
Elementary Algebra & Trigonometry


Algebra (39)
Trigonometry (19)

e-books in Elementary Algebra & Trigonometry category

Book cover: Technical MathematicsTechnical Mathematics
by - Pressbooks ,
This developmental math textbook is designed for career-technical students with a conversational, approachable style. Examples are based on everyday life, not just technical trades. Practice assignments are available on the MyOpenMath platform.
Book cover: Precalculus: An Inquiry-Based ApproachPrecalculus: An Inquiry-Based Approach
by - Oklahoma Christian University ,
A standard precalculus course covering polynomials, rationals, exponentials, logarithmics, trigonometry, polar coordinates, rate of change, and conic sections. This course may also serve as either College Algebra or Trigonometry.
Book cover: The Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary ProblemsThe Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary Problems
by - Open Book Publishers ,
The authors of this book explore the extent to which elementary mathematics allows us all to understand something of the nature of mathematics from the inside. The book consists of a sequence of 270 problems with commentary and full solutions.

Book cover: Practical Mathematics for Home StudyPractical Mathematics for Home Study
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This work has been written for the adult. The endeavor has been to make the student feel that he is in actual touch with real things. The intention has been to lay as broad a foundation as is consistent with the scope of the work.
Book cover: Boundless AlgebraBoundless Algebra
- Lumen Learning ,
Contents: Numbers and Operations; Equations, Inequalities and Graphing; Systems of Equations; Functions; Linear Functions; Quadratic Functions and Factoring; Polynomials and Rational Functions; Exponents, Logarithms, and Inverse Functions; etc.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Practical MathematicsFundamentals of Practical Mathematics
by - Ginn and Co. ,
This work reviews four fundamental operations with integers and fractions, the practical use of percentage, the applications of proportion, the elements of mensuration, the use of the formula and the equation, the finding of roots, and trigonometry.
Book cover: First Book in ArithmeticFirst Book in Arithmetic
- W.W. Shannon ,
Designed to prepare the pupils for the intelligent mastery of the fundamental operations. Through the application of number to objects, an insight into common operations is gained. The memorizing of facts is subordinate to the getting of ideas ...
Book cover: Basic Arithmetic Student WorkbookBasic Arithmetic Student Workbook
by - Scottsdale Community College ,
This workbook is designed to lead students through a basic understanding of numbers and arithmetic. The included curriculum is broken into twelve lessons. This book helps students recognize algebra as a natural extension of arithmetic.
Book cover: A Course of Elementary MathematicsA Course of Elementary Mathematics
by - Wm. H. Allen ,
The preparation necessary for the profitable study of the following course of Mathematics is a knowledge of common Arithmetic, and some acquaintance with Geometry, as taught in Euclid's Elements. We shall commence with a treatise on Algebra.
Book cover: PrecalculusPrecalculus
by ,
The basic theme of this book is precalculus within the context of problem solving. The pace is faster than a high school class in precalculus, we aim for greater command of the material, especially to extend what we have learned to new situations.
Book cover: Mathematics, Basic Math and AlgebraMathematics, Basic Math and Algebra
- Naval Education and Training ,
Contents: Number systems and sets; Positive integers; Signed numbers; Common fractions; Decimals; Percentage and measurement; Exponents and radicals; Logarithms and the slide rule; Fundamentals of algebra; Factoring polynomials; and more.
Book cover: Elementary Practical MathematicsElementary Practical Mathematics
by - The Macmillan Company ,
We show a student how to work problems, exercising his common sense, and we give him experimental proof of the correctness of his results. Our methods of reasoning are those logical methods which are adopted in common affairs...
Book cover: Analytic Geometry and Principles of AlgebraAnalytic Geometry and Principles of Algebra
by - The Macmillan Company ,
