
Home Computing


Internet (30)
Video Games (23)

e-books in Home Computing category

Book cover: Understanding Computers, Smartphones and the InternetUnderstanding Computers, Smartphones and the Internet
by - Smashwords ,
This book is for people who want to understand how computers work, without having to learn a lot of technical details. The book provides clear explanations of hardware, software, the Internet and smartphones, using examples that are easy to follow.
Book cover: Perspectives on Personal Digital ArchivingPerspectives on Personal Digital Archiving
- National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program ,
This book is intended as resource for individuals -- and the institutions that serve them -- to meet a critical challenge. Our aim is for it to be a primer for the digital archive novice, as well as a refresher for those with more experience.

Book cover: Minimizing Hard Disk Drive Failure and Data LossMinimizing Hard Disk Drive Failure and Data Loss
- Wikibooks ,
While every hard disk drive can eventually be expected to fail, some preparation and practical information can be used to minimize this failure, and to avoid data loss when failure is likely. Most of the stated strategies apply to hard disk drives.
Book cover: Computers for BeginnersComputers for Beginners
- Wikibooks ,
This is a book for people with little or no prior computer knowledge. It will teach basics moving slowly toward more advanced topics. The primary learning technique will be tutorial examples since they facilitate learning more effectively.
Book cover: Using YouTube: From Consumption To ProductionUsing YouTube: From Consumption To Production
by - MakeUseOf.com ,
This guide goes over everything you need to know about YouTube, whether you're an enthusiast or a budding director. It deals with both sides of the YouTube coin, teaching you everything you need to know to find videos and to upload you're own.
Book cover: Turbo Windows: The Ultimate PC Speed Up GuideTurbo Windows: The Ultimate PC Speed Up Guide
by - Auslogics Software ,
This book will teach you how to: Perform essential PC maintenance; Troubleshoot common computer problems; Fix Windows errors, crashes, and freeze-ups; Upgrade your hardware; Apply advanced Windows tweaks; Speed up Internet connection; and more.
Book cover: U.S. Robotics Home Networking for DummiesU.S. Robotics Home Networking for Dummies
by - USRobotics ,
We think that if you have more than one computer in your home, you should have a network. That belief has its roots in the fact that we're generally lazy, and we believe everyone should do everything in the easiest possible manner.
Book cover: HackerProof: Your Guide To PC SecurityHackerProof: Your Guide To PC Security
by - MakeUseOf.com ,
The web is seemingly full of hazards. Keeping yourself safe requires not only the right software, but an understanding of what kind of threats to look out for. This guide provides a detailed, but easily understood walkthrough of PC security.
Book cover: The Secret Guide to ComputersThe Secret Guide to Computers
by - Russell Walter Pub ,
The book explains everything important about computers -- simply, candidly, and as wisely as possible, with a cynical laugh. This book was rated 'tops' by the major computer magazines, newspapers, library organizations, schools, and computer clubs.
Book cover: The Mac ManualThe Mac Manual
by - makeuseof.com ,
Written with the beginner Mac user in mind. It was intended to help recent Switchers learn more about the Mac operating system, to expose them to the best free applications, to extend their productivity and to assist them with day-to-day procedures.
Book cover: Basic Computing Using WindowsBasic Computing Using Windows
- Wikibooks ,
Introduces the reader to a Windows PC environment, it explains basics of computers and peripherals, operating systems and controls, desktop, file systems, concepts and settings, networks and the Internet, email, chat-rooms, and IM.
Book cover: PC Security HandbookPC Security Handbook
by - mintywhite.com ,
This handbook is designed to help you find ways to protect your Windows XP/Vista/7 PC and ensure your data is safe. Some of the topics covered in the book: the best anti-virus software, firewall program, backup utilities, and other.