
Information Science


Geographic Information Systems (10)

e-books in Information Science category

Book cover: An Introduction to Ontology EngineeringAn Introduction to Ontology Engineering
by ,
This first general textbook has as main aim to provide the reader with a comprehensive introductory overview of ontology engineering. A secondary aim is to provide hands-on experience in ontology development that illustrate the theory.
Book cover: Ontology in Information ScienceOntology in Information Science
by - InTech ,
This book provides researchers in the field of ontology and information science an opportunity to share their results. It also includes the design aspects of domain ontologies considering the architecture, development strategy and selection of tools.
Book cover: Validating RDF DataValidating RDF Data
by - Morgan & Claypool ,
RDF and Linked Data have broad applicability across many fields. Requirements for detecting bad data differ across tasks, but nearly all involve some form of data validation. This book introduces data validation and describes its practical use.
Book cover: Data Science at the Command LineData Science at the Command Line
by - O'Reilly Media ,
This guide demonstrates how the flexibility of the command line can help you become a more productive data scientist. You'll learn how to combine small, yet powerful, command-line tools to quickly obtain, scrub, explore, and model your data.

Book cover: Managing the Digital LibraryManaging the Digital Library
by - Reed Press ,
The author delivers expert guidance on the digital implications of building collections; cataloging and classification; acquisition and digitization of materials; access; public service; organization and staffing; technology and infrastructure; etc.
Book cover: Global Library and Information ScienceGlobal Library and Information Science
by - De Gruyter Open Ltd ,
This book presents international librarianship and library science. The role of public, academic, special, school libraries, as well as library and information science education are presented from the early development to the present time.
Book cover: Big Data on Real-World ApplicationsBig Data on Real-World Applications
by - InTech ,
High volumes of valuable data are generated day by day in modern organizations. The management of huge volumes of data has become a priority in these organizations, requiring new techniques for data management and analysis in Big Data environments.
Book cover: Information Systems Foundations: The Role of Design ScienceInformation Systems Foundations: The Role of Design Science
by - ANU Press ,
The focus of the volume is on the foundations of Information Systems as an academic discipline. The chapters in the book provide a critical examination of current design science ideas, with the role of human creativity given special mention.
Book cover: Applications of ICT in LibrariesApplications of ICT in Libraries
- Wikibooks ,
Contents: Diploma ICTL; Advanced Diploma ICTL; Locating Information; Supporting Reader Development; Supporting Client Learning; Using ICT in Professional Practice; Safe and Legal Use of ICT; Net Navigator; Educator; Digital Culture - Online ...
Book cover: Thinking Networks: The Large and Small of itThinking Networks: The Large and Small of it
by ,
This book describes different aspects of knowledge-based networks and is important for future Internet / mobile-based information networks. This book combines Artificial Intelligence, service-based systems and distributed knowledge management.
Book cover: Models and Theories in Human-Computer InteractionModels and Theories in Human-Computer Interaction
- Wikibooks ,
Human Computer Interaction is an interdisciplinary field, theories and models are adapted from many other disciplines. Through the course, we will learn, critique, apply, and expand theories and models to make them relevant to the state of the field.
Book cover: Mastering the Information Age: Solving Problems With Visual AnalyticsMastering the Information Age: Solving Problems With Visual Analytics
by - Eurographics Association ,
The aim is to create a research roadmap that outlines the current state of visual analytics across many disciplines, and to describe the next steps to foster a strong visual analytics community, thus enabling the development of advanced applications.
Book cover: Bisociative Knowledge DiscoveryBisociative Knowledge Discovery
by - Springer ,
The focus of this book, and the BISON project from which the contributions are originating, is a network based integration of various types of data repositories and the development of new ways to explore the resulting gigantic information networks.
Book cover: Semantic Web And OntologySemantic Web And Ontology
by - Bookboon ,
This book is intended for engineering students who are interested in exploring the technology of Semantic web. The book simplifies the tough concepts associated with Semantic web and can be considered as the base of the knowledge about Web 3.0.
Book cover: Introduction to Archival Organization and DescriptionIntroduction to Archival Organization and Description
by - Oxford University Press ,
The book guides the novice to an understanding of archival information and documentation. It covers the characteristics of archival materials, analysis of information for archival description, descriptive tools in information systems, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to ImagingIntroduction to Imaging
by - Getty Research Institute ,
The book allows curators, librarians, collection managers, students to better understand the processes involved in building a cohesive set of digital images. It also explores how to link digitized images to the information required to manage them.
Book cover: Internet Informed: Guidance for the Dedicated SearcherInternet Informed: Guidance for the Dedicated Searcher
