e-books in Economic Policy & Development category
by Jolanta Iwin-Garzynska - InTech , 2018
Taxes will always introduce risks and uncertainties in business, due to the high volatility and uncertainty of tax law. Moreover, being a category that affects the economic growth, they cause disturbances in stability and welfare of the state.
by David Boaz, Ed Crane (eds) - Cato Institute , 1993
Authors discuss how to bring the market liberal revolution to the United States. This blueprint for policy reform is the alternative to both the status quo and the calls for even more government interference in our personal and economic activities.
by Thomas Gale Moore - Cato Institute , 1998
Both historical and economic analysis suggests, the author argues, that a warmer climate would be, on balance, beneficial to both mankind and the environment. The book calls into question the entire campaign led by Vice President Al Gore and others.
by James A. Dorn (ed.) - Cato Institute , 1998
The essays included in this volume examine the state of China's economic reforms, the institutional changes necessary for China to become a global economic power, and the interplay between market reforms and social development in China.
by Tom Palmer - Smashwords , 2016
This book is about the moral justification of what philosopher Robert Nozick called 'capitalist acts among consenting adults'. It's about the system of cooperative production and free exchange characterized by the predominance of such acts.
by Jacqueline Best - Cambridge University Press , 2014
In contrast to the structural adjustment era when policymakers were confident that they had all the answers, the author argues that we are now in an era of provisional governance. This book considers the implications of this shift ...
by Yongfu Huang - Palgrave Macmillan , 2010
This book investigates the political, economic, policy and geographic determinants of the development of financial markets. The volume examines the causality between financial development and aggregate private investment from an economic perspective.
by Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Uppinder Mehan (eds.) - Michigan Publishing , 2014
The book reveals the pervasiveness, destructiveness, and dominance of neoliberalism within American society and culture. The contributors also offer points of resistance to an ideology wherein everything either is for sale or is plundered for profit.
by Lee Boldeman - ANU Press , 2007
'The Cult of the Market' disputes the practical value of the shallow, all-encompassing, dogmatic, economic fundamentalism espoused by policy elites in recent public policy debates, along with their gross simplifications and sacred rules.
by A. Hemerijck, B. Knapen, E. van Doorne (eds.) - Amsterdam University Press , 2009
The book contains essays based on interviews with leading scholars, politicians and representatives from the world of business. They reflect on the origins of the crisis as well as the possible economic and political transformations it may engender.
by Jared Bernstein, Dean Baker - Center for Economic & Policy Research , 2013
Real wage growth for workers in the bottom half of the income scale is dependent on the overall rate of unemployment. The authors present policies to get the unemployment rate down to a level where far more workers have a chance of getting ahead.
by Steven Kim - MintKit Press , 2012
In complex fields such as finance and economics, a common blunder involves a mix-up between the destination and the journey. The confusion is showcased by the hoopla during the financial crisis of 2008 in tandem with the debt crisis in Europe...
by Guy Isaac, Joseph Levy, Alexander Ognits - ARI Publishers , 2012
The aim of the book is to point out the causes of today's economic turmoil and how it can be solved. The road toward solution lies not in any remedy from the past. Rather, it lies with a society where all support each other in mutual guarantee.
by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2010
Gets to the heart of the matter regarding the application of economics to politics. Either we let economic law run its course, or we destroy prosperity. We must defer to economic law or we make matters worse by attempting to control society.
by Walter Block - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2010
Discrimination is an inevitable feature of the material world where scarcity of goods and time is the pervasive feature. There is no getting around it. Without discrimination, there is no economizing taking place. It is chaos.
by Philipp Bagus, David Howden - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2011
In this book, the two young Professors Bagus and Howden document the sad story of the Icelandic government's policy mistakes -- the artificial creation of a boom, and the savage bust that was the inevitable outcome of this boom.
by Dean Baker - PoliPoint Press , 2009
The book chronicles the growth and collapse of the stock and housing bubbles and explains how policy blunders and greed led to the catastrophic market meltdowns. Baker offers policy prescriptions to help prevent similar financial disasters.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2010
The state makes a mess of everything it touches. Tucker proposes this path: see how the state has distorted daily life, rethink how things would work without the state, and fight against the intervention in every way that is permitted.
by Meyer Weinberg - New History Press , 2002
The goal of the book is to enable ordinary readers to understand that the economy we live in operates primarily to the advantage of those with a specific interest in profit. The benefit of the system for large numbers of Americans is recognized.
by Michael Mathiesen - Smashwords , 2012
This book is the Blue Print for The Incorporation of the United States of America. As a non-profit organization, our public servants have the mission of losing as much of your money and mine in the shortest period of time.
by William D. Nordhaus - Yale University Press , 1979
The fundamental economic question about energy resources is: How fast should we consume our low-cost resources? Second, there are abundant, but less attractive, resources that may be used when the low-cost resources run thin.
by Gerald Epstein - International Labour Organization , 2007
Argues that monetary policy should be expanded to consider employment creation along with inflation control where unemployment and underemployment are a cause for concern. Discusses a range of policy options that can be used to pursue this goal.
by Piotr Pachura - InTech , 2011
The economy is possibly the most recognized dimension of globalization. The authors of the articles in this book represent the great diversity of disciplines and methodological approaches as well as a variety of academic culture.
