
Job Hunting & Careers


Job Interviews (6)
Working Abroad (7)

e-books in Job Hunting & Careers category

Book cover: Unsuck Your CareerUnsuck Your Career
by - Smashwords ,
Sick and tired of being unemployed or having a mediocre career? This is your game plan to gain an unfair employability advantage, stand out from the crowd, get your dream job, and develop the skills for tomorrow's marketplace.
Book cover: 4 Steps to Career Success: The new career transition workbook4 Steps to Career Success: The new career transition workbook
by - Bookboon ,
In difficult economic times we too often have to settle for job opportunities that are not ideal. This book is written primarily to help those seeking employment job change. If you intend to set up your own business the fundamentals are the same.
Book cover: Time To Find A New JobTime To Find A New Job
by - Bookboon ,
Proven advice, tips and strategies to help you through the job process. This includes: Resume Writing Strategies; The point of the Cover Letter; Creating professional image through your social networks; Preparing yourself for the job search; etc.

Book cover: Resume Secrets ExposedResume Secrets Exposed
by - BookBoon ,
While there is no exact science to writing the perfect resume, this eBook will provide you with as much information on what to include in the resume as well as avoiding the major resume mistakes that commonly lead to having your resume deleted.
Book cover: Time to get hiredTime to get hired
by - BookBoon ,
A step-by-step booklet that helps you to understand what it takes to land a new job through alternative channels. We will cover how to approach recruitment and employment agencies, how to use your network and how to submit unsolicited applications.
Book cover: Ignite Your Career: The New Grads BibleIgnite Your Career: The New Grads Bible
by - BookBoon ,
The information in this book is a tool providing you with inspiration and practical guidance to start your career. This guide contains proven methods to use in your daily interactions with colleagues, managers, industry professionals and customers.
Book cover: Creating Your CV as a Self Marketing ToolCreating Your CV as a Self Marketing Tool
by - BookBoon ,
This book goes through a structured approach of how to tackle each key stage in order to bring your CV together, by carrying out a number of self analysis exercises. The benefits include increased confidence and self esteem.
Book cover: Find EmploymentFind Employment
- Wikibooks ,
This wikibook is an attempt to explain the process of finding a job and getting hired for that job. The book will explain such topics as finding a job, writing a resume, applying for a job, performing at an interview, and more.
Book cover: Six Steps To Job Search SuccessSix Steps To Job Search Success
by - Saylor Foundation ,
This book is a practical discussion of actionable steps (six of them) that students can take to land a job regardless of the market. The authors of the book discuss the proactive things that students can do to get themselves a job.
Book cover: Career Guide to IndustriesCareer Guide to Industries
- U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ,
For different industries - such as educational services, healthcare, and motor vehicle and parts manufacturing - this guide tells you about: Occupations in the industry; Training and advancement; Earnings; Expected job prospects; Working conditions.
Book cover: What's the Worth? The Economic Values of College MajorsWhat's the Worth? The Economic Values of College Majors
by - Georgetown University ,
The report finds that different undergraduate majors result in very different earnings. At the low end, median earnings for Counseling Psychology majors are $29,000, while Petroleum Engineering majors see median earnings of $120,000.
Book cover: The Rough Guide to Being Successful at WorkThe Rough Guide to Being Successful at Work
by ,
This is a 'rough guide' for junior staff through to middle management on how to be successful at work and maximize your career trajectory. The book avoids theory and provides simple, easy to follow steps that allow one to improve one's performance.
Book cover: Graduate Employment: 333 tips for finding your first job as a graduateGraduate Employment: 333 tips for finding your first job as a graduate
by - BookBoon ,
There are at least two reasons to download this book of tips. One is to find practical and encouraging advice on how to find graduate employment. The second reason is that the authors are giving all proceeds from the download of the book to charity.
Book cover: Managing Your CareerManaging Your Career
by - BookBoon ,
You spend a great proportion of your life at work so it pays to choose and manage your career wisely. In this book you will work through a series of exercises and content so that you will be able to plan and map out a rewarding career for yourself.
Book cover: Career ChangeCareer Change
by ,
This book will take you through understanding the way you feel now as well as how to improve your current situation so you can create enough space to work on breaking out and doing what you truly love. It also contains the career change process ...
Book cover: Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From WorkWaking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work
by - A Humming Words ,
The book explains how we came to be servants of an economic system, rather than the other way around. It proposes a theory of wholism for critiquing the present reality and envisioning the world we want, and then suggests actions to help us get there.
Book cover: High Powered CVsHigh Powered CVs
by - How to Books ,
A well-written, well-designed CV is essential. Together with your letter it is the only thing a prospective employer has to go on. This text will help managers and professionals market themselves through their CVs to gain managerial positions.
Book cover: Choosing a CareerChoosing a Career
- eJournal USA ,
This edition of eJournal USA rambles down the many varied paths that Americans take on their way to find their life's work. Professionals in various fields explain how they got there, and some wrong turns they made along the way.
Book cover: Green Jobs GuidebookGreen Jobs Guidebook
by - Environmental Defense Fund ,
Resource for job seekers in California's new green economy. New environmental laws will create new jobs in California. This guide provides profiles of 200 green jobs currently in California, details on job types for high school grads, etc.
Book cover: Guide to Writing Resumes, CVs and Cover LettersGuide to Writing Resumes, CVs and Cover Letters
- Swarthmore College ,
The book shows how you can make your CV stand out and convince the recruiter that you have what is needed to do the job. It offers practical tips on how to project a suitable professional image, identify your strengths and write a covering letter.