

e-books in Islam category

Book cover: Understanding Islam: Quick Grasp of FaithUnderstanding Islam: Quick Grasp of Faith
by - Smashwords ,
There are questions about religion that people seek answers to and hope to be enlightened. In this book, you will find the most accurate answers to all the questions you seek answers for and learn your responsibilities towards your Creator.
Book cover: Islam in the 21st CenturyIslam in the 21st Century
- Khilafah.com ,
This booklet will explore and contrast some of the problems of the 21st century and compare the manner in which secularism and Islam attempt to solve them. This booklet will look at how the Shari'ah texts are capable of dealing with any issue.
Book cover: Jihad and the Islamic Law of WarJihad and the Islamic Law of War
- The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre ,
This text explains what jihad is, what it means to Muslims, and how it relates to the concrete issues of war and peace. It explores the most important issues surrounding the Islamic law of war and peace, and lays out the mainstream Islamic position.

Book cover: When Life BeginsWhen Life Begins
by - Smashwords ,
English translation of the Urdu best-selling novel based in the Hereafter. It provides a comprehensive sketch of the world and life in the Hereafter in the form of a novel. The first book of its kind which was read by millions of Urdu reader.
Book cover: Islam between Truth and False AllegationsIslam between Truth and False Allegations
by - ISESCO ,
Addressing the fallacies harboured by certain non-Muslims about social issues, the book expounds in a clear manner the Islamic standpoint vis-a-vis those issues, and redresses the misrepresentations circulated about the righteous religion of Islam.
Book cover: Day of JudgementDay of Judgement
by ,
A detailed and referenced Islamic perspective of the Soul, Death, Hereafter and the Day of judgement. Sayyid Saeed Akhter Rizvi's expertise on Islamic subjects such as these and simplistic use of English language makes it a 'Must Read' book.
Book cover: Being Muslim in AmericaBeing Muslim in America
by - U.S. Department of State ,
I am an American with a Muslim soul. My soul carries a long histor y of heroes, movements, and civilizations that sought to submit to the will of God. My soul listened as the Prophet Muhammad preached the central messages of Islam.
Book cover: Peace and Jihad in IslamPeace and Jihad in Islam
by - NASIMCO ,
There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding of the Islamic faith. The concept of jihad needs to be understood clearly. Many people in the media take Quranic text out of context. And so let us see: what is the meaning of jihad?
Book cover: Discovering IslamDiscovering Islam
by - Islamic Educational Center of Orange County ,
An invitation to learn about the fundamental message, spirit, and practice of Islam. This book covers essential concepts, practices, and beliefs. It takes you through the core principle of the Oneness of God to the contemporary concept of jihad.
Book cover: The Koran (Qur'an)The Koran (Qur'an)
- quran.com ,
The Koran admittedly occupies an important position among the religious books of the world. Though the youngest of the works belonging to this class of literature, it yields to hardly any in the effect which it has produced on large masses of men.
Book cover: Making Muslim Space in North America and EuropeMaking Muslim Space in North America and Europe
by - University of California Press ,
Focusing on the private and public use of space, this volume explores the religious life of the new Muslim communities in North America and Europe. It concentrates on cultural practices of everyday life rather than on the political issues.
Book cover: The Status Of Women In IslamThe Status Of Women In Islam
by ,
We realize the importance of this book in dispelling the misconceptions of Islam, and in spreading a religion on Earth which can solve or allay the adversities which abound. Islam is for all of mankind and makes no preference to sex.
Book cover: The Life of MuhammadThe Life of Muhammad
by - Islamic Book Service ,
Author gives a biography which reveals the career of Prophet Muhammad in the full light of historic reality. He brings out the essence of Islam, as exemplified in the life of the greatest Muslim. He includes complete coverage of the Prophet's life.
Book cover: Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence and constitutional theoryDevelopment of Muslim theology, jurisprudence and constitutional theory
by - Scribner ,
A survey of the history of Islamic thought, by a sympathetic Western scholar. It includes constitutional development, development of jurisprudence, theology, illustrative documents, the classification of muslim sects, and more.
Book cover: Arabic Thought and Its Place in HistoryArabic Thought and Its Place in History
by - Kegan Paul and Company ,
A study of the mutual influence of Arabic and Western worlds during the Middle Ages. It traces the transmission of Greek philosophy and science to the Islamic cultures. The book presents a fascinating portrait of medieval Muslim thought.
Book cover: Arabia: The Cradle Of IslamArabia: The Cradle Of Islam
by - F. H. Revell company ,
The ethnological, geographical, archeological, and political information of this text brings to our hands a valuable and readable summary of facts, and quicken an interest in one of the great religious and international problems of our times.
Book cover: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding IslamA Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam
by - Dar-us-Salam Publications ,
The Islamic guide for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims, and the Holy Quran. It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustrations. The text is reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated people.