
Control Systems

e-books in Control Systems category

Book cover: An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous ControlAn Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control
by - Kluwer Academic Publishers ,
An introduction to the field of intelligent control with a broad treatment of topics by several authors (including hierarchical / distributed intelligent control, fuzzy control, expert control, neural networks, planning systems, and applications).
Book cover: Electromechanisms: Automatic ControlsElectromechanisms: Automatic Controls
by - Delmar Publishers ,
These materials are intended to provide a meaningful experience with automatic controls for students of modern technology. The topics included provide exposure to basic principles of control systems, transducers, actuators, amplifiers, controllers.

Book cover: Principles of Control Systems EngineeringPrinciples of Control Systems Engineering
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This is an integrated treatment of feedback control systems at the senior-graduate level. In order to emphasize the unified approach, the book is divided into five sections. Each section deals with a fundamental phase of control systems engineering.
Book cover: Control Engineering Problems with SolutionsControl Engineering Problems with Solutions
by - Bookboon ,
The purpose of this book is to provide both worked examples and additional problems with answers. A major objective is to enable the reader to develop confidence in analytical work by showing how calculations can be checked using Matlab/Simulink.
Book cover: Control Theory with Applications to Naval HydrodynamicsControl Theory with Applications to Naval Hydrodynamics
by ,
The lectures present an introduction to modern control theory. Calculus of variations is used to study the problem of determining the optimal control for a deterministic system without constraints and for one with constraints.
Book cover: Stochastic Modeling and ControlStochastic Modeling and Control
by - InTech ,
The book provides a self-contained treatment on practical aspects of stochastic modeling and calculus including applications in engineering, statistics and computer science. Readers should be familiar with probability theory and stochastic calculus.
Book cover: Frontiers in Advanced Control SystemsFrontiers in Advanced Control Systems
by - InTech ,
This book brings the state-of-art research results on advanced control from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. The fundamental and advanced research results and technical evolution of control theory are of particular interest.
Book cover: Lectures on Stochastic Control and Nonlinear FilteringLectures on Stochastic Control and Nonlinear Filtering
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
There are actually two separate series of lectures, on controlled stochastic jump processes and nonlinear filtering respectively. They are united however, by the common philosophy of treating Markov processes by methods of stochastic calculus.
Book cover: An Introduction to Nonlinearity in Control SystemsAn Introduction to Nonlinearity in Control Systems
by - BookBoon ,
The book is concerned with the effects of nonlinearity in feedback control systems and techniques which can be used to design feedback loops containing nonlinear elements. The material is of an introductory nature but hopefully gives an overview.
Book cover: Applications of Nonlinear ControlApplications of Nonlinear Control
by - InTech ,
A trend of investigation of Nonlinear Control Systems has been present over the last few decades. This book includes topics such as Feedback Linearization, Lyapunov Based Control, Adaptive Control, Optimal Control and Robust Control.
Book cover: Discrete-Event Control of Stochastic Networks: Multimodularity and RegularityDiscrete-Event Control of Stochastic Networks: Multimodularity and Regularity
by - Springer ,
Opening new directions in research in stochastic control, this book focuses on a wide class of control and of optimization problems over sequences of integer numbers. The theory is applied to the control of stochastic discrete-event dynamic systems.
Book cover: Advanced Model Predictive ControlAdvanced Model Predictive Control
by - InTech ,
Model Predictive Control refers to a class of control algorithms in which a dynamic process model is used to predict and optimize process performance. From lower request to complicated process plants, MPC has been accepted in many practical fields.
Book cover: Control and NonlinearityControl and Nonlinearity
by - American Mathematical Society ,
This book presents methods to study the controllability and the stabilization of nonlinear control systems in finite and infinite dimensions. Examples are given where nonlinearities turn out to be essential to get controllability or stabilization.
Book cover: Discrete Time SystemsDiscrete Time Systems
by - InTech ,
This book covers the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications.
Book cover: PID Control: Implementation and TuningPID Control: Implementation and Tuning
by - InTech ,
The PID controller is considered the most widely used controller. It has numerous applications varying from industrial to home appliances. This book is an outcome of contributions and inspirations from many researchers in the field of PID control.
Book cover: Chaotic SystemsChaotic Systems
by - InTech ,
This book presents a collection of major developments in chaos systems covering aspects on chaotic behavioral modeling and simulation, control and synchronization of chaos systems, and applications like secure communications.
Book cover: Distributed Control of Robotic NetworksDistributed Control of Robotic Networks
by - Princeton University Press ,
This introductory book offers a distinctive blend of computer science and control theory. The book presents a broad set of tools for understanding coordination algorithms, determining their correctness, and assessing their complexity.
Book cover: Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control TheoryLinear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory
by ,
The authors reduce a wide variety of problems arising in system and control theory to a handful of optimization problems that involve linear matrix inequalities. These problems can be solved using recently developed numerical algorithms.
