
Free Programming Books

Free Programming Books

Here is an uncategorized list of online programming books available for free download. The books cover all major programming languages: Ada, Assembly, Basic, C, C#, C++, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Delphi, Pascal, Haskell, Java, Lisp, PHP, Prolog, Python, Ruby, as well as some other languages, game programming, and software engineering. The books are in various formats for online reading or downloading. Click here if you prefer a categorized directory of programming books This list will be updated daily.

  1. Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 90 pages
  2. Ada 95 Reference Manual
    | Springer, Published in , 526 pages
  3. Getting Started with the Java 3D API
    | Sun Microsystems, Inc., Published in , 273 pages
  4. Start Here: Python Programming for Beginners
    | toonzcat.com, Published in , 58 pages
  5. Tcl Tutorial
    | Tcl Developer Xchange, Published in
  6. Programming in D
    | , Published in , 747 pages
  7. Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing
    | Virginia Tech, Published in , 215 pages
  8. Programming in C: UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C
    | Cardiff University, Published in
  9. Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms
    | Microsoft Press, Published in , 275 pages
  10. Smalltalk: An Introduction to Application Development Using VisualWorks
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 413 pages
  11. Android Design Guidelines
    | , Published in , 44 pages
  12. Advanced Programming for the Java 2 Platform
    | Addison Wesley Longman, Published in , 526 pages
  13. Essentials of the Java Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 301 pages
  14. Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 168 pages
  15. Advanced Programming Language Design
    | Addison Wesley, Published in , 512 pages
  16. Hacking with PHP
    | , Published in , 323 pages
  17. TouchDevelop: Programming on the Go
    | Apress, Published in , 271 pages
  18. More C++ Idioms
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  19. Perl for Beginners
    | BookBoon, Published in , 120 pages
  20. Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists
    | Korf Lab, Published in , 135 pages
  21. C++ Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 684 pages
  22. Algorithms Notes for Professionals
    | Goalkicker.com, Published in , 257 pages
  23. D3 Tips and Tricks: Interactive Data Visualization in a Web Browser
    | Leanpub, Published in
  24. Python Cookbook
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 706 pages
  25. DOM Enlightenment
    | domenlightenment.com, Published in
  26. Embedding Perl in HTML With Mason
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 318 pages
  27. An Introduction to Logic Programming through Prolog
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 258 pages
  28. Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book
    | , Published in , 147 pages
  29. JXTA
    | New Riders Publishing, Published in , 350 pages
  30. NetWorld!: What People are Really Doing on the Internet
    | Prima Communications, Published in , 352 pages
  31. PHP with Guru99
    | guru99, Published in , 151 pages
  32. Real World Haskell
    | O'Reilly Media, Inc., Published in , 710 pages
  33. Processing XML with Java
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 1120 pages
  34. Python Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 159 pages
  35. Programming in Java Advanced Imaging
    | Sun Microsystems, Inc., Published in , 488 pages
  36. Text Algorithms
    | Oxford University Press, Published in , 412 pages
  37. Visual Studio.Net: Controls and Add-ins
    | BPB Publications, Published in
  38. Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation
    | Addison-Wesley, Published in , 742 pages
  39. Programming in Fortran 95
    | University of Cambridge, Published in , 50 pages
  40. Python 201: (Slightly) Advanced Python Topics
    | , Published in , 321 pages
  41. Functional C
    | Addison-Wesley, Published in , 429 pages
  42. Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
    | , Published in , 63 pages
  43. Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the Next Version of JavaScript
    | ExploringJS.com, Published in , 292 pages
  44. Computer Graphics
    | InTech, Published in , 256 pages
  45. Coding with Minecraft
    | No Starch Press, Published in , 256 pages
  46. Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk
    | Lulu.com, Published in , 119 pages
  47. Smalltalk and Object Orientation: An Introduction
    | Springer, Published in , 298 pages
  48. The Power PC Compiler Writer's Guide
    | Warthman Associates, Published in , 264 pages
  49. Developing a Windows Phone Application from Start to Finish
    | Microsoft, Published in , 427 pages
  50. Object Oriented Programming using Java
