubs.
Book cover: The Green RustThe Green Rust
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The chase is on to stop Dr. Van Heerden before he can release the threat of the Green Rust and take over the world in this exciting page-turner, originally published in 1919, from the undisputed King of Thrillers, Edgar Wallace.
Book cover: The Daffodil MysteryThe Daffodil Mystery
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The book is set at around the turn of the century in London and Hertfordshire. Readers' notions of likely suspects are cleverly led along until a plot twist turns them on their heads. The murderer is the person most readers will least suspect.
Book cover: The Clue of the Twisted CandleThe Clue of the Twisted Candle
by - Project Gutenberg ,
Kara believes that there is a great criminal lost in John Lexman, the detective-story writer involved in a plot more fantastic than any of his own ingenious mysteries. A tense and powerful tale that moves dramatically between London and the Balkans.
Book cover: The Man Who KnewThe Man Who Knew
by - Small, Maynard & Company ,
This story of the amazing adventures which come into the life of a diamond merchant, who comes from the mines of South Africa to London, is clever in plot and effective in style. As a writer of detective stories, Wallace occupies an enviable place.
Book cover: Tam o' the ScootsTam o' the Scoots
by - A. L. Burt company ,
Adventure novel set on the Western Front during World War I. Lieutenant Bridgeman went out over the German line and strafed a depot. He stayed a while to locate a new gun position and was caught between three strong batteries of Archies.
Book cover: The Book of All-PowerThe Book of All-Power
by - Project Gutenberg ,
If a man is not eager for adventure at the age of twenty-two, the enticement of romantic possibilities will never come to him. The chairman looked with a little amusement at the young man who sat on the edge of a chair by the chairman's desk.
Book cover: The Secret HouseThe Secret House
by - A. L. Burt company ,
A man stood irresolutely before the imposing portals of Cainbury House, a large office building let out to numerous small tenants, and harbouring, as the indicator on the tiled wall of the vestibule testified, some thirty different professions.
Book cover: Bones in LondonBones in London
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The new Director of Schemes Ltd has an elegant office and a theatrically dressed assistant - however Bones, as he is better known, is bored. Luckily there is a slump in the shipping market and it is not long before Joe and Fred pay Bones a visit.
Book cover: The Angel of TerrorThe Angel of Terror
by - Project Gutenberg ,
''James Meredith, you have been convicted after a long and patient trial of the awful crime of wilful murder. With the verdict of the jury I am in complete agreement. There is little doubt, after hearing the evidence of the unfortunate lady...''