
Digital Music

e-books in Digital Music category

Book cover: Audio Signal ProcessingAudio Signal Processing
by - MDPI AG ,
Audio signal processing is a highly active research field where digital signal processing theory meets human sound perception and real-time programming requirements. It has a wide range of applications in computers, gaming, music technology, etc.
Book cover: Music and ComputersMusic and Computers
by - Columbia University ,
This book is intended as a user-friendly introduction to music and computers for college students. It provides a resource and guide for those just beginning to look at the field of computer music, as well as for more advanced computer composers.
Book cover: Computer Music with Examples in SuperCollider 3Computer Music with Examples in SuperCollider 3
by - University of California, Santa Barbara ,
This is a compilation of course materials in Music Technology, Digital Synthesis, and Computer Assisted Composition. It blends electro-acoustic composition exercises with SC and OOP topics. The goal is getting actual sounds as quickly as possible.

Book cover: Sonifying Processing: The Beads TutorialSonifying Processing: The Beads Tutorial
by ,
The book introduces audio programming to Processing programmers through the Beads library. It covers topics such as synthesis, sampling and general sound-mangling in such a way that is appropriate for beginners, or more experienced programmers.
Book cover: Loadbang: Programming Electronic Music in Pure DataLoadbang: Programming Electronic Music in Pure Data
by - Wolke Verlagsges. Mbh ,
The book is designed for self-study, principally for composers. It begins with explanations of basic programming and acoustic principles then gradually builds up to the most advanced electronic music processing techniques.
Book cover: Perceptual Coding of Digital AudioPerceptual Coding of Digital Audio
by - Arizona State University ,
This paper reviews algorithms for perceptually transparent coding of CD-quality digital audio. The authors concentrate on architectures of the techniques that utilize psychoacoustic models to exploit characteristics of the human receiver.
Book cover: Physical Audio Signal ProcessingPhysical Audio Signal Processing
by - DSPRelated.com ,
This book was developed for a course entitled 'Signal Processing Methods in Musical Acoustics'. The text was created primarily as a research preparation and dissemination vehicle intended for graduate students in computer music and engineering.
Book cover: The Music Internet UntangledThe Music Internet Untangled
by - Giant Path Publishing ,
A primer on the different types of online music services and how to use them for music discovery. Though somewhat dated, the fundamentals haven't changed. The chapters on the types of services and music information on the net have remained relevant.
Book cover: 2009 iPod + iPhone Buyers' Guide2009 iPod + iPhone Buyers' Guide
- iLounge ,
100 Best iPhone and iPod touch apps and games, top accessories, Best of the Year and Readers’ Choice Awards, iProvocateur and iPod As Art Winners, Complete History of iPod and iPhone Products, Buying and Selling iPods and iPhones, etc.
Book cover: The Free iPod + iPhone Book 4The Free iPod + iPhone Book 4
by - iLounge ,
Free eBook on iPod and iPhone by iLounge. Over 20 world exclusive Sneak Peeks. Complete tutorials to all things iPod, iPhone, iTunes, and Apple TV. Beautiful photographs and images submitted by iLounge readers depict the Apple’s iPhone family.
Book cover: The Theory and Technique of Electronic MusicThe Theory and Technique of Electronic Music
by - World Scientific Publishing Company ,
This book develops the theory and the practice of synthesizing music using electronic techniques. The ideal reader is anyone who likes electronic music and wants to make electronic music from the ground up: oscillator, sampling, FM, filtering.
Book cover: The Free iPod Book 3.0The Free iPod Book 3.0
by ,
The All Things iPod Guide: 15 sections of the version 3.0 iPod tutorial and accessories guide, tips on customizing, buying, selling, and repairing iPods, accessory recommendations, and ways to create great iPod video, music, and gaming content.