e-books in Graphics & Multimedia Programming category

- Scratchapixel , 2018
From the table of contents: Mathematics and Physics for Computer Graphics; Foundations of 3D Rendering; Better, Faster, More; Advanced Techniques; Digital Imaging; Procedural Generation of Virtual Worlds. 32 lessons, 166 chapters, C++ source code.

by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, Greg Humphreys - Morgan Kaufmann , 2016
The book describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system as well as its practical implementation. The book shows how to design a full-featured rendering system capable of creating creating stunning imagery.

- Wikibooks , 2013
Nvidia's programming language Cg is one of several commonly used shading languages for real-time rendering. These shading languages are used to program shaders (i.e. more or less small programs) that are executed on a GPU (graphics processing unit).

by Toby Schachman - pixelshaders.com , 2013
This book is intended to bring the wonder and joy of graphics processor programming to a wider audience. It is targeted at artists who want to integrate computer graphics into their work, and traditional programmers who want to try a different way.

- Wikibooks , 2012
OpenGL is an API used for drawing 3D graphics. This book is aimed at beginners who are discovering OpenGL. It will assume knowledge of basic C and C++. If you know nothing about 3D graphics, we'll try to familiarize you along the way.

by Bret Victor - worrydream.com , 2006
The book demonstrates the crucial role of information graphic design, and presents three approaches to context-sensitivity. The intent is to introduce a 'unified theory' of information software design, and provide inspiration for designers.

by Nobuhiko Mukai - InTech , 2012
In order to visualize various things, many technologies are necessary and they are mainly divided into two types in computer graphics: modeling and rendering technologies. This book covers the most advanced technologies for both types.

by Jason L. McKesson , 2011
This book teaches beginner-level programmable rendering for graphics programmers, from the ground up. The author also covers some important material that is often neglected or otherwise relegated to more 'advanced' concepts.

by Wolfgang Engel, et al. , 2011
This reference covers the advanced rendering techniques important for graphics programmers in the game and film industries, and will help them implement these techniques with DirectX 10. Intended for people with background in DirectX8 or DirectX9.

by Dave Shreiner - Addison-Wesley Professional
Clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and basic computer graphics techniques, such as building and rendering 3D models; viewing objects from different perspective points; and using shading, lighting, and texturing effects for greater realism.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This book is a series of tutorials to help new users learn Blender. The tutorials increase in difficulty, and later tutorials build on the lessons in previous ones. Therefore, Blender beginners should follow the tutorials in sequence.

by James Chronister , 2009
Blender is a 3D technology rendering/animation/game development open-sourced freeware program maintained by the Blender Foundation. This tutorial book is designed to get you up and running in the basics of creating objects and scenes and animating.

by James D. Murray, William vanRyper - O'Reilly , 1996
This is the definitive work on file formats -- the book that will become a classic for graphics programmers and everyone else who deals with the low-level technical details of graphics files. It includes information on nearly 100 file formats.

by Greg Roelofs - O'Reilly , 1999
PNG, the Portable Network Graphics image format, is one little piece of the puzzle. This book makes PNG less puzzling by explaining the motivations behind PNG's creation, the ways in which it can be used, and the tools that can manipulate it.

by Randima Fernando, Mark J. Kilgard - Addison-Wesley , 2003
Cg is a complete programming environment for the fast creation of special effects and real-time experiences on multiple platforms. This book is the definitive introduction to Cg, and will be essential for anyone programming real-time graphics.

by Hubert Nguyen - Addison-Wesley Professional , 2007
This volume provides a snapshot of the latest GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) programming techniques. Readers will find that the latest algorithms create ultra-realistic characters, better lighting, and post-rendering compositing effects.

by Michael Abrash - Coriolis Group Books , 2001
A book for game developers and serious assembly language programmers. It explores the technology behind the popular Doom and Quake 3-D games, and explains optimized solutions to 3-D graphics problems from texture mapping, hidden surface removal, etc.

by N. I. Badler, C. B. Phillips, B. L. Webber - Oxford University Press, USA , 1993
This volume presents the problem of providing a surrogate or synthetic human for designers and engineers. The book is intended for engineers interested in understanding how a computer surrogate human can augment their analyses of designed environments.

by Julian Smart, Kevin Hock, Stefan Csomor - Prentice Hall PTR , 2005
wxWidgets is a free C++ API for writing GUI applications. This book is the best way for beginning developers to learn wxWidgets programming in C++. It is a must-have for programmers thinking of using wxWidgets and those already using it.