
Combinatorial Optimization

e-books in Combinatorial Optimization category

Book cover: Iterative Methods in Combinatorial OptimizationIterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book describes a simple method that is iterative in essence, and useful in a variety of settings for exact and approximate optimization. The authors highlight the commonality and uses of this method to prove a variety of classical results.
Book cover: Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial OptimizationAdvanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
by ,
From the table of contents: Shortest trees and branchings; Matchings and covers; Edge-colouring; Multicommodity flows and disjoint paths; Matroids; Perfect matchings in regular bipartite graphs; Minimum circulation of railway stock.

Book cover: A Course in Combinatorial OptimizationA Course in Combinatorial Optimization
by - University of Amsterdam ,
Contents: Shortest paths and trees; Polytopes, polyhedra, Farkas' lemma and linear programming; Matchings and covers in bipartite graphs; Menger's theorem, flows and circulations; Nonbipartite matching; Problems, algorithms and running time; etc.
Book cover: Combinatorial Optimization: Exact and Approximate AlgorithmsCombinatorial Optimization: Exact and Approximate Algorithms
by - Stanford University ,
In this course we study algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, the type of algorithms that arise in countless applications. The following 18 lectures cover topics in approximation algorithms, exact optimization, and online algorithms.