
String Theory

e-books in String Theory category

Book cover: Inflation and String TheoryInflation and String Theory
by - arXiv ,
We review cosmological inflation and its realization in quantum field theory and string theory. We describe two intertwined approaches to the physics of inflation: from the bottom up in effective field theory, and from the top down in string theory.
Book cover: String TheoryString Theory
by - King's College London ,
From the table of contents: Introduction: Why String Theory?; Classical and Quantum Dynamics of Point Particles; Classical and Quantum Dynamics of Strings; Light-cone gauge; Curved Spacetime and an Effective Action; Superstrings.
Book cover: String Theory and BranesString Theory and Branes
by - King's College London ,
This course will introduce string theory, which has become the dominant framework for a complete theory of all physical phenomena. As such it is in some sense a course to introduce the modern view of particle physics at its most fundamental level.

Book cover: Superstring TheorySuperstring Theory
- universe-review.ca ,
A short introduction to superstring theory. From the table of contents: Classical Theory of String; Quantization; Supersymmetry and Superstring; Compactification; Types of Superstring Theory; M-theory; Problems and Future Development.
Book cover: String TheoryString Theory
by - University of Cambridge ,
These lecture notes provide a detailed introduction to the bosonic string and conformal field theory. The text is aimed at beginning graduate students. It assumes a working knowledge of quantum field theory and general relativity.
Book cover: String Theory: a perspective over the last 25 yearsString Theory: a perspective over the last 25 years
by - arXiv ,
This text provides some historical background and then reviews developments in string theory over the last twenty-five years. Both perturbative and non-perturbative approaches are surveyed and their impact on how we view quantum gravity is analysed.
Book cover: An Introduction to String TheoryAn Introduction to String Theory
by - arXiv ,
An introduction to string theory, focusing on the Bosonic string, but treating the superstring as well. A number of appendices on more advanced topics are also provided, including an introduction to orientifolds in various brane configurations.
Book cover: Lectures on String TheoryLectures on String Theory
by - Utrecht University ,
The text covers the basic concepts of modern string theory: covariant and light-cone quantisation of bosonic and fermionic strings, geometry and topology of string world-sheets, vertex operators and string scattering amplitudes, etc.
Book cover: Strings and GeometryStrings and Geometry
by - American Mathematical Society ,
This volume highlights the interface between string theory and algebraic geometry. The topics covered include manifolds of special holonomy, supergravity, supersymmetry, D-branes, the McKay correspondence and the Fourier-Mukai transform.
Book cover: String TheoryString Theory
by - Technische Universitat Wien ,
Contents: Introduction; The bosonic string; Quantization of bosonic strings; Superstrings; Conformal field theory (conformal group, Wick rotation and Euclidean fields, Tensors, energy-momentum, and correlations, First order systems and ghosts, etc).
Book cover: Topological Strings and their Physical ApplicationsTopological Strings and their Physical Applications
by - arXiv ,
We give an introductory review of topological strings and their application to various aspects of superstrings and supersymmetric gauge theories. This review includes developing the necessary mathematical background for topological strings.
Book cover: Kac-Moody Algebras in M-theoryKac-Moody Algebras in M-theory
by - arXiv.org ,
Contents: A First Approach; General Framework; Homogeneous Cosmologies; Oxidation; Hyperbolic Algebras; General Framework; Dirac Fermions; Eleven Dimensional Supergravity; Dualities and Signatures of G++ Invariant Theories; etc.
Book cover: An Introduction to Non-perturbative String TheoryAn Introduction to Non-perturbative String Theory
by - arXiv ,
Basic aspects of non-perturbative string theory are discussed. The topics include test of duality symmetries based on the analysis of the low energy action and the spectrum of BPS states, relationship between different duality symmetries, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to M TheoryIntroduction to M Theory
by - arXiv ,
This short book is an introduction to some recent developments in string theory and M theory. The author tries to concentrate on the main physical aspects, and often leaves more technical details to the original literature.
Book cover: String Theory and the Path to UnificationString Theory and the Path to Unification
by - arXiv ,
This is a pedagogical review article surveying the various approaches towards understanding gauge coupling unification within string theory. The author provides an overview of the different approaches that have been taken in recent years.
Book cover: An Introduction to Black Holes, Information and the String Theory RevolutionAn Introduction to Black Holes, Information and the String Theory Revolution
by - OECD Publishing ,
Leonard Susskind, one of the co-inventors of the Holographic Principle as well as one of the founders of String theory, develops and explains these concepts. This well-planned, stimulating and provocative book can be enthusiastically recommended.
Book cover: Introduction to String TheoryIntroduction to String Theory
by - arXiv ,
These notes give an introduction to string theory for students and interested researches. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. The focus is on gravitational aspects and we explain how gravity is described in string theory.
Book cover: D-Branes, Tachyons, and String Field TheoryD-Branes, Tachyons, and String Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
Introduction to tachyon condensation in Witten's cubic bosonic open string field theory. We use both the low-energy Yang-Mills description and the language of string field theory to explain the problem of tachyon condensation on unstable D-branes.
Book cover: A solution manual for Polchinski'sA solution manual for Polchinski's
by - arXiv ,
The author present detailed solutions to 81 of the 202 problems in J. Polchinski's two-volume textbook 'String Theory', the most comprehensive text addressing the discoveries of the superstring revolutions of the early to mid 1990's.
Book cover: Introduction to Superstring TheoryIntroduction to Superstring Theory
by - arXiv ,
An introduction to superstring theory: classical strings, covariant and light-cone quantization, supersymmetric strings, anomaly cancelation, compactification, T-duality, supersymmetry breaking, and threshold corrections to low-energy couplings.
Book cover: Introduction to String TheoryIntroduction to String Theory
by - Utrecht University ,
Contents: strings in QCD, the classical string, open and closed strings, quantization, Lorentz invariance, interactions and vertex operators, BRST quantization, the Polyakov path integral, T-Duality, complex coordinates, fermions in strings, etc.
Book cover: What is String Theory?What is String Theory?
by - arXiv ,
This is an introduction to conformal field theory and string perturbation theory. The authors search for a deeper answer to the question posed in the title. Contents: Conformal Field Theory; String Theory; Vacua and Dualities; and more.
Book cover: Introduction to String Field TheoryIntroduction to String Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
Several of the early chapters are on the topic of general field theory, but explained from a new point of view resulting from insights gained from string field theory. A standard course on quantum field theory is assumed as a prerequisite.
Book cover: Black Holes in Supergravity and String TheoryBlack Holes in Supergravity and String Theory
by - arXiv ,
An elementary introduction to black holes in supergravity and string theory. The focus is on BPS solutions in four- and higher-dimensional supergravity and string theory. Basic ideas are explained in detail, including exercises with solutions.