
Systems Theory

e-books in Systems Theory category

Book cover: Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex SystemsIntroduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
by - Open SUNY Textbooks ,
This textbook offers an introduction to the modeling and analysis of complex systems. Topics covered: fundamentals of modeling, basics of dynamical systems, discrete-time models, continuous-time models, bifurcations, chaos, cellular automata, etc.
Book cover: Methods and Techniques of Complex Systems Science: An OverviewMethods and Techniques of Complex Systems Science: An Overview
by - arXiv ,
The main methods and techniques of complex systems science. It distinguishes among the broad patterns which recur across complex systems, the topics complex systems science studies, the tools employed, and the foundational science of complex systems.
Book cover: Systems Analysis in Public Policy: A CritiqueSystems Analysis in Public Policy: A Critique
by - University of California Press ,
This is an inquiry into systems analysis, its origin and applications, its uses and abuses, its present impact and future implications. Systems analysis requires serious contemplation because of its central role in public planning.

Book cover: Neocybernetics in Biological SystemsNeocybernetics in Biological Systems
by - Helsinki University of Technology ,
This report summarizes ten levels of abstraction - from the most elementary to the most general levels when modeling biological systems. The neocybernetic principles can be seen as the key to reaching a holistic view of complex processes in general.
Book cover: Discovering Artificial EconomicsDiscovering Artificial Economics
by - Westview Press ,
This is an informal and revealing introduction to the ideas of modern systems theory and self-organization as they apply to problems in the economic realm. David Batten interleaves anecdotes and stories with technical discussions.
Book cover: Systems TheorySystems Theory
- Wikibooks ,
Systems theory is an interdisciplinary field which studies systems as a whole. Systems theory focuses on complexity and interdependence. A system is composed of regularly interacting or interdependent groups of activities / parts that form a whole.
Book cover: Linear Systems Theory and Introductory Algebraic GeometryLinear Systems Theory and Introductory Algebraic Geometry
by - Math Sci Press ,
Systems theory offers a unified mathematical framework to solve problems in a wide variety of fields. This mathematics is not of the traditional sort involved in engineering education, but involves virtually every field of modern mathematics.