
International Business

e-books in International Business category

Book cover: Multinational Corporations and Local Firms in Emerging EconomiesMultinational Corporations and Local Firms in Emerging Economies
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
A valuable addition to the literature on multinational-local firm interfaces, this book provides case studies from emerging economies that examine such mutually beneficial business relationships and the policy measures necessary to support them.

Book cover: International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening WorldInternational Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World
by - Flat World Knowledge ,
The book provides exploration into building, leading, and thriving in global organizations in an increasingly flat world. The authors define flat world as one where service industries that dwarf manufacturing industries in terms of scale and scope.
Book cover: Corporate Governance and International BusinessCorporate Governance and International Business
by - BookBoon ,
Corporate governance has gained tremendous importance in recent years, due to the developments brought about through through the emergence of global norms for corporate governance. Good governance reduces risk and facilitates its management.
Book cover: International Trade Theory and PolicyInternational Trade Theory and Policy
by - internationalecon.com ,
It is important to understand the reasons why economists use the tools that they do and be forthright about their limitations. This text was designed to make information about international economics accessible for all who are interested.
Book cover: High-Tech Europe: The Politics of International CooperationHigh-Tech Europe: The Politics of International Cooperation
by - University of California Press ,
A study of cooperative efforts in the high-tech industries of Europe. Sandholtz examines why collaboration came late to these countries, how protective walls came down, how countries work together in economically sensitive areas.
Book cover: Alliance Capitalism: The Social Organization of Japanese BusinessAlliance Capitalism: The Social Organization of Japanese Business
by - University of California Press ,
This book attempts to explain the remarkable economic success of Japan in the postwar period - a success it is crucial for us to understand in a time marked by controversial trade imbalances and concerns over competitive industrial performance.
Book cover: International Trade: Theory and EvidenceInternational Trade: Theory and Evidence
by - McGraw-Hill/Irwin ,
A comprehensive, balanced text, the perfect book for International Trade courses at the undergraduate level. It can also be used as a background text for beginning graduate courses. Intermediate Microeconomics is a pre-requisite for this text.
Book cover: U.S. Trade Strategy: Free Versus FairU.S. Trade Strategy: Free Versus Fair
by - Council on Foreign Relations Press ,
Trade is an issue that lies at the intersection of two big concerns facing the Americans: the economy and foreign policy. Trade policy affects more issues than ever before, the decisions Washington makes have a great impact on the US and the world.
Book cover: China: Linking Markets for GrowthChina: Linking Markets for Growth
by - Anu E Press ,
China’s prosperity is at the core of the emerging Platinum Age of global economic growth. This volume gathers together leading scholars on China’s economic success and its effect on the world economy into the next few decades.
Book cover: The China Boom And Its DiscontentsThe China Boom And Its Discontents
by - Asia Pacific Press ,
China is shaping the global economy as never before. This book discusses the financial and social challenges that have emerged in the wake of rapid economic growth. Recent research highlights the unfinished progress of reforms in China.
Book cover: Global Business Strategy: A Systems ApproachGlobal Business Strategy: A Systems Approach
by - South-Western Pub ,
This is a textbook on international business strategy. It provides a quick refresher on international economics, trade, and finance, and builds a good theoretical base before addressing the basic functions, or tasks, of global management.