e-books in Astrophysics category

by M. Arnould, S. Goriely - arXiv.org , 2020
A century ago, nuclear physics entered astrophysics, giving birth to a new field of science. The present Astronuclear Physics review focuses primarily on the facets of nuclear physics that are of relevance to astronomy and astrophysics.

by M. Kachelriess - arXiv.org , 2008
A concise introduction into high energy cosmic ray physics, including also few related aspects of high energy gamma-ray and neutrino astrophysics. The emphasis is placed on astrophysical questions, and the level of the presentation is kept basic.

by R. W. Schnee - arXiv.org , 2011
This is a set of lectures presented at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute 2009. I provide an introduction to experiments designed to detect WIMP dark matter directly, focusing on building intuitive understanding of the potential WIMP signals.

by Hans J. Haubold (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
The notion of entropy emerged in conceptually very distinct contexts. This book deals with the connection between entropy, probability, and fractional dynamics as they appeared, for example, in solar neutrino astrophysics since the 1970's.

by Juan Garcia-Bellido - arXiv.org , 2005
In these lectures I review the present status of the so-called Standard Cosmological Model, based on the hot Big Bang Theory and the Inflationary Paradigm. I will make special emphasis on the recent developments in observational cosmology ...

by Eberhard Hopf - Cambridge University Press , 1934
Schwarzschild's work on absorption and diffusion in the sun's atmosphere rendered the theory of radiative equilibrium a definite chapter of mathematical astrophysics. Besides the known results the reader will also find discussions of other models.

by Volker Springel - arXiv , 2014
These are lecture notes about high performance computing and numerical modelling in 43rd Saas Fee Advanced Course winter school, specifically covering the basics of numerically treating gravity and hydrodynamics in the context of galaxy evolution.

by Dmitri A. Uzdensky, Shane Rightley - arXiv , 2014
In this review, after describing the extreme astrophysical systems of interest and identifying the key relevant plasma-physical problems, we survey the recent progress in the development of QED-based relativistic quantum plasma physics theory.

by Luis Alfredo Anchordoqui - arXiv , 2011
These lectures are aimed at graduate students in astrophysics/particle theory/particle experiment. We explain the important progress made in recent years towards understanding the experimental data on cosmic rays with energies higher than 10e8 GeV.

by Georg Raffelt - arXiv , 2012
The role of neutrinos in stars is introduced for students with little prior astrophysical exposure. We begin with neutrinos as an energy-loss channel in ordinary stars and how stars provide information on neutrinos and possible other particles.

by Neven Bilic - arXiv , 2006
This set of lectures is an introduction to black-hole astrophysics. The emphasis is made on the phenomenology of X-ray binaries and of supermassive compact objects at galactic centers. Notes to the lectures given at the School on Particle Physics...

by F. Iocco, G. Mangano, G. Miele, O. Pisanti, P.D. Serpico - arXiv , 2009
We present an up-to-date review of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We discuss the improvements which have been achieved in the past decades on the overall theoretical framework, summarize the impact of new experimental results on nuclear reaction rates.

by Dany Page, et al. - arXiv , 2013
Neutron stars provide a fertile environment for exploring superfluidity. It is not surprising that Cooper pairing occurs in dense matter since nucleon pairing is observed in nuclei as energy differences between even-even and odd-even nuclei.

by Gabriele Ghisellini - arXiv , 2012
Lecture notes for a university course. Contents: Some Fundamental definitions; Bremsstrahlung and black body; Beaming; Synchrotron emission and absorption; Compton scattering; Synchrotron Self-Compton; Pairs; Active Galactic Nuclei.

by Pankaj S. Joshi, Daniele Malafarina - arXiv , 2012
The research of recent years has provided considerable clarity and insight on stellar collapse, black holes and the nature and structure of spacetime singularities. In this text, the authors discuss several of these developments here.

by Las Bergstrom - arXiv , 2012
These notes are of introductory nature and suitable for graduate students and postdocs wanting to learn the basics of astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a focus on the question of the nature and detection methods of particle dark matter.

by Jacco Vink - arXiv , 2011
Supernova remnants are beautiful astronomical objects that are also of high scientific interest, because they provide insights into supernova explosion mechanisms, and because they are the likely sources of Galactic cosmic rays.

