
Military Medicine

e-books in Military Medicine category

Book cover: Military Psychiatry: Preparing in Peace for WarMilitary Psychiatry: Preparing in Peace for War
by - Borden Institute ,
A series of articles with a strong research base. Topics include addressing burnout, ethical issues, consultation to command, psychiatric aspects of disease in service members, training program guidelines, terrorism, hostage negotiation, etc.
Book cover: Conventional Warfare: Ballistic, Blast, and Burn InjuriesConventional Warfare: Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries
by - Office of the Surgeon General ,
Conventional munitions will be a significant source of casualties regardless of the sophisticated weaponry. Ballistic, blast, and burn injuries will continue to demand the attention of the medical corps in order to provide the best possible care.
Book cover: Special Operations Forces Medical HandbookSpecial Operations Forces Medical Handbook
by ,
Developed as a primary medical information resource and field guide for the Special Operations Command medics, the Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook defines the standard of health care delivery under adverse and general field conditions.

Book cover: Enhancing Interoperabillity Among Enlisted Medical PersonnelEnhancing Interoperabillity Among Enlisted Medical Personnel
by - RAND Corporation ,
To reduce costs and increase interoperability of the military services, a joint medical education and training campus is being established at Fort Sam Houston, Texas with a view to consolidating training across the services.
Book cover: Invisible Wounds of WarInvisible Wounds of War
by - RAND Corporation ,
This monograph focuses on post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, and traumatic brain injury. Unlike the physical wounds of war, these conditions are often invisible to the eye, remaining invisible to society in general.
Book cover: War Psychiatry (Textbooks of Military Medicine)War Psychiatry (Textbooks of Military Medicine)
by - Borden Institute ,
This volume addresses the delivery of mental health services during wartime, discusses the concept of combat stress reaction, the delivery of mental health care on the various battlefields, and the psychological consequences of modern combat.
Book cover: Emergency War SurgeryEmergency War Surgery
by - Borden Institute ,
This book is an essential tool for the management of forward combat trauma. The text takes a bulleted manual style in order to optimize its use as a rapid reference. It was drafted by sub-specialty experts and updated by surgeons.
Book cover: Military DermatologyMilitary Dermatology
by - Borden Institute ,
The book places military dermatology in its historical context, emphasizes the conditions that specialists and general medical officers in the field are likely to see, and discusses diseases that are uncommon in the US but prevalent worldwide.
Book cover: Defense Against Toxin WeaponsDefense Against Toxin Weapons
by - U.S. Army Medical Research ,
This manual provides basic information on biological toxins to health-care providers to help them make decisions on protecting their troops. Much of the information will also be of interest to individuals charged with countering terrorism.
Book cover: Prevention and Managment of Cold Weather InjuriesPrevention and Managment of Cold Weather Injuries
This text provides guidance to health care providers, allied medical personnel, and unit commanders and leaders to develop an evidence-based prevention program to protect military personnel from cold stress and associated adverse health effects.
Book cover: Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological WarfareMedical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
by - Borden Institute ,
This textbook focuses on the management of casualties of chemical and biological warfare. A historical overview of chemical and biological warfare is also given. Nonmilitary healthcare providers will also find this book to be extremely useful.
Book cover: Medical Management of Chemical Casualties HandbookMedical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook
This handbook is a reference source for the medical management of chemical casualties. Medical professionals should learn that medical defenses are possible, that casualties can be saved and returned to duty, and that mortality can be minimized.
Book cover: Medical Aspects of Biological WarfareMedical Aspects of Biological Warfare
by - Dept. of the Army ,
A vast compendium detailing the history and current state of biological warfare, ranging from countermeasures to legal dimensions. The most comprehensive text related to the use of countermeasures for biological agents in warfare and terrorism.
Book cover: Medical Management of Biological CasualtiesMedical Management of Biological Casualties
Concise supplemental reading material to assist in education of biological casualty management. This is a reference for the health care provider on the battlefield or in a clinic, who needs basic summary and treatment information quickly.