by - The Spire Project ,
In this book, we shall gather a collection of search techniques that extend our ability to collect and appreciate internet information. This will include the use of field searches, an understanding of the influences of context, format and source.
Book cover: Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital AgeBest of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age
by - Smithsonian Books ,
In his book, 'Best of Both Worlds', G. Wayne Clough, the Smithsonian's 12th Secretary, surveys the efforts of many world-class institutions, including his own, to use technology to open their collections and programs to the world.
Book cover: A Guide to Documentary EditingA Guide to Documentary Editing
by - University of Virginia Press ,
In addition to exploring the role electronic technology plays in the editing process, this edition provides the most current treatment of the craft's fundamental issues. These include locating and collecting sources, transcribing source texts, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Data ScienceIntroduction to Data Science
by ,
This book provides non-technical readers with a gentle introduction to essential concepts and activities of data science. For more technical readers, the book provides interesting applications using the R language for statistics and graphics.
Book cover: Bibliometrics as a Research FieldBibliometrics as a Research Field
by ,
Bibliometrics has become a standard tool of science policy and research management in the last decades. All significant compilations of science indicators heavily rely on publication and citation statistics and other bibliometric techniques.
Book cover: Knowledge TechnologiesKnowledge Technologies
by - Polimetrica ,
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Based Engineering, Knowledge Webs, Ontologies and Semantic Webs. It is aimed at students, researchers and practitioners interested in Knowledge Management.
Book cover: Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data SpaceLinked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space
by - Morgan & Claypool ,
The book gives an overview of the principles of Linked Data as well as the Web of Data that has emerged through the application of these principles. The book discusses patterns for publishing Linked Data, describes deployed Linked Data applications.
Book cover: Usage BibliometricsUsage Bibliometrics
by - arXiv ,
Scholarly usage data provides unique opportunities to address the known shortcomings of citation analysis. This article provides a review of the state-of-the-art in usage-based informetric, i.e. the use of usage data to study the scholarly process.
Book cover: Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data ApplicationsPractical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications
by ,
A guide for using RDF data in information processing, linked data, and semantic web applications using both the AllegroGraph product and the Sesame open source project. Primarily written for programmers using either Java or other JVM languages.
Book cover: Document Image AnalysisDocument Image Analysis
by ,
This text describes the technical methods used for document processing of text and graphical images. It gives executives and managers information on document processing approaches and describes how these methods apply to different situations.
Book cover: Semantic WebSemantic Web
by - InTech ,
Web 3.0 will be built on semantic Web technologies, which will allow data to be shared and reused. This book explains examines how this powerful new technology can unify and fully leverage the ever-growing data, information, and Internet services.
Book cover: Human Computer Interaction: New DevelopmentsHuman Computer Interaction: New Developments
by - InTech ,
The book consists of 20 chapters, each addressing a certain aspect of human-computer interaction. It gives the reader background information on a subject and proposes a solution. This should serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this field.
Book cover: Human Computer InteractionHuman Computer Interaction
by - InTech ,
This book covers modeling and practical realization of robotic control, the problems of stability and robustness, automation in algorithm and program developments, system's applied control, computations, control theory application, etc.
Book cover: Information Systems Foundations: Constructing and CriticisingInformation Systems Foundations: Constructing and Criticising
by - ANU E Press ,
This is a book on Information Systems as an academic discipline. The emphasis was on the adequacy and completeness of theoretical underpinnings and the research methods employed. The practical nature of the applications were kept firmly in view.
Book cover: Strategies for Sustaining Digital LibrariesStrategies for Sustaining Digital Libraries
by - Emory University Digital Library ,
This monograph is a report of early efforts to establish digital libraries as experimental projects and ongoing services consistent with the practices of print-based libraries. Contributions of leaders in major digital libraries are included.
Book cover: Discovering Information SystemsDiscovering Information Systems
by - Global Text Project ,
The book describes the role of information systems in modern organisations, explains the underlying concepts, provides an overview of the basic technologies found in all computer-based information systems: hardware, software, databases.
Book cover: Information SystemsInformation Systems
by - Global Text Project ,
This textbook teaches how to exploit IS in a technology-rich environment. It focuses on information systems showing how IS is integrated in organizations, how knowledge workers are supported, and how important IS is for an organization’s success.