
Practical File System Design with the Be File System

Large book cover: Practical File System Design with the Be File System

Practical File System Design with the Be File System

Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
ISBN/ASIN: 1558604979
ISBN-13: 9781558604971
Number of pages: 247

Although many operating system textbooks offer highlevel descriptions of file systems, few go into sufficient detail for an implementor, and none go into details about advanced topics such as journaling. I wrote this book to address that lack of information. This book covers the details of file systems, from low-level to high-level, as well as related topics such as the disk cache, the file system interface to the kernel, and the user-level APIs that use the features of the file system. Reading this book should give you a thorough understanding of how a file system works in general, how the Be File System (BFS) works in particular, and the issues involved in designing and implementing a file system.

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