Book cover: Nonlinear System Theory: The Volterra/Wiener ApproachNonlinear System Theory: The Volterra/Wiener Approach
by - The Johns Hopkins University Press ,
Contents: Input/Output Representations in the Time and Transform Domain; Obtaining Input/Output Representations from Differential-Equation Descriptions; Realization Theory; Response Characteristics of Stationary Systems; Discrete-Time Systems; etc.
Book cover: Linear Controller Design: Limits of PerformanceLinear Controller Design: Limits of Performance
by - Prentice-Hall ,
The book is motivated by the development of high quality integrated sensors and actuators, powerful control processors, and hardware and software that can be used to design control systems. Written for students and industrial control engineers.
Book cover: High Performance ControlHigh Performance Control
by - Birkhauser ,
Using the tools of optimal control, robust control and adaptive control, the authors develop the theory of high performance control. Topics include performance enhancement, stabilizing controllers, offline controller design, and dynamical systems.
Book cover: Systems Structure and ControlSystems Structure and Control
by - InTech ,
The the book covers broad field of theory and applications of many different control approaches applied on dynamic systems. Output and state feedback control include among others robust control, optimal control or intelligent control methods.
Book cover: Control Engineering: An introduction with the use of MatlabControl Engineering: An introduction with the use of Matlab
by - BookBoon ,
The book covers the basic aspects of linear single loop feedback control theory. Explanations of the mathematical concepts used in classical control such as root loci, frequency response and stability methods are explained by making use of MATLAB.
Book cover: The Analysis of Feedback SystemsThe Analysis of Feedback Systems
by - The MIT Press ,
This monograph develops further and refines methods based on input -output descriptions for analyzing feedback systems. Contrary to previous work in this area, the treatment heavily emphasizes and exploits the causality of the operators involved.
Book cover: A Course in H-infinity Control TheoryA Course in H-infinity Control Theory
by - Springer ,
An elementary treatment of linear control theory with an H-infinity optimality criterion. The systems are all linear, timeinvariant, and finite-dimensional and they operate in continuous time. The book has been used in a one-semester graduate course.
Book cover: Feedback Control TheoryFeedback Control Theory
by ,
The book presents a theory of feedback control systems. It captures the essential issues, can be applied to a wide range of practical problems, and is as simple as possible. Addressed to students who have had a course in signals and systems.
Book cover: Constructive Nonlinear ControlConstructive Nonlinear Control
by - Springer ,
Several streams of nonlinear control theory are directed towards a constructive solution of the feedback stabilization problem. Analytic, geometric and asymptotic concepts are assembled as design tools for a wide variety of nonlinear phenomena.
Book cover: Fuzzy ControlFuzzy Control
by - Addison Wesley ,
Introduction to fuzzy control with a broad treatment of topics including direct fuzzy control, nonlinear analysis, identification/ estimation, adaptive and supervisory control, and applications, with many examples, exercises and design problems.
Book cover: Intelligent ControlIntelligent Control
by ,
Intelligent control describes the discipline where control methods emulate important characteristics of human intelligence. These characteristics include adaptation and learning, planning under large uncertainty and coping with large amounts of data.
Book cover: Adaptive ControlAdaptive Control
by - InTech ,
This book discusses the issues of adaptive control application to model generation, adaptive estimation, output regulation and feedback, electrical drives, optical communication, neural estimator, simulation and implementation.
Book cover: Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional SystemsMathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems
by - Springer ,
This textbook introduces the basic concepts of mathematical control and system theory in a self-contained and elementary fashion. Written for mathematically mature undergraduate or beginning graduate students, as well as engineering students.
Book cover: Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and RobustnessAdaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness
by - Prentice Hall ,
The book gives the major results, techniques of analysis and new directions in adaptive systems. It presents deterministic theory of identification and adaptive control. The focus is on linear, continuous time, single-input single output systems.
Book cover: Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and EngineersFeedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
by - Princeton University Press ,
An introduction to the basic principles and tools for the design and analysis of feedback systems. It is intended for scientists and engineers who are interested in utilizing feedback in physical, biological, information and social systems.
Book cover: Control in an Information Rich WorldControl in an Information Rich World
by - Society for Industrial Mathematics ,
The prospects for control in the current and future technological environment. The text describes the role the field will play in commercial and scientific applications over the next decade, and recommends actions required for new breakthroughs.
Book cover: Control SystemsControl Systems
by - Wikibooks ,
An inter-disciplinary engineering text that analyzes the effects and interactions of mathematical systems. This book is for third and fourth year undergraduates in an engineering program. It considers both classical and modern control methods.
Book cover: Dynamic System Modeling and ControlDynamic System Modeling and Control
by ,
Dynamic System Modeling and Control introduces the basic concepts of system modeling with differential equations. Supplemental materials at the end of this book include a writing guide, summary of math topics, and a table of useful engineering units.