The book combines analytic geometry and topics traditionally treated in college algebra that depend upon geometric representation. Through this combination it becomes possible to show the student more directly the meaning of these subjects.
Book cover: Everything Maths: Grade 12 MathematicsEverything Maths: Grade 12 Mathematics
by - Siyavula ,
From the table of contents: Logarithms; Sequences and series; Finance; Factorising cubic polynomials; Functions and graphs; Differential calculus; Linear programming; Geometry; Trigonometry; Statistics; Combinations and permutations.
Book cover: Everything Maths: Grade 11 MathematicsEverything Maths: Grade 11 Mathematics
by - Siyavula ,
Contents: Introduction; Exponents; Surds; Error margins; Quadratic sequences; Finance; Solving quadratic equations; Solving quadratic inequalities; Solving simultaneous equations; Mathematical models; Quadratic functions and graphs; etc.
Book cover: Everything Maths: Grade 10 MathematicsEverything Maths: Grade 10 Mathematics
by - Siyavula ,
Contents: Algebraic expressions, Equations and inequalities, Exponents, Number patterns, Functions, Finance and growth, Trigonometry, Analytical geometry, Statistics, Probability, Euclidean geometry, Measurements, Exercise Solutions.
Book cover: Preparing for College PhysicsPreparing for College Physics
by - TTU ,
In this booklet I've tried to pick out the bits of your math courses that you will really need to get through your first courses in physics and chemistry. In addition, I give some directions on how to use an inexpensive scientific calculator.
Book cover: First Book in General MathematicsFirst Book in General Mathematics
by - P.P. Simmons ,
This book covers algebra, geometry and trigonometry. The author felt that there is a place in the intermediate high school for a course that will sum up the arithmetic, and give some insight into the mathematical problems of algebra and geometry.
Book cover: Precalculus: An Investigation of FunctionsPrecalculus: An Investigation of Functions
by - Lulu.com ,
A textbook covering a two-quarter precalculus sequence including trigonometry. An emphasis is placed on modeling and interpretation, as well as the important characteristics needed in calculus. Exercises are included in the book.
Book cover: Practical MathematicsPractical Mathematics
by - Chambers ,
The aim has been to illustrate the use of mathematics in constructing diagrams; in measuring areas, volumes, strengths of materials ; in calculating latitudes and longitudes on the earth's surface ; and in solving similar problems.
Book cover: Practical Mathematics for BeginnersPractical Mathematics for Beginners
by - Macmillan and co ,
From the table of contents: Arithmetic; Plane Geometry; Algebra; British and Metric Units; Logarithms; Slide Rule; Ratios; Use of Squared Paper; Mensuration. Area of Parallelogram. Triangle. Circumference of Circle. Area of a Circle; etc.
Book cover: Practical MathematicsPractical Mathematics
by - Blackie And Son Limited ,
Includes trigonometry and an introduction to the calculus - a textbook for higher elementary secondary and technical schools. The processes of Algebra are established in a practical way. Academic treatment has been avoided as far as possible.
Book cover: First Course in the Theory of EquationsFirst Course in the Theory of Equations
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
The theory of equations develops anew and in greater detail various fundamental ideas of calculus for the simple case of polynomials. It affords a useful supplement to differential calculus whether taken subsequently or simultaneously.
Book cover: Explaining LogarithmsExplaining Logarithms
by - Brown Books Publishing Group ,
These materials show the evolution of logarithmic ideas over 350 years. A quick review of mathematics as it was practiced for hundreds of years would be helpful for many students in understanding logarithms as they are still used today.
Book cover: The Handbook of Essential MathematicsThe Handbook of Essential Mathematics
by - Air Force Publication ,
This is a compendium of mathematical formulas, processes and tables plus applications in personal finance and other useful technical information that will well serve both students and teachers alike from early grades through early college.
Book cover: High School Mathematics ExtensionsHigh School Mathematics Extensions
by - Wikibooks ,
This is a high school textbook for 14 to 18 year olds who are interested in mathematics. Some of the materials presented here can be challenging, several topics not covered in the standard curriculum are introduced in this text.