    | BookBoon, Published in , 209 pages
  51. Sketchy LISP
    | Lulu Press, Published in , 180 pages
  52. WML and WMLScript
    | BPB Publications, Published in
  53. The GNU C Library Reference Manual
    | Free Software Foundation, Inc., Published in , 1001 pages
  54. An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design
    | University of Sydney, Published in , 153 pages
  55. Code Happy
    | Lulu.com, Published in , 138 pages
  56. Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
    | Morgan Kaufmann, Published in , 948 pages
  57. Software Architect
    | ivencia.com, Published in
  58. C++ Language Tutorial
    | cplusplus.com, Published in , 144 pages
  59. HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots
    | Heaton Research, Inc., Published in , 680 pages
  60. JavaScript Succinctly
    | Syncfusion Inc., Published in , 143 pages
  61. The Joy Of Smalltalk
    | , Published in , 523 pages
  62. Mercurial: The Definitive Guide
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 288 pages
  63. Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents
    | , Published in , 211 pages
  64. Software Design Using C++
    | Saint Vincent College, Published in
  65. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  66. Free Pascal Reference Guide
    | freepascal.org, Published in , 238 pages
  67. Sams Teach Yourself C# in 24 Hours
    | Sams, Published in , 720 pages
  68. MacRuby: The Definitive Guide
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in
  69. Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 588 pages
  70. Optimizing Software in C++
    | Agner.org, Published in , 167 pages
  71. Developing Applications with Objective Caml
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 757 pages
  72. Object-oriented Programming in C# for C and Java programmers
    | Aalborg University, Published in , 485 pages
  73. Learn Objective-C in 24 Days
    | Binpress, Published in , 163 pages
  74. x86 Assembly
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 123 pages
  75. Brewing Java: A Tutorial
    | Cafe au Lait, Published in
  76. Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days
    | , Published in
  77. Getting Started with Erlang
    | Erlang.org, Published in , 58 pages
  78. Learn to Program
    | Pragmatic Bookshelf, Published in , 176 pages
  79. Your First Meteor Application
    | MeteorTips.com, Published in , 175 pages
  80. The JavaScript Way
    | Leanpub, Published in , 269 pages
  81. Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community
    | Oxford University Press, Published in , 239 pages
  82. Object Oriented Programming using C#
    | Bookboon, Published in , 254 pages
  83. Developing with Eclipse and Maven
    | Sonatype, Inc., Published in , 74 pages
  84. How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version)
    | , Published in , 189 pages
  85. PHP Programming
    | The Global Text Project, Published in , 245 pages
  86. Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#
    | Telerik Software Academy, Published in , 1132 pages
  87. An Introduction to Python
    | Network Theory Ltd., Published in , 136 pages
  88. Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers
    | HaskellWiki, Published in
  89. Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips
    | PseudoCoder.com, Published in , 66 pages
  90. C++ Today: The Beast Is Back
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 74 pages
  91. Interactive Programming In Java
    | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Published in , 545 pages
  92. The Little Go Book
    | OpenMyMind.net, Published in , 51 pages
  93. The J2EE 1.4 Tutorial
    | Sun Microsystems, Inc., Published in , 1542 pages
  94. The Scheme Programming Language: ANSI Scheme
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 272 pages
  95. CMMI Implementation Guide
    | Smashwords, Published in , 97 pages
  96. Scratch Programming Playground
    | No Starch Press, Published in , 288 pages
  97. Tcl for Web Nerds
    | , Published in
  98. Java Based Real Time Programming
    | Lunds Universitet, Published in , 128 pages
  99. Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 458 pages
  100. Optimizing C ++
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 416 pages
  101. User Interfaces
    | InTech, Published in , 280 pages
  102. Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 1600 pages
  103. Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice
    | Addison-Wesley, Published in , 354 pages
  104. Game Programming
    | Global Text Project, Published in , 312 pages
  105. Java: Learning to Program with Robots
    | Course Technology, Published in , 864 pages
  106. PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner
    | Zend Developer Zone, Published in , 331 pages
  107. Ada Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 242 pages
  108. Problem Solving for Coding Interviews
    | GitBook, Published in , 285 pages
