
Functional Programming Theory

e-books in Functional Programming Theory category

Book cover: Learn Functional ProgrammingLearn Functional Programming
by - learn-functional-programming.com ,
The purpose of this book is to explain the main concepts in functional programming as simply as possible. The focus is not on implementation details of a specific language, compiler or platform, but on the concepts themselves.
Book cover: Exploring ReasonML and Functional ProgrammingExploring ReasonML and Functional Programming
by - ReasonML Hub ,
This book teaches the programming language ReasonML by Facebook. It is also an introduction to functional programming. Especially people familiar with C-style languages (Java, JavaScript, C#, etc.) will profit from ReasonML's familiar syntax.
Book cover: Functional Programming in PythonFunctional Programming in Python
by - O'Reilly Media ,
Python is not a functional programming language, but it is a multi-paradigm language that makes functional programming easy to perform. This book examines the functional aspects of the language and points out which options work well and which do not.

Book cover: Purely Functional Data StructuresPurely Functional Data Structures
by - Carnegie Mellon University ,
This book describes data structures from the point of view of functional languages. The author includes both classical data structures, such as red-black trees, and a host of new data structures developed exclusively for functional languages.
Book cover: Real World Functional ProgrammingReal World Functional Programming
by - Manning Publications ,
Real World Functional Programming is a unique tutorial that explores the functional programming model through the F# and C# languages. The clearly presented ideas and examples teach readers how functional programming differs from other approaches.
Book cover: Category Theory and Functional ProgrammingCategory Theory and Functional Programming
by - University of St. Andrews ,
An introduction to category theory that ties into Haskell and functional programming as a source of applications. Topics: definition of categories, special objects and morphisms, functors, natural transformation, (co-)limits and special cases, etc.
Book cover: A Gentle Introduction to MLA Gentle Introduction to ML
by - Napier University ,
Functional languages such as ML, Hope and Lisp allow us to develop programs which will submit logical analysis relatively easily. Using a functional language we can make assertions about programs and prove these assertions to be correct.
Book cover: Certified Programming with Dependent TypesCertified Programming with Dependent Types
by ,
The purpose of this book is to convince people who write software that the technology of program verification is mature enough today that it makes sense to use it in a support role in many kinds of research projects in computer science.
Book cover: Functional Programming and Parallel Graph RewritingFunctional Programming and Parallel Graph Rewriting
by - Addison-Wesley ,
An introduction to the techniques of functional programming, the associated computational models and the implementation of functional programming languages on both sequential and parallel machines. All the chapters include a summary and exercises.
Book cover: Concurrent Programming in ErlangConcurrent Programming in Erlang
by - Prentice Hall PTR ,
A tutorial of Erlang, a concurrent, functional programming language. The emphasis of this book is on learning through example and a number of well known problems in designing and programming concurrent fault-tolerant real-time systems.
Book cover: Programming in Standard MLProgramming in Standard ML
by - Carnegie Mellon University ,
Introduction to programming with the Standard ML - a formally defined programming language. The text covers the core language, declarations, functions, products and records, recursive functions, type inference and polymorphism, lists, and more.
Book cover: The Design of Functional Programs - A Calculational ApproachThe Design of Functional Programs - A Calculational Approach
by - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ,
This document was started as a research to what extent functional programs can be designed in a calculational way. This should be possible because functional-program notations carry less operational connotations than their sequential counterparts do.