
Atmospheric Sciences

e-books in Atmospheric Sciences category

Book cover: The AtmosphereThe Atmosphere
by - arXiv.org ,
Notes for a flipped course on 'The Atmosphere' at an introductory undergraduate level. Topics include: atmospheric composition, structure, and thermodynamics; solar and terrestrial radiation in the atmospheric energy balance; atmospheric dynamics.
Book cover: U.S. Severe Weather TerminologyU.S. Severe Weather Terminology
- Wikipedia ,
This book describes severe weather terminology used by the National Weather Service in the United States. The NWS defines meanings for nearly all of its weather terms. The book describes NWS terminology and related weather scales used by the agency.

Book cover: Mathematical and Physical Ideas for Climate ScienceMathematical and Physical Ideas for Climate Science
by - arXiv ,
In this interdisciplinary review, we are guided by our interest in exploring the nexus between climate and concepts such as energy, entropy, symmetry, response, multiscale interactions, and its potential relevance in terms of numerical modeling.
Book cover: Natural Aerosols in the Climate SystemNatural Aerosols in the Climate System
by - University of California, Irvine ,
This monograph describes considerations pertinent to understanding and simulating the distribution and effects of natural aerosols in Earth's atmosphere. The majority of the aerosol-specific sections focus on mineral dust.
Book cover: Radiative Transfer in the Earth SystemRadiative Transfer in the Earth System
by - University of California, Irvine ,
This document describes processes and radiative transfer models of the Earth system. Our approach is to present a detailed derivation of the tools of radiative transfer needed to predict the radiative quantities which drive climate.
Book cover: Weather Science: An Elementary Introduction to MeteorologyWeather Science: An Elementary Introduction to Meteorology
by - T. F. Unwin ,
The application of dynamical methods, the development of theories of atmospheric circulation, the establishment of regular meteorological observatories, have all helped in throwing light upon some of the obscurer problems of the science.
Book cover: Practical Exercises in Elementary MeteorologyPractical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology
by - Ginn & company ,
The object of this book is to supply a guide in the elementary observational and inductive studies in meteorology. This Manual is not intended to replace the text-books, but is designed to prepare the way for their more intelligent use.
Book cover: MeteorologyMeteorology
by - T. C. & E. C. Jack ,
Contents: Dew; Hoar-Frost; Fog; Dust and Atmospheric Phenomena; Formation of Clouds; Haze; Rainbow; Aurora Borealis; Blue Sky; Fog and Smoke; Radiation from Snow; Wind; Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones; Rain Phenomena; Climate; Weather-Forecasting; etc.
Book cover: Recent Hurricane Research: Climate, Dynamics, and Societal ImpactsRecent Hurricane Research: Climate, Dynamics, and Societal Impacts
by - InTech ,
The book presents recent research on tropical cyclones and their impacts. An updated global climatology is presented, including the occurrence of tropical cyclones and the terrestrial factors that may contribute to variability in their occurrence.
Book cover: Earth's Energy Imbalance and ImplicationsEarth's Energy Imbalance and Implications
by - arXiv ,
Observations of ocean temperature confirm that Earth is absorbing more energy from the sun than it is radiating to space as heat. The energy imbalance provides verification of the dominant role of the human-made greenhouse effect in climate change.
Book cover: Meteorology: Theoretical And AppliedMeteorology: Theoretical And Applied
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
This book is an introductory treatment of basic meteorological theory, with a closer integration of forecasting technique with the theory on which it is founded. The book is designed to appeal persons studying meteorology or practicing forecasters.
Book cover: Weather ExplainedWeather Explained
- Advameg, Inc. ,
A complete weather encyclopedia in 6 volumes. It contains articles like United States Weather in Atlas Format, El Nino and La Nina, Winter Storms, Heat and Humidity, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods and Flash Floods, Earthquakes, etc.
Book cover: Atmospheric ConvectionAtmospheric Convection
by - New Mexico Tech ,
A graduate course in the physics of atmospheric convection: Governing equations of fluid dynamics; Convection and turbulence; Thermodynamics of moist convection; Simple models of convection; Microphysics of convection; Convection and the environment.
Book cover: An Atlas of the Global Water CycleAn Atlas of the Global Water Cycle
by - ANU E Press ,
The maps and tables in the Atlas document rainfall, evaporation and runoff estimates for the 20th century along with predictions at the end of the 21st century. The predictions are made by the international climate modeling community.
Book cover: The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental ChangeThe Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change
by - University of California Press ,
An authoritative, up-to-date handbook on global change. Written by a scientist for nonscientists, this primer humanizes the great environmental issues of our time - the hole in the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and air pollution.
Book cover: Atmospheric PollutionAtmospheric Pollution
by - BookBoon ,
Atmospheric pollution is is becoming an increasingly important theme as the discussion on global warming becomes ever more relevant