
Palestinian Refugees: Challenges of Repatriation and Development

Large book cover: Palestinian Refugees: Challenges of Repatriation and Development

Palestinian Refugees: Challenges of Repatriation and Development

Publisher: I. B. Tauris
ISBN/ASIN: 184511311X
ISBN-13: 9781845113117
Number of pages: 263

The Palestinian refugee issue remains a central component of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In this book, bringing together the most cutting-edge research from various disciplines, Rex Brynen and Roula El-Rifai explore the demographic and developmental challenges that the return of refugees to a future Palestinian state would generate. As well as outlining the social conditions of Palestinian refugee populations, the book addresses key practical questions, such as how the repatriation of refugees would affect the Palestinian economy and how the international community can effectively support the repatriation of refugees.

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