by David Weinberg - Ohio State University , 2007
This course is a graduate-level introduction to gas dynamical processes in astrophysics. Its goal is to teach you the basic concepts and equations of gas dynamics and to illustrate the application of gas dynamics to astrophysics.

by Boris Pioline - arXiv , 2007
In these lecture notes, the author reviews some recent developments on the relation between the macroscopic entropy of four-dimensional BPS black holes and the microscopic counting of states, beyond the thermodynamical, large charge limit.

by Jonathan Katz - The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing , 1986
This book describes the methods and results of modern astrophysical phenomenology and modelling for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students. It is meant to be explanatory and expository, rather than complete or definitive.

by David H Lyth - arXiv , 1993
These notes form an introduction to cosmology with special emphasis on large scale structure, the cmb anisotropy and inflation. In some places a basic familiarity with particle physics is assumed, but otherwise no special knowledge is needed.

by Keith A. Olive - arXiv , 1999
These lectures on supersymmetry contain a pedagogical description of supersymmetric theories and the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Phenomenological and cosmological consequences of supersymmetry are also discussed.

by Mark Trodden, Sean M. Carroll - arXiv , 2004
These proceedings summarize lectures in elementary particle physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. They provide a pedagogical introduction to cosmology aimed at advanced graduate students in particle physics and string theory.

by Paolo Gondolo - arXiv , 2004
These lectures on non-baryonic dark matter discuss the need for non-baryonic dark matter in light of recent results, and present some of the most popular candidates for non-baryonic dark matter - neutrinos, axions, neutralinos, etc.

by A. De Rujula - arXiv , 2007
The author reviews the subjects of non-solar cosmic rays and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. This is a version of an introductory talk to high-energy physicists. Nothing besides the standard model is required to understand CRs of any energy.

by Michele Maggiore - arXiv , 2000
Gravitational-wave experiments with interferometers and with resonant masses can search for stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves of cosmological origin. We review both experimental and theoretical aspects of the search for these backgrounds.

by F. Smarandache, V. Christianto - MathTiger , 2007
The present book discusses, among other things, various quantization phenomena found in Astrophysics and some related issues including Brownian Motion. Most chapters in this book come from published papers in various peer-reviewed journals.

by R. Brout, S. Massar, R. Parentani, P. Spindel - arXiv , 2007
The mechanisms which give rise to Hawking radiation are revealed by analyzing pair production. Three problems are considered: pair production in an external electric field, thermalization of a uniformly accelerated detector and accelerated mirrors.

by Massimo Giovannini - arXiv , 2007
This text introduces some basic problems arising in gravitation and modern cosmology. All along the discussion the guiding theme is provided by the phenomenological and theoretical properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).

by J. J. Halliwell - arXiv , 1990
The modern approach to quantum cosmology, as initiated by Hartle and Hawking, Linde, Vilenkin and others. We explain how one determines the consequences for the late universe of a given quantum theory of cosmological initial or boundary conditions.

by Andreas Schmitt - arXiv , 2010
Cold and dense nuclear and quark matter can be found in the interior of compact stars. The author gives a pedagogical introduction to microscopic calculations based on phenomenological models, effective theories, and perturbative QCD.

by Wolfgang Bietenholz - arXiv , 2008
This is an introductory review about the on-going search for a signal of Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in cosmic rays. The author first summarizes basic aspects of cosmic rays, focusing on rays of ultra high energy (UHECRs).

by Gerard 't Hooft - Utrecht University , 2009
Contents: The Metric of Space and Time; Curved coordinates; A short introduction to General Relativity; Gravity; The Schwarzschild Solution; The Chandrasekhar Limit; Gravitational Collapse; The Reissner-Nordstrom Solution; Horizons; and more.

by P.K. Townsend - arXiv , 1997
Notes for a course taught in part III of the Cambridge University Mathematical Tripos: gravitational collapse, Schwarzschild black hole, charged black holes; rotating black holes; energy and angular momentum; black hole mechanics; Hawking radiation.

by Nick Kaiser - University of Hawaii , 2002
These are the notes for an introductory graduate course. They are meant to be a 'primer' for students embarking on a Ph.D. in astronomy. The level is somewhat shallower than standard textbook courses, but quite a broad range of material is covered.