
Writing Skills

e-books in Writing Skills category

Book cover: How to Write Short StoriesHow to Write Short Stories
by - The Writer's Digest ,
The purpose is to induce the new writer to look at his profession in a business-like way and to go to work with his business sense fully awake. The book also seeks to answer some specific questions which usually rise up to vex the new writer.
Book cover: A Theory of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 2A Theory of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 2
by - Parlor Press ,
This volume draws on work from the social sciences -- and in particular sociocultural psychology, phenomenological sociology, and the pragmatic tradition of social science -- to reconceive rhetoric around the problems of written communication.

Book cover: A Rhetoric of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 1A Rhetoric of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 1
by - Parlor Press ,
Written for the experienced writer with substantial skills, who now would think in more fundamental terms about what they want to accomplish, what form the texts might take, how to develop specific contents, and how to arrange the work of writing.
Book cover: How To Write A Children's BookHow To Write A Children's Book
by - Smashwords ,
This book has tips on how to write and publish a book for kids and advice on writing children's books. It has been compiled and edited by Katie Davis, Director of the Institute for Writers and the associated Institute of Children's Literature.
Book cover: Basic WritingBasic Writing
by - Parlor Press ,
Framed by historic developments -- from the Open Admissions movement of the 1960s and 1970s to the attacks on remediation in the 1990s and beyond, Basic Writing traces the arc of these social and cultural forces as they have shaped the field.
Book cover: How to Write Your First NovelHow to Write Your First Novel
by - Bookboon ,
A quick guide on how to harness your urge to write a novel, navigate the shoals in your first, second and third drafts -- with tips on everything from whether to use a coach, your voice in the novel to how to find the time in your life to write.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Fiction WritingFundamentals of Fiction Writing
by - The Bobbs-Merrill company ,
As valuable a resource today as when it first appeared, this book offers instructions and advice on improving your fiction. Hoffman brings his gifted insight and experience to help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes most commonly found in fiction.
Book cover: Improve Your Writing SkillsImprove Your Writing Skills
by - BookBoon ,
The book offers specific, easy to practice strategies and tools to help you: structure your material, optimize your content for Search Engines, position yourself as a brand or an expert, improve your business communications, and much more.
Book cover: The Art of Story WritingThe Art of Story Writing
by - Sulley and Kleinteich ,
The writing of stories of every class and of any length, and of every kind of literature, is a distinct art or profession, may be considered as a trade, and cannot be accurately weighed unless subject to both ethical and commercial consideration.
Book cover: How to Write a NovelHow to Write a Novel
by - ManyBooks ,
This little book is one which so well explains itself that no introductory word is needed; and I only venture to intrude a sentence or two here with a view to explain the style in which I have conveyed my ideas. I desired to be plain and practical.
Book cover: Secrets of Successful WritersSecrets of Successful Writers
by - Smashwords ,
Writers speak about how to write, publish and promote your book in the age of digital publishing. Contains interviews with John Locke, Gordon Ferris, Stephen Carpenter, Dakota Banks, Linda Wisdom, Matthew Reilly, Loucinda McGary, and many more.
Book cover: Write Good or DieWrite Good or Die
by - Haunted Computer Books ,
These are survival tips for 21st century writers: how to develop your craft, improve your writing, get an agent, promote your work, embrace the digital age, and prepare yourself for the coming changes in the publishing industry.
Book cover: Basic WritingBasic Writing
- Wikibooks ,
From the table of contents: Introduction; Contents; Invention; Drafting; Revising; Editing; Proofreading; Narrative and Memoir; Creative Writing; Writing about reading; Public Affairs writing; Investigative writing; and more.
Book cover: How To Write Clearly: Rules and Exercises on English CompositionHow To Write Clearly: Rules and Exercises on English Composition
by - ManyBooks ,
Almost everyone can be taught to write clearly. Force, elegance, and variety of style are more difficult to teach and learn; but clear writing can be reduced to rules. To teach the art of writing clearly is the main object of this book.
Book cover: The Five Minute WriterThe Five Minute Writer
