
Accelerator Physics

e-books in Accelerator Physics category

Book cover: Cyclotrons: Magnetic Design and Beam DynamicsCyclotrons: Magnetic Design and Beam Dynamics
by - arXiv.org ,
Classical, isochronous, and synchro-cyclotrons are introduced. Transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics in these accelerators are covered. The problem of vertical focusing and iscochronism in compact isochronous cyclotrons is treated in some detail.
Book cover: Introduction to Relativistic Transport TheoryIntroduction to Relativistic Transport Theory
by - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet ,
The aim of these lectures is to provide a self-contained presentation of the general foundations of relativistic transport theory with the aim to provide the theoretical tools for the application of such methods to relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Book cover: An Engineering Guide To PhotoinjectorsAn Engineering Guide To Photoinjectors
by - arXiv ,
This book is an introduction to the basic theory and engineering of advanced electron beam sources known as photoinjectors. Photoinjectors produce relativistic electrons for exciting new devices such as x-ray free electron lasers ...

Book cover: VLHC Accelerator PhysicsVLHC Accelerator Physics
by ,
The text presents the major accelerator physics issues of the Very Large Hadron Collider as examined by the Design Study collaboration and provides a basis for discussion and further studies of VLHC accelerator parameters and design philosophies.
Book cover: Accelerator Physics and Technologies for Linear CollidersAccelerator Physics and Technologies for Linear Colliders
by - University of Chicago ,
These are lecture notes for accelerator physics and technologies for linear colliders at the University of Chicago. From the table of contents: Beam-Delivery Overview; Final Focus; Collisions and Luminosity; Spent Beam; etc.
Book cover: The Meson FactoriesThe Meson Factories
by - University of California Press ,
This volume is a collection of commented reprints concerning the physics program at meson factories, the characteristics of the accelerators, and the major instrumentation as well as the applications, the history and future of these facilities.
Book cover: Theory of Electromagnetic FieldsTheory of Electromagnetic Fields
by - arXiv ,
We discuss electromagnetic fields, with an emphasis on aspects relevant to radiofrequency systems in particle accelerators. We review Maxwell's equations and show that there are solutions representing the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
Book cover: Physics Searches at the LHCPhysics Searches at the LHC
by - arXiv ,
With the LHC up, the focus of high energy physics will soon turn to an interpretation of LHC data in terms of the physics of electroweak symmetry breaking and the TeV scale. We present here models for new TeV-scale physics and their LHC signatures.
Book cover: Searching for the Higgs BosonSearching for the Higgs Boson
by - arXiv ,
These are lectures on Higgs boson collider searches. The author first reviews the Standard Model searches, then covers in-depth what comes after a candidate discovery at LHC, and finally discusses the MSSM extension to the Higgs sector.
Book cover: Collider PhysicsCollider Physics
by - arXiv ,
Introduction to physics at e+e- and hadron colliders. A selection of processes is used to illustrate the strengths and capabilities of the different machines. The discussion includes W pair production and chargino searches at various colliders.
Book cover: Introduction to Collider PhysicsIntroduction to Collider Physics
by - arXiv ,
This is an introduction to some of the basic ideas and tools required for theoretical analysis of collider data. Several examples of Standard Model processes at electron-positron and hadron colliders are considered to illustrate these ideas.
Book cover: Hard Interactions of Quarks and Gluons: a Primer for LHC PhysicsHard Interactions of Quarks and Gluons: a Primer for LHC Physics
by - arXiv ,
The authors develop the perturbative framework for the calculation of hard scattering processes. The text provides both a rigorous development of the formalism of hard scattering of quarks and gluons and an intuitive understanding of the physics.
Book cover: Lawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley LaboratoryLawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
by - University of California Press ,
The Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, was the birthplace of particle accelerators, radioisotopes, and modern big science. This volume is a saga of physics and finance in the Great Depression, when a new kind of science was born.
Book cover: Lawrence and the CyclotronLawrence and the Cyclotron
by - American Institute of Physics ,
As he built machines to study subatomic particles, Ernest Lawrence created modern Big Science. After helping make the first atomic bombs, he became a leader of Cold War science. His biography is illustrated with pictures, explanations and a song.
Book cover: Charged Particle BeamsCharged Particle Beams
by - Wiley-Interscience ,
This textbook on charged particle beams gives a broad review of collective beam physics. Topics include emittance, space- charge effects, design of electron and ion guns, generation of RF and microwave energy by beams and free-electron lasers.
Book cover: Principles of Charged Particle AccelerationPrinciples of Charged Particle Acceleration
by - Wiley-Interscience ,
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the physics and technology of charged- particle accelerators. Topics include electrostatic accelerators, betatrons, linear induction accelerators, RF linacs, cyclotrons and synchrotrons.