  109. Human JavaScript
    | HumanJavaScript.com, Published in
  110. Building Java Programs
    | Pearson, Published in , 224 pages
  111. Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++
    | Microsoft Press, Published in
  112. Programming Fundamentals: A Modular Structured Approach Using C++
    | Connexions, Published in , 331 pages
  113. Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example
    | Addison-Wesley, Published in
  114. Java for the Beginning Programmer
    | Heaton Research, Inc., Published in , 336 pages
  115. Introduction to Java
    | University of KwaZulu-Natal, Published in , 247 pages
  116. Android Developer Fundamentals Course
    | GitHub, Published in , 566 pages
  117. Java for Small Teams
    | GitBook, Published in , 143 pages
  118. The C Book: Featuring the ANSI C Standard
    | Addison-Wesley Pub, Published in , 333 pages
  119. The Pascal Programming Language
    | Academic Press, Published in
  120. Repository Management with Nexus
    | Sonatype, Inc., Published in , 226 pages
  121. Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript
    | Web-Engineering.info, Published in , 262 pages
  122. Java Language Reference
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 492 pages
  123. Python course in Bioinformatics
    | Pasteur Institute, Published in , 182 pages
  124. Java for Python Programmers
    | interactivepython.org, Published in , 245 pages
  125. Fundamentals of Programming: With Object Orientated Programming
    | , Published in , 358 pages
  126. Gradle Beyond the Basics
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 80 pages
  127. TCLWISE: An Introduction to the Tcl Programming Language
    | invece.org, Published in , 241 pages
  128. Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C
    | , Published in , 221 pages
  129. MIPS Assembly Language Programming Using QtSpim
    | University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Published in , 122 pages
  130. Developing Modern Mobile Web Apps
    | Microsoft Corporation, Published in , 112 pages
  131. Haskell: Functional Programming with Types
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 290 pages
  132. JavaScript
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  133. Artificial Intelligence and Games
    | Springer, Published in , 359 pages
  134. Statistical Software Engineering
    | National Academies Press, Published in , 89 pages
  135. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
    | SOMA Networks, Published in , 1328 pages
  136. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++
    | Dover Publications, Published in , 613 pages
  137. Essential C
    | Stanford University, Published in , 45 pages
  138. Concurrent Programming Using Java
    | , Published in
  139. Practical Regression and Anova using R
    | , Published in , 213 pages
  140. Financial Numerical Recipes in C++
    | , Published in , 81 pages
  141. The Fable of the User-Centered Designer
    | Userfocus, Published in , 42 pages
  142. JavaScript Enlightenment
    | Lulu.com, Published in , 141 pages
  143. Android on x86
    | Apress, Published in , 380 pages
  144. Exploratory Data Analysis with R
    | Leanpub, Published in , 208 pages
  145. Adventure in Prolog
    | Springer, Published in , 186 pages
  146. Introducing Julia
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 166 pages
  147. High Performance Python
    | ianozsvald.com, Published in , 370 pages
  148. Introduction To MIPS Assembly Language Programming
    | Gettysburg College, Published in , 179 pages
  149. Data Munging with Perl
    | Manning Publications Co., Published in , 304 pages
  150. Kindle Fire Development Essentials
    | Techotopia, Published in
  151. Jakarta Struts Live
    | SourceBeat, Published in , 273 pages
  152. Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp
    | , Published in , 261 pages
  153. Standard ECMA-334 C# Language Specification
    | Ecma International, Published in , 553 pages
  154. HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots
    | Heaton Research, Inc., Published in , 631 pages
  155. Perl 5 Internals
    | NetThink, Published in
  156. Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 456 pages
  157. Java Web Programming with Eclipse
    | , Published in , 244 pages
  158. Snake Wrangling for Kids
    | , Published in , 160 pages
  159. Functional Programming in Python
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 49 pages
  160. Software Development Guidelines
    | literateprogramming.com, Published in , 103 pages
  161. Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment
    | OOPWeb.com, Published in , 29 pages
  162. C++ Reference Guide
    | Informit, Published in , 402 pages
  163. Maven by Example
    | Sonatype, Inc., Published in , 176 pages
  164. Optimizing Code for Speed
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  165. 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 257 pages
