
Observational Astronomy

e-books in Observational Astronomy category

Book cover: The TelescopeThe Telescope
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This book is written for the many observers, who use telescopes for study or pleasure and desire more information about their properties. It attempts neither exhaustive technicalities nor popular descriptions of great observatories and their work.
Book cover: From Cosmic Birth to Living Earths: The Future of UVOIR Space AstronomyFrom Cosmic Birth to Living Earths: The Future of UVOIR Space Astronomy
by - arXiv ,
For the first time in history, humans have reached the point where it is possible to construct a revolutionary space-based observatory that has the capability to find dozens of Earth-like worlds, and possibly some with signs of life.
Book cover: An Expanded View of the UniverseAn Expanded View of the Universe
- European Southern Observatory ,
The European Extremely Large Telescope will address exciting new questions, and this book gives a flavour of the kind of questions that it will finally answer. The most exciting discoveries are probably those that we have not yet even imagined.
Book cover: Gravitational Waves: Sources, Detectors and SearchesGravitational Waves: Sources, Detectors and Searches
by - arXiv ,
As the dawn of gravitational wave astronomy nears, this review, intended primarily for interested particle and nuclear physicists, describes what we have learned to date and the prospects for direct discovery of gravitational waves.

Book cover: Sky SurveysSky Surveys
by - arXiv ,
Sky surveys represent a fundamental data basis for astronomy. We use them to map in a systematic way the universe and its constituents. We review the subject, with an emphasis on the wide-field imaging surveys, placing them in a broader context.
Book cover: Techniques of Radio AstronomyTechniques of Radio Astronomy
by - arXiv ,
An overview of the techniques of radio astronomy. It contains a short history, details of calibration procedures, coherent/heterodyne and incoherent/bolometer receiver systems, observing methods for single apertures and interferometers, etc.
Book cover: Gravitational Wave Detection by InterferometryGravitational Wave Detection by Interferometry
by - arXiv ,
The main theme of this review is a discussion of the mechanical and optical principles used in the various long baseline systems in operation around the world - LIGO, Virgo, TAMA300, LCGT, GEO600 - and in LISA, a proposed space-borne interferometer.
Book cover: Observatories in SpaceObservatories in Space
by - arXiv ,
This short book presents a few striking examples of astrophysics space observatories and of major results spanning from the Solar neighborhood and our Galaxy to external galaxies, quasars and the cosmological background.
Book cover: Practical Astronomy for EngineersPractical Astronomy for Engineers
by - Stephens ,
The main purpose of the volume is an exposition of the principal methods of determining latitude, azimuth, and time. Generally speaking, the limit of precision is that corresponding to the engineer's transit or the sextant.
Book cover: Textbook on Practical AstronomyTextbook on Practical Astronomy
by - Wiley ,
The purpose of this volume is to furnish a text in Practical Astronomy especially adapted to the needs of civil-engineering students who can devote but little time to the subject, and who are not likely to take up advanced study of Astronomy.
Book cover: Practical AstronomyPractical Astronomy
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
This volume is designed especially for the use of the cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, as a supplement to the course in General Astronomy. It is therefore limited to that branch of Practical Astronomy which relates to Field Work.
Book cover: Images of the Solar Upper Atmosphere From SUMER on SOHOImages of the Solar Upper Atmosphere From SUMER on SOHO
by - ESA Publications Division ,
Investigations of the heating of the corona and the acceleration of the solar wind are two of the prime scientific goals in studying the solar upper atmosphere with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) of ESA and NASA.
Book cover: Elementary Mathematical AstronomyElementary Mathematical Astronomy
by - University Correspondence College Press ,
The book fills the gap between the many excellent popular and non-mathematical works on Astronomy, and the standard treatises on the subject, which involve high mathematics. The rudimentary knowledge of Geometry, Algebra, and Trigonometry is assumed.
Book cover: Practical AstronomyPractical Astronomy
by - John Wiley and Sons Inc. ,
The text is adapted to the needs of civil-engineering students. The text deals chiefly with the class of observations which can be made with surveying instruments, the methods applicable to astronomical and geodetic instruments being treated briefly.
Book cover: Spherical AstronomySpherical Astronomy
by - Van Nostrand ,
The celestial sphere and its diurnal motion; On the changes of the fundamental planes to which the places of the stars are referred; Corrections of the observations arising from the position of the observer on the surface of the Earth; and more.
Book cover: The Star Splitters: The High Energy Astronomy ObservatoriesThe Star Splitters: The High Energy Astronomy Observatories
by - NASA History Office ,
Some of the topics covered in this book include creative violence, stellar explosions, cosmic rays, superbubbles, stellar coronas, collapsed stars, neutron stars, degenerate dwarf stars, black holes, X-ray images of galaxies, galactic nuclei, etc.
Book cover: To See the Unseen: A History of Planetary Radar AstronomyTo See the Unseen: A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy
by - NASA History Division ,
A comprehensive history of this surprisingly significant scientific discipline. Quite rigorous and systematic in its methodology, To See the Unseen explores the development of the radar astronomy specialty in the larger community of scientists.
Book cover: Atomic and Molecular Processes in Astronomy and Planetary ScienceAtomic and Molecular Processes in Astronomy and Planetary Science
by - California Institute of Technology ,
This course discusses the fundamental aspects of atomic and molecular spectra that enable one to infer physical conditions in astronomical, planetary and terrestrial environments from the analysis of their electromagnetic radiation.
Book cover: Introduction to Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter AstronomyIntroduction to Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Astronomy
by - arXiv ,
Introduction to the basic elements for the measurements and interpretation of data in the millimeter and sub-mm wavelength range. The basics of radiative transfer, receivers, antennas, interferometry radiation mechanisms and molecules are presented.
Book cover: Astronomical Image and Data AnalysisAstronomical Image and Data Analysis
by - Springer ,
The book explains how to handle real problems in astronomical data analysis using a modern arsenal of powerful techniques. It treats the methods of image, signal, and data processing that are proving to be both effective and widely relevant.
Book cover: Planetary PhotometryPlanetary Photometry
by ,
The text covers principles of planetary photometry: radiance and the equation of transfer, diffuse reflection and transmission, albedo, scattering and absorption, net flux and exitance, and a brief history of the Lommel-Seeliger law.