
Field Theory

e-books in Field Theory category

Book cover: As Scales Become Separated: Lectures on Effective Field TheoryAs Scales Become Separated: Lectures on Effective Field Theory
by - arXiv.org ,
These lectures aim to provide an introduction to the philosophical underpinnings and technical features of Effective Field Theory. Improving control of S-matrix elements in the presence of a large hierarchy of physical scales is emphasized.
Book cover: Quantization of GeometryQuantization of Geometry
by - arXiv.org ,
From the table of contents: Introduction; Bosonic propagators and random paths; Random surfaces and strings; Matrix models and two-dimensional quantum gravity; The mystery of c>1; Euclidean quantum gravity in d>2; Discussion.

Book cover: Conformal Field Theory on the PlaneConformal Field Theory on the Plane
by - arXiv ,
We provide an introduction to conformal field theory on the plane in the conformal bootstrap approach. We introduce the bootstrap approach to quantum field theory, and how they apply to two-dimensional theories with local conformal symmetry.
Book cover: Conformal Field Theory, Tensor Categories and Operator AlgebrasConformal Field Theory, Tensor Categories and Operator Algebras
by - arXiv ,
This is a set of lecture notes on the operator algebraic approach to 2-dimensional conformal field theory. Representation theoretic aspects and connections to vertex operator algebras are emphasized. No knowledge on operator algebras is assumed.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Topological Field TheoryLecture Notes on Topological Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
These notes cover some topics in both the perturbative and non-perturbative topological Chern-Simons theory: the quantization of Chern-Simons theory, the use of surgery for computation, brief discussions about framings, eta invariants, etc.
Book cover: Yang Mills model of interacting particles in the classical field theoryYang Mills model of interacting particles in the classical field theory
by - arXiv ,
The purpose is to study interacting particles in the General Relativity context, by the principle of least action using purely classical concepts. The particles are described by a state tensor using a Clifford algebra for the kinematic part.
Book cover: Topological Field TheoryTopological Field Theory
by - Duke University ,
Contents: Topological field theories (The basic structure, The 'toy model' for a finite group, Open Strings, Area-dependent theories); The Index and Determinant of the Dirac Operator; Braided tensor categories; String algebras.
Book cover: Applied Conformal Field TheoryApplied Conformal Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
An elementary introduction to conformal field theory, with some applications to statistical mechanical systems, and fewer to string theory. Contents: Conformal theories; Central charge and the Virasoro algebra; Kac determinant and unitarity; etc.
Book cover: Classical Field TheoryClassical Field Theory
by - Utrecht University ,
The author introduces the basic methods of classical field theory and applies them in a variety of physical models. Topics: Lorentz-covariant formulation of electromagnetic theory, advanced radiation problems, the Ginzburg-Landau theory, etc.
Book cover: Geometry of 2D Topological Field TheoriesGeometry of 2D Topological Field Theories
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes are devoted to the theory of equations of associativity describing geometry of moduli spaces of 2D topological field theories. Topics: WDVV equations and Frobenius manifolds; Polynomial solutions of WDVV; Symmetries of WDVV; etc.
Book cover: An Introduction to Conformal Field TheoryAn Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
A comprehensive introduction to two-dimensional conformal field theory is given. Conformal field theories have been at the center of attention during the last fifteen years since they are relevant for different areas of modern theoretical physics.
Book cover: Introduction to Symplectic Field TheoryIntroduction to Symplectic Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
We sketch in this article a new theory, which we call Symplectic Field Theory or SFT, which provides an approach to Gromov-Witten invariants of symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds in the spirit of topological field theory.
Book cover: Introduction to Effective Field TheoryIntroduction to Effective Field Theory
by - arXiv ,
This review summarizes Effective Field Theory techniques, which are the theoretical tools for exploiting the existence of hierarchies of scale in a physical problem. The general theoretical framework is described, and evaluated for a simple model.
Book cover: Combinatorial Geometry with Application to Field TheoryCombinatorial Geometry with Application to Field Theory
by - InfoQuest ,
Topics covered in this book include fundamental of mathematical combinatorics, differential Smarandache n-manifolds, combinatorial or differentiable manifolds and submanifolds, Lie multi-groups, combinatorial principal fiber bundles, etc.
Book cover: Quantum ElectrodynamicsQuantum Electrodynamics
by - Stockholms universitet, Fysikum ,
Lecture notes for a graduate course in quantum electrodynamics. Contents: What is a field theory; Quantum theory of the free scalar field; Spacetime properties; The Unruh effect; The Dirac field; Quantum theory of the Dirac field; and more.
Book cover: FieldsFields
by ,
It covers classical and quantum field theory, including many recent topics at an introductory yet nontrivial level: supersymmetry, general relativity, supergravity, strings, 1/N expansion in QCD, spacecone, many useful gauges, etc.