  166. Microsoft Small Basic: An introduction to Programming
    | Microsoft, Published in , 69 pages
  167. Don't Just Roll The Dice: A usefully short guide to software pricing
    | Red gate books, Published in , 81 pages
  168. A Computer Science Tapestry: Exploring Computer Science with C++
    | McGraw - Hill, Published in , 879 pages
  169. A Practical Introduction to Python Programming
    | Mount St. Mary's University, Published in , 263 pages
  170. Using C on the UNIX System
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 230 pages
  171. How to Use Scheme
    | , Published in
  172. The Power of Prolog
    | metalevel.at, Published in , 247 pages
  173. Clojure for the Brave and True
    | braveclojure.com, Published in
  174. Building A JavaScript Framework
    | DailyJS, Published in , 81 pages
  175. Programming Android
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 564 pages
  176. Eloquent JavaScript: An opinionated guide to programming
    | No Starch Press, Published in
  177. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual
    | The MIT Press, Published in , 116 pages
  178. C Elements of Style
    | M & T Books, Published in , 265 pages
  179. ANSI C for Programmers on UNIX Systems
    | , Published in
  180. Modern Java EE Design Patterns
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 65 pages
  181. The Python Language Reference Manual
    | Network Theory Ltd., Published in , 144 pages
  182. The Icon Programming Language
    | Peer-to-Peer Communications, Published in , 410 pages
  183. PHP Cookbook
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 813 pages
  184. Basic Lisp Techniques
    | Franz Inc., Published in , 100 pages
  185. The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming
    | College Publications, Published in , 449 pages
  186. The Programming Historian
    | NiCHE, Published in , 74 pages
  187. Java: Classes in Java Applications
    | BookBoon, Published in , 118 pages
  188. Designing Components with the C++ STL
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 320 pages
  189. Practical Programming in Python
    | , Published in , 259 pages
  190. A Taste of Smalltalk
    | W W Norton & Co Inc, Published in , 152 pages
  191. Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines, 2nd Edition
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 248 pages
  192. Search User Interfaces
    | Cambridge University Press, Published in , 352 pages
  193. C Programming Notes for Professionals
    | GoalKicker.com, Published in , 342 pages
  194. Learn to Program Using Python
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 325 pages
  195. Mastering Dyalog APL
    | Dyalog Limited, Published in , 818 pages
  196. PHP 5 Power Programming
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 720 pages
  197. Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF
    | web-engineering.info, Published in , 305 pages
  198. Unix System Programming in OCaml
    | , Published in , 143 pages
  199. Using GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection Reference Manual for GCC
    | Free Software Foundation, Published in , 432 pages
  200. Fear of Macros
    | GregHendershott.com, Published in
  201. Web Client Programming with Perl
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 228 pages
  202. Pointers and Memory
    | Stanford University, Published in , 31 pages
  203. GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual
    | Network Theory Ltd., Published in , 592 pages
  204. BlitzMax
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  205. Porting to Python 3: An in-depth guide
    | , Published in , 138 pages
  206. Essential Delphi
    | , Published in , 156 pages
  207. Java Speech API Programmer's Guide
    | Sun Microsystems, Inc., Published in , 156 pages
  208. The Codeless Code
    | thecodelesscode.com, Published in
  209. Learning Java
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 1010 pages
  210. Android Studio Development Essentials
    | Techotopia, Published in , 114 pages
  211. Artificial Intelligence through Prolog
    | Prentice-Hall, Published in , 481 pages
  212. Introduction to Programming using Python
    | Pasteur Institute, Published in , 242 pages
  213. Pharo by Example
    | , Published in , 358 pages
  214. The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications
    | The MIT Press, Published in , 395 pages
  215. Using, Understanding, and Unraveling The OCaml Language
    | INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, Published in , 182 pages
  216. Scala Book
    | AlvinAlexander.com, Published in , 225 pages
  217. Thinking in Java
    | MindView, Inc., Published in , 1079 pages
  218. UML Process
    | PragSoft Corporation, Published in , 60 pages
  219. The New C Standard
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 1615 pages
  220. Lisp in Small Parts
