
Ethics & Morality

e-books in Ethics & Morality category

Book cover: Perception in Aristotle's EthicsPerception in Aristotle's Ethics
by - Northwestern University Press ,
The book seeks to demonstrate that living an ethical life requires a mode of perception that is best called ethical perception. Eve Rabinoff argues that the faculty of perception is informed by intellect and has an ethical dimension ...
Book cover: Ethics for A-LevelEthics for A-Level
by - Open Book Publishers ,
Key ideas in the fields of normative ethics, metaethics and applied ethics are explained rigorously and systematically. Individual theories are discussed in detail, before these positions are applied to a wide range of contemporary situations.
Book cover: Animals and Ethics 101Animals and Ethics 101
by - Open Philosophy Press ,
The book presupposes no conclusions on the controversial moral questions about the treatment of animals, and argues for none either. Its goal is to help the reader better engage the issues and arguments on all sides with greater clarity.

Book cover: Minimal Ethics for the AnthropoceneMinimal Ethics for the Anthropocene
by - Open Humanities Press ,
Even though Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene is first and foremost concerned with life, it is the narrative about the impending death of the human population (i.e., the extinction of the human species), that provides a context for its argument.
Book cover: The Possibility of Practical ReasonThe Possibility of Practical Reason
by - University of Michigan Library ,
The Possibility of Practical Reason explores the foundational questions of moral psychology: How can any of our behavior qualify as acting for a reason? David Velleman argues that both possibilities depend on there being a constitutive aim of action.
Book cover: Why I Am Not a ChristianWhy I Am Not a Christian
by ,
This is a famous but very controversial piece by Bertrand Russell. He examines several highly regarded arguments for the existence (or necessity) of God. His main point however is the possibility of morality based on another principle than God.
Book cover: Philosophy for the Masses: EthicsPhilosophy for the Masses: Ethics
by - Smashwords ,
This book consists of a number of philosophical arguments that I find interesting and that I think that some other people may find interesting. May you be struck by philosophical lightning. My series of books mainly consist of notes in essay form...
Book cover: Ethics and Modern ThoughtEthics and Modern Thought
by - G. P. Putnam's Sons ,
In our days morality has ceased to be a matter of unquestionable certainty, and has been drawn into the wave of disintegration which is passing over our minds. This text appeals less to students and philosophers than to the cultured public at large.
Book cover: Theoretical EthicsTheoretical Ethics
by - Scott, Foresman & Co. ,
This volume's object is to furnish for students and general readers a compendious view of the ethical facts and principles as the author believes them to be established by the best accredited knowledge and thought of our times.
Book cover: General Introduction to EthicsGeneral Introduction to Ethics
by - The Macmillan Company ,
The aim of this book is to present a comprehensive view of the different fields of Ethics of most importance for the understanding of the moral outlook and problems of our own time. The volume accordingly begins with Comparative Ethics.
Book cover: Against WarAgainst War
by - The Merrymount Press ,
War was shocking to Erasmus alike on every side of his remarkably complex and sensitive nature. It was impious; it was inhuman; it was ugly; it was in every sense of the word barbarous, to one who before all things was a lover of civilization.
Book cover: The Metaphysical Elements of EthicsThe Metaphysical Elements of Ethics
by ,
If there exists on any subject a philosophy (a system of rational knowledge based on concepts), then there must also be for this philosophy a system of pure rational concepts, independent of any condition of intuition, in other words, a metaphysics.
Book cover: Nicomachean EthicsNicomachean Ethics
by - George Routledge ,
Nicomachean Ethics is the name given to the well-known work by Aristotle on virtue and moral character. It plays a prominent role in defining Aristotelian ethics. It consists of ten books based on notes said to be from his lectures at the Lyceum.
Book cover: Practical EthicsPractical Ethics
by - Oxford University Press ,
Ethics seeks to answer two questions: What is to be regarded as right and as wrong? Why should people do what is right and not do what is wrong? In other words, the questions are What is the content of morality? What is the sanction for morality?
Book cover: A Problem in Modern EthicsA Problem in Modern Ethics
by ,
In this work, Symonds argues against the belief that homosexuality is acquired. The book includes an historical survey of homosexuality, various modern theories as to its cause, and a section dealing with suggested amendments in legislation.
Book cover: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of MoralsFundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
by ,
How should human beings behave toward one another? How must we behave? One of the most influential thinkers of the Western civilization, Immanuel Kant elaborates upon and defends his understanding of the logical underpinnings of all human morality.
Book cover: The Foundations of MoralityThe Foundations of Morality
by - Von Mises Institute ,
A philosophical work, in which the author grounds a policy of private property and free markets in an ethic of classical utilitarianism. Hazlitt writes on the relationship between economics and the good of society in general.
Book cover: Justice and the Human Genome ProjectJustice and the Human Genome Project
by - University of California Press ,
This book's nine essays probe the potential social uses and abuses of detailed genetic information. Lucid and wide-ranging, these contributions will provoke discussion among bioethicists, legal scholars, and policy makers.
Book cover: The EthicsThe Ethics
by - D. Van Nostrand ,
Spinoza uses the methods of Euclid to describe a single entity, properly called both 'God' and 'Nature'. From this follow the identity of mind and body, the necessary causation of events and actions, and the illusory nature of free will.
Book cover: A Treatise of Human NatureA Treatise of Human Nature
by - Project Gutenberg ,
Useful far beyond the small circle of scholarly experts. The Treatise has a fair claim to be the most important philosophical text ever written in English. After more than 250 years, Hume is still at the front line of philosophical inquiry.
Book cover: Genethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of PeopleGenethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of People
by - University of California Press ,
Unprecedented advances in medicine, genetic engineering, and demographic forecasting raise new questions that strain the categories and assumptions of traditional ethical theories. Heyd's approach resolves many paradoxes in intergenerational justice.
Book cover: Democracy and Moral DevelopmentDemocracy and Moral Development
by - University of California Press ,
At a time when politics and virtue seem less compatible than oil and water, Democracy and Moral Development shows how to bring the two together. Philosopher David Norton applies classical concepts of virtue to the premises of modern democracy.
Book cover: Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of EthicsAristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics
by - University of California Press ,
The book offers the systematic critical examination of Aristotle's views on the exactness of ethics. The author gives form to Aristotle's belief that knowledge of matters of conduct can never be free of certain kinds of inexactness.