
Lie Groups

e-books in Lie Groups category

Book cover: An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Parameter GroupsAn Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups
by - D.C. Heath & co ,
The object of this book is to present in an elementary manner, in English, an introduction to Lie s theory of one-parameter groups, with special reference to its application to the solution of differential equations invariant under such groups.
Book cover: An Introduction to Lie Group IntegratorsAn Introduction to Lie Group Integrators
by - arXiv ,
The authors give a short and elementary introduction to Lie group methods. A selection of applications of Lie group integrators are discussed. Finally, a family of symplectic integrators on cotangent bundles of Lie groups is presented ...

Book cover: Continuous Groups Of TransformationsContinuous Groups Of Transformations
by - Princeton University Press ,
'Continuous Groups Of Transformations' sets forth the general theory of Lie and his contemporaries and the results of recent investigations with the aid of the methods of the tensor calculus and concepts of the new differential geometry.
Book cover: Roots of a Compact Lie GroupRoots of a Compact Lie Group
by - arXiv ,
This expository article introduces the topic of roots in a compact Lie group. Compared to the many other treatments of this standard topic, I intended for mine to be relatively elementary, example-driven, and free of unnecessary abstractions.
Book cover: Lectures on Discrete Subgroups of Lie GroupsLectures on Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
Contents: Preliminaries; Complexification of a real Linear Lie Group; Intrinsic characterization of K* and E; R-regular elements; Discrete Subgroups; Some Ergodic Properties of Discrete Subgroups; Real Forms of Semi-simple Algebraic Groups; etc.
Book cover: Lectures on Lie Groups and Representations of Locally Compact GroupsLectures on Lie Groups and Representations of Locally Compact Groups
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
We consider some heterogeneous topics relating to Lie groups and the general theory of representations of locally compact groups. We have rigidly adhered to the analytic approach in establishing the relations between Lie groups and Lie algebras.
Book cover: Lecture Notes in Lie GroupsLecture Notes in Lie Groups
by - arXiv ,
These notes are designed for a 1-semester third year or graduate course in mathematics, physics, or biology. We give both physical and medical examples of Lie groups. The only necessary background are advanced calculus and linear algebra.
Book cover: Lie Groups, Physics, and GeometryLie Groups, Physics, and Geometry
by - Drexel University ,
The book emphasizes the most useful aspects of Lie groups, in a way that is easy for students to acquire and to assimilate. It includes a chapter dedicated to the applications of Lie group theory to solving differential equations.
Book cover: Lie groups and Lie algebrasLie groups and Lie algebras
by - UC Berkeley ,
From the table of contents: Tangent Lie algebras to Lie groups; Simply Connected Lie Groups; Hopf Algebras; PBW Theorem and Deformations; Lie algebra cohomology; Engel's Theorem and Lie's Theorem; Cartan Criterion, Whitehead and Weyl Theorems; etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie AlgebrasIntroduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
by - SUNY at Stony Brook ,
The book covers the basic contemporary theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. This classic graduate text focuses on the study of semisimple Lie algebras, developing the necessary theory along the way. Written in an informal style.
Book cover: Algebraic Groups, Lie Groups, and their Arithmetic SubgroupsAlgebraic Groups, Lie Groups, and their Arithmetic Subgroups
by ,
This work is a modern exposition of the theory of algebraic group schemes, Lie groups, and their arithmetic subgroups. Algebraic groups are groups defined by polynomials. Those in this book can all be realized as groups of matrices.
Book cover: Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie GroupsNotes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups
by - University of Pennsylvania ,
Contents: Introduction to Manifolds and Lie Groups; Review of Groups and Group Actions; Manifolds; Construction of Manifolds From Gluing Data; Lie Groups, Lie Algebra, Exponential Map; The Derivative of exp and Dynkin's Formula; etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Lie Groups, Adjoint Action and Some GeneralizationsIntroduction to Lie Groups, Adjoint Action and Some Generalizations
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes provide a concise introduction to Lie groups, Lie algebras, and isometric and adjoint actions, aiming at advanced undergraduate and graduate students. A special focus is given to maximal tori and roots of compact Lie groups.
Book cover: An Elementary Introduction to Groups and RepresentationsAn Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations
by - arXiv ,
An elementary introduction to Lie groups, Lie algebras, and their representations. Topics include definitions and examples of Lie groups and Lie algebras, the basics of representations theory, the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, and more.
Book cover: Lie Groups in PhysicsLie Groups in Physics
by - Utrecht University ,
Contents: Quantum mechanics and rotation invariance; The group of rotations in three dimensions; More about representations; Ladder operators; The group SU(2); Spin and angular distributions; Isospin; The Hydrogen Atom; The group SU(3); etc.
Book cover: Notes on Classical GroupsNotes on Classical Groups
by - Queen Mary and Westfield College ,
Notes for an M.Sc. course: Fields and vector spaces; Linear and projective groups; Polarities and forms; Symplectic groups; Unitary groups; Orthogonal groups; Klein correspondence and triality; A short bibliography on classical groups.
Book cover: Group Theory: Birdtracks, Lie's, and Exceptional GroupsGroup Theory: Birdtracks, Lie's, and Exceptional Groups
by - Princeton University Press ,
A book on the theory of Lie groups for researchers and graduate students in theoretical physics and mathematics. It answers what Lie groups preserve trilinear, quadrilinear, and higher order invariants. Written in a lively and personable style.