    | , Published in
  221. Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration
    | The MIT Press, Published in , 652 pages
  222. You Don't Know JS: Scope and Closures
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 98 pages
  223. Hacking with React
    | Leanpub, Published in , 236 pages
  224. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 464 pages
  225. Efficient R Programming
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 150 pages
  226. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Java Version)
    | Green Tea Press, Published in , 306 pages
  227. Functional Programming in OCaml
    | Cornell University, Published in , 265 pages
  228. Perl 6 Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  229. Thinking Forth
    | Punchy Publishing, Published in , 316 pages
  230. Ruby Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  231. Introduction to Java and OOA/OOD for Web Applications
    | DevDaily.com, Published in
  232. Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach
    | W.H. Freeman & Company, Published in , 358 pages
  233. Object Oriented Software in Ada 95
    | , Published in , 446 pages
  234. 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know
    | O'Reilly, Published in , 222 pages
  235. Computer Science Logo Style
    | The MIT Press, Published in , 1068 pages
  236. Sorting and Searching Algorithms: A Cookbook
    | , Published in , 36 pages
  237. Casting Spells in Lisp
    | Lisperati.com, Published in , 26 pages
  238. Zen Style Programming
    | Lulu Press, Published in , 336 pages
  239. Data-Oriented Design
    | dataorienteddesign.com, Published in
  240. Programming in C
    | University of Hawaii at Manoa, Published in , 234 pages
  241. Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics
    | Australian National University, Published in , 96 pages
  242. An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 656 pages
  243. R Packages: Organize, Test, Document and Share Your Code
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 202 pages
  244. Using R for Introductory Statistics
    | Chapman & Hall/CRC, Published in , 114 pages
  245. So You Want to Learn to Program?
    | CreateSpace, Published in , 380 pages
  246. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java
    | Dover Publications, Published in , 601 pages
  247. Object Oriented Programming in ANSI-C
    | , Published in , 221 pages
  248. Working through Screens
    | Flashbulb Interaction, Published in , 143 pages
  249. A Practical Introduction to APL 1 and APL 2
    | Robertson Pub, Published in , 57 pages
  250. Working With Objects
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 497 pages
  251. Scala with Cats
    | Underscore Consulting, Published in , 325 pages
  252. C++ Annotations
    | University of Groningen, Published in , 741 pages
  253. Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 464 pages
  254. Exploring Generic Haskell
    | Febodruk, Published in , 352 pages
  255. Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 440 pages
  256. Ruby User's Guide
    | , Published in , 264 pages
  257. Evil by Design: Design patterns that lead us into temptation
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 361 pages
  258. Foundations of Jini 2 Programming
    | Apress, Published in , 512 pages
  259. Visual Basic.Net
    | BPB Publications, Published in
  260. Mobile Developer's Guide to the Parallel Universe
    | Wireless Industry Partnership, Published in , 138 pages
  261. Computer Science: Abstraction to Implementation
    | Harvey Mudd College, Published in , 627 pages
  262. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers
    | Green Tea Press, Published in , 122 pages
  263. So you want to be a Computer Game Developer?
    | Fastgraph, Published in , 237 pages
  264. Maven: The Complete Reference
    | Sonatype, Inc., Published in , 339 pages
  265. The Twelve-Factor App
    | 12factor.net, Published in , 205 pages
  266. Android Notes for Professionals
    | Goalkicker.com, Published in , 1329 pages
  267. More Servlets and JavaServer Pages
    | Pearson Education, Published in , 752 pages
  268. Blender Basics: Classroom Tutorial Book
    | , Published in , 146 pages
  269. The Definitive Guide to symfony
    | Apress, Published in , 425 pages
  270. Clojure From the Ground Up
    | Aphyr.com, Published in
  271. Fundamentals of C++ Programming
    | Southern Adventist University, Published in , 638 pages
  272. Scientific Software Engineering in a Nutshell
    | arXiv, Published in , 39 pages
  273. Inductive Logic Programming: Theory and Methods
    | ScienceDirect, Published in , 51 pages
  274. The Boost C++ Libraries
    | XML Press, Published in , 424 pages
  275. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
    | Prentice Hall PTR, Published in , 960 pages
  276. Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics Animation and Control