by David Gewirtz - ZATZ Publishing , 2010
A disturbing look into how changes worldwide have created enormous disruption in the very nature of jobs in America. Ideas and innovative approaches for policy change that could make a real difference and help save and create jobs in America.
by Jonathan Nitzan, Shimshon Bichler - Pluto Press , 2002
Diverse processes - such as global accumulation cycles, regional conflicts, militarism and dependency, inflation and recession, the politics of high-technology and the transnationalisation of ownership - are all woven into a single story.
by Peter Behr - U.S. Department of State , 2009
The financial crash of 2008 brought a sudden halt to a quarter-century of U.S.-led global economic growth. The U.S. economy of the 21st century little resembles that of the 18th, but acceptance of change and embrace of competition remain unchanged.
by Garet Garrett - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2007
This book blows away the conventional interpretations of the crash of 1929, not only in its contents but that this book exists at all. It ascribes the crash to the pile of up debt, which in turn was made possible by the Fed printing machine.
by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission - SoHo Books , 2011
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission examines the causes of the current financial and economic crisis in the United States. In this report, the Commission presents the results of its examination and its conclusions as to the causes of the crisis.
by Kel Kelly - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2010
What's the American system of economics? Most people would say it is capitalism, which thereby deserves all fault when anything goes wrong. Kel Kelly responds to this myth in this comprehensive treatment of the free market and intervention.
by Lewis Corey - Covici, Friede , 1934
The depression which set in after 1929 was the worst economic disaster in American history. It was aggravated by the acute world crisis, a major catastrophe of capitalism. The revival, because of its speculative character, did not lead to recovery.
by Anton Brender, Florence Pisani - Centre for European Policy Studies , 2010
The world economy is recovering from the most disastrous episode in the history of globalization. The authors argue that the main problems were deeply rooted and are to be found in two developments that for many years were left uncontrolled.
by John T. Flynn - Mises Institute , 2007
In 1955, John T. Flynn saw what few others journalist did: the welfare-warfare state conspired to bring down American liberty. The New Deal combined with World War Two had fastened leviathan control over a country born in liberty.
by Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2007
This book will change the way you look at American politics. It shows that the corruption of American 'conservatism' began long before George W. Bush ballooned the budget and asserted dictatorial rights over the country and the world.
by Ludwig von Mises - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2006
The author presents his business cycle theory, applies it to the prevailing conditions, and discusses the policies that governments undertake that make recessions worse. He recommends a monetary reform that would provide a sustainable prosperity.
by Walter Block - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2009
This treatise on private roads will cause you to rethink the way modern transportation networks operate. It shows how free-market economic theory is the clarifying lens through which to see the alternative that is consistent with human liberty.
by Nancy Birdsall - Center for Global Development , 2008
The White House and the World shows how modest changes in U.S. policies could greatly improve the lives of poor people in developing countries, thus fostering greater stability, security and prosperity globally and at home.
by George Reisman - Jameson Books , 1996
Reisman's ringing manifesto for laissez-faire capitalism free of all government intervention is at once a conservative polemic and a monumental treatise, brimming with original theories, remarkable for its depth, scope and rigorous argument.
by Charles Siegel - Preservation Institute , 2006
The author made this book both readable and pro-active. His assessment of the counterproductivity of our economy and consumer society is timely in an era when we must decide how much is enough for ourselves - and for a sustainable planet.
- UNCTAD , 2009
The report highlights the areas in which the global economy experienced systemic failures. UNCTAD examines some of the problems to be tackled immediately because they can only be addressed through recognition of their multilateral dimensions.
by Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig Von Mises Institute , 2000
A staple of modern economic literature, crucial for understanding a pivotal event in American and world history. It is the definitive treatment of the causes of the depression. The book remains canonical today because the debate is still very alive.
by Peter F. Cowhey, Jonathan D. Aronson - The MIT Press , 2009
This examination of information and communication technology from an economy perspective argues that continued rapid innovation and economic growth require new approaches that will reconcile diverse interests and enable competition to flourish.
by Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song - Anu E Press , 2007
China’s prosperity is at the core of the emerging Platinum Age of global economic growth. This volume gathers together leading scholars on China’s economic success and its effect on the world economy into the next few decades.
by Murray Rothbard - Von Mises Institute , 2007
This is ultimate manual for completely de-mystifying the myth of the state. The book will inoculate the reader against the even the slightest temptation to invoke the state as a solution to any social or economic problem.
by John V. Denson - Ludwig Von Mises Institute , 2006
The book covers the history of America's large wars from 1860 through the Cold War, describing the 20th century as the bloodiest in all history. Denson recounts how the wars came about through a series of deceitful political ploys.
by Antony C. Sutton - Buccaneer Books , 1993
Documentation on the link between Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, merged with biographies, personal papers, and conventional histories: a fascinating story emerges. There was a link between some New York bankers and many revolutionaries.
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell - Ludwig Von Mises Institute , 1990
Ludwig von Mises Institute advocates the free market, private property, individual liberty, and sound money. In this publication the authors battle old threats like central banking and bureaucracy, and new threats like civil rights and Green-o-mania.
by Peter Barnes - Berrett-Koehler Publishers , 2006
Barnes' idea is that we need to use a 3rd institution to develop a better form a capitalism that takes into account natural resources that are used and not accounted for. This is needed, because government has failed to do a good job in this regard.