by - How To Books Ltd ,
This book will inspire you to write, even if you have only a few minutes to spare. Drawing on a mix of disciplines, including psychology, art, linguistics, and advertising, each chapter offers you a discussion, followed by a five-minute exercise.
Book cover: The Lure of the PenThe Lure of the Pen
by - G. P. Putnam's sons ,
A book for would-be authors. No one can teach authors how or what to write; but sometimes it is possible to help the beginners to an understanding of what it is better not to write. For the rest I hope the book explains itself.
Book cover: Short Story WritingShort Story Writing
by - Project Gutenberg ,
This book is an attempt to put into definite form the principles observed by the masters of the short story in the practice of their art. It is the result of a careful study of their work and of some indifferent attempts to imitate them.
Book cover: Methods of AuthorsMethods of Authors
by - WP Co ,
Contents include: Eccentricities in Composition; Care in Literary Production; Speed in Writing; Influence upon Writers of Time and Place; Writing under Difficulties; Aids to Inspiration - Favorite Habits of Work; Literary Partnership; etc.
Book cover: Rhymes and Meters: a practical manual for versifiersRhymes and Meters: a practical manual for versifiers
by - The Editor Publishing Company ,
This book arranges in a convenient form the fundamentals of verse -- enough for the student who takes up verse as a literary exercise or for the older verse writer who has fallen into a rut or who is a bit shaky on theory.
Book cover: How to Tell a Story and Other EssaysHow to Tell a Story and Other Essays
by - Project Gutenberg ,
This book is a collection of essays on various subjects by America's most famous satirist, Mark Twain. The essays were written a century ago, but they bristle with energy and wit -- wonderful reminders of what a fine and funny writer the author was.
Book cover: How to Speak and Write CorrectlyHow to Speak and Write Correctly
by - The Christian Herald ,
This book should help ordinary people to express themselves in ordinary language, in a proper manner. Some broad rules are laid down, the observance of which will enable the reader to keep within the pale of propriety in oral and written language.
Book cover: The Century Handbook of WritingThe Century Handbook of Writing
by - The Century Company ,
This handbook treats essential matters of grammar, diction, spelling, mechanics; and develops with thoroughness the principles of sentence structure. Larger units of composition it leaves to the texts in formal rhetoric. [1927]
Book cover: Word Study and English GrammarWord Study and English Grammar
by - Committee on education ,
Word study and English grammar are important for several reasons. A man's use of words is commonly taken as a measure of his knowledge and even of his intelligence. Carelessness often causes a man to be held in much less esteem than he deserves.
Book cover: The Elements of StyleThe Elements of Style
by - Bartleby.com ,
Asserting that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer. Intended for use in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature.
Book cover: Capture. Deliver. Excel. Applying the Principles of Business WritingCapture. Deliver. Excel. Applying the Principles of Business Writing
by - Lucid Communication ,
This book aims to improve your writing skills by teaching you how to use the principles of business writing. These principles - focus, purpose, meaning, substance, structure, clarity and humility - have been derived from the author's experiences.
Book cover: Write Your Life StoryWrite Your Life Story
by - How to Books ,
Full of tips and contacts, this book guides the reader through the process of writing and publishing their life story. It deals with recent developments in technology that make it possible to produce high quality books in a cost-effective manner.
Book cover: Essays in the Art of WritingEssays in the Art of Writing
by - Chatto & Windus ,
Essays on the Art of Writing collect seven important essays on authorship. Written more than a century ago, these essays are full of insight for today's readers and brimming with still-applicable wisdom for modern writers.
Book cover: Keywords in Creative WritingKeywords in Creative Writing
by - Utah State University Press ,
A remarkable resource volume for creative writing students and other writers just getting started. The authors introduce forty-one central concepts in the fields of creative writing and writing instruction, with discussions that are accessible...
Book cover: Less Than Words Can SayLess Than Words Can Say
by - Little, Brown ,
Author takes examples of bad writing and rips them to shreds. These mistakes are revelations about the mind that wrote them. The examples of bad writing that come from educators are given special attention. Mitchell's first book is also his best.