    | Oxford University Press, USA, Published in , 283 pages
  277. Programming in Lua
    | , Published in , 288 pages
  278. Learn Prolog Now!
    | College Publications, Published in , 284 pages
  279. Java with BlueJ
    | University of Winnipeg, Published in , 446 pages
  280. A Practical Introduction to 3D Game Development
    | Bookboon, Published in , 252 pages
  281. Programming Windows Phone 7
    | Microsoft Press, Published in , 1013 pages
  282. Game Creation with XNA
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  283. The Craft of Programming
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 434 pages
  284. Building Skills in Python
    | Linuxtopia.org, Published in , 568 pages
  285. Programming Neural Networks with Encog3 in Java
    | Heaton Research, Published in , 242 pages
  286. Loving Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer's Secret Weapon
    | , Published in
  287. C# - The Basics
    | BPB Publications, Published in
  288. Prolog Techniques
    | BookBoon, Published in , 186 pages
  289. Smalltalk With Style
    | Prentice Hall, Published in , 139 pages
  290. Version Management with CVS
    | Network Theory Ltd., Published in , 184 pages
  291. BIOS Disassembly Ninjutsu Uncovered
    | A-List Publishing, Published in , 579 pages
  292. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
    | Green Tea Press, Published in
  293. Programming from Specifications
    | Prentice-Hall, Published in , 260 pages
  294. Java: The Fundamentals of Objects and Classes
    | BookBoon, Published in , 92 pages
  295. Learn Ruby The Hard Way
    | LCodeTHW, Published in , 91 pages
  296. Perl Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 141 pages
  297. C# School: 14 lessons to get you started with C# and .NET
    | , Published in , 338 pages
  298. Visual Basic
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  299. Make Games with Python
    | The MagPi Magazine, Published in , 154 pages
  300. A to Z of C
    | , Published in
  301. AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming
    | Duxbury Press, Published in , 540 pages
  302. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java
    | Wiley, Published in , 656 pages
  303. Interactive Fortran 77: A Hands on Approach
    | , Published in , 233 pages
  304. Quick Ada
    | , Published in , 164 pages
  305. GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
    | Free Software Foundation, Published in , 1025 pages
  306. Silverlight for Windows Phone
    | Microsoft Innovation Center, Published in , 157 pages
  307. RubyGems User Guide
    | RubyGems.org, Published in
  308. The Java Game Programming Tutorial
    | , Published in
  309. C++ Best Practices
    | GitBook, Published in , 45 pages
  310. GPU Gems 3
    | Addison-Wesley Professional, Published in , 1008 pages
  311. Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs
    | Taligent Press, Published in , 152 pages
  312. C# Programming
    | Wikibooks, Published in , 71 pages
  313. Practical C++ Metaprogramming
    | O'Reilly Media, Published in , 54 pages
  314. Go Bootcamp
    | golangbootcamp.com, Published in
  315. Zen of Assembly Language: Volume I, Knowledge
    | jagregory.com, Published in , 849 pages
  316. Let Over Lambda: 50 Years of Lisp
    | Lulu.com, Published in , 384 pages
  317. Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving
    | Prentice-Hall, Published in , 865 pages
  318. Java Precisely
    | IT University of Copenhagen, Published in , 68 pages
  319. Learning Perl the Hard Way
    | Green Tea Press, Published in , 69 pages
  320. Ada Quality and Style Guide
    | Wikibooks, Published in
  321. Game Programming Patterns
    | gameprogrammingpatterns.com, Published in
  322. The Book Of Ruby
    | No Starch Press, Published in , 425 pages
  323. The Rook's Guide to C++
    | Rook's Guide Press, Published in , 160 pages
  324. Common LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
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    | , Published in , 118 pages
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    | Springer, Published in , 251 pages
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