e-books in Modeling & Simulation category

by Norm Matloff - University of California, Davis , 2013
The materials here form a textbook for a course in mathematical probability and statistics for computer science students. Computer science examples are used throughout, in areas such as: computer networks; data and text mining; computer security...

by Daniel Shiffman - The Nature of Code , 2012
This book focuses on a range of programming strategies and techniques behind computer simulations of natural systems, from elementary concepts in mathematics and physics to more advanced algorithms that enable sophisticated visual results.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This book helps you to start modeling with AnyLogic -- a multi-method simulation modeling tool that supports different modeling techniques. Topics covered: Agent-Based Modeling; System Dynamics; Discrete Event Simulation; Pedestrian Simulation.

by A.I. Zhmakin - arXiv , 2011
Simulation of human motion is the subject of study in a number of disciplines: Biomechanics, Robotics, Control Theory, Neurophysiology, Ergonomics. Since the author has never visited any of these fields, this review is a passer-by's impression.

by Shkelzen Cakaj - InTech , 2010
This book provides modeling, simulation and optimization applications in the areas of medical care systems, genetics, business, ethics and linguistics, applying very sophisticated methods. Algorithms, 3-D modeling, virtual reality, and more.

by F. Baccelli, G. Cohen, G. J. Olsder, J. Quadrat - John Wiley & Sons , 1993
Presents new modelling and analysis techniques for the description of discrete event dynamic systems. Created within the text is a calculus which allows the derivation of analytical tools for computing the time behavior of this type of system.

by Shkelzen Cakaj - InTech , 2010
Topics covered: parametric representation of shapes, modeling of dynamic continuous fluid flow process, plant layout optimal plot plan, atmospheric modeling, cellular automata simulations, thyristor switching characteristics simulation, etc.

by Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Takashi Maekawa - Springer , 2009
Shape interrogation is the process of extraction of information from a geometric model. It is a fundamental component of CAD/CAM systems. The authors focus on shape interrogation of geometric models bounded by free-form surfaces.

by Ahmad Taher Azar - InTech , 2010
This book is intended to present fuzzy logic systems and useful applications with a simple approach. It is written at a level suitable for use in a graduate course on applications of fuzzy systems in decision support, nonlinear modeling and control.

by Alisson V. Brito - InTech , 2010
Dynamic modelling means modelling processes or systems, which are formed by attributes changing over time. Vehicles transmission and engines, reconfigurable microchips, earthquakes and the effect of diseases in organisms are presented in this book.

by Roger McHaney - BookBoon , 2009
Contents: Introduction to Computer Simulation; Simulation Languages; Applications of Simulation; Starting a Simulation the Right Way; Simulation Quality and Development; Developing a Simulation-Implementation; Case Study: DePorres Tours.

by Cher Ming Tan - IN-TECH , 2008
This book provides the readers with the knowledge of Simulated Annealing and its applications in the various branches of engineering. We encourage readers to explore the application of Simulated Annealing in their work for the task of optimization.

by Giuseppe Petrone, Giuliano Cammarata - InTech , 2008
This book collects research studies concerning modeling and simulation of physical systems in a very wide range of applications: micro-electro-mechanical systems, measurement instrumentations, catalytic reactors, biomechanical applications, etc.

by Ben Klemens - Princeton University Press , 2009
The author explains how to execute computationally intensive analysis on large data sets, showing how to determine the best methods. The book will interest researchers and graduates in the social sciences, engineering, economics, and mathematics.

by Allen Downey - Green Tea Press , 2014
An introductory textbook for people who have not programmed before. Covers basic MATLAB programming with emphasis on modeling and simulation of physical systems. The book starts with scalar values and works up to vectors and matrices very gradually.

by N. I. Badler, C. B. Phillips, B. L. Webber - Oxford University Press, USA , 1993
This volume presents the problem of providing a surrogate or synthetic human for designers and engineers. The book is intended for engineers interested in understanding how a computer surrogate human can augment their analyses of designed environments.

by Harry Perros - NC State University , 2008
The generation of pseudo-random numbers, the generation of stochastic variates, simulation designs, estimation techniques for analyzing endogenously created data, validation of a simulation model, variance reduction techniques, etc.