e-books in Pulmonary Disease category

- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence , 2017
Cystic fibrosis is a multi-system genetic disorder affecting the lungs, pancreas, liver and intestine. It can have a significant impact on life expectancy and quality of life. This guideline will help improve care for this highly complex condition.

by H.F. Rosenberg, J.B. Domachowske - MDPI AG , 2013
This volume focuses on the biology of pneumovirus and metapneumovirus respiratory virus pathogens. These are all enveloped viruses with non-segmented single stranded RNA genomes that cause acute infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

by Ralph Panos, William Eschenbacher - De Gruyter Open Ltd , 2016
COPD Primer is a practical overview of COPD management from recognition and diagnosis to end of life care. We describe the identification of airflow obstruction by spirometry and COPD s historical, physical examination, and radiographic findings ...

by Jean M. Elwing, Ralph J. Panos (eds) - InTech , 2013
This comprehensive volume presents overviews as well as in depth reviews of many aspects of the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, and treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) especially PH related to thromboembolic disease.

by Douglas C McCrory, et al. - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality , 2013
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare and progressive disease associated with increased pulmonary vascular resistance that, if unrelieved, progresses to right ventricular pressure overload, dysfunction, right heart failure, and premature death.

by Douglas C McCrory, et al. - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality , 2013
Cough is the most common complaint for patients seeking medical attention in the United States. Although the most common cause of cough is acute self-limited viral infections, chronic cough has a significant impact on quality of life.

by Ignacio Martin-Loeches - InTech , 2011
Lung parenchyma has been extensively investigated. Nevertheless, the study of bronchial small airways is much less common. The main target of this book is to provide a bronchial small airways original research from different experts in the field.

- NICE , 2008
Respiratory tract infection (RTI) is defined as any infectious disease of the respiratory tract. The common RTIs are the focus of this guideline: acute otitis media, acute cough, acute sore throat, acute rhinosinusitis and the common cold.

- National Asthma Council Australia , 2006
The Handbook aims to be both comprehensive and user-friendly. While written primarily for general practitioners and community pharmacists, the Handbook emphasises a team approach. It contains updated diagnostic, management and prescribing guidelines.

- CDC , 2004
A low-literacy asthma management guide. The brochure provides parents of children with asthma with the information they need to improve their children's quality of life. It is filled with tips on managing asthma by developing a management plan.

- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , 2000
This curriculum was designed to present basic information about TB for health care professionals. It is intended for use as a reference manual for clinicians caring for persons with or at high risk for TB disease or infection.

by Juan Carlos Palomino, Sylvia Cardoso Leão, Viviana Ritacco - TuberculosisTextbook.com , 2007
The medical textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. It covers history, immunology, pathogenesis, virulence, molecular epidemiology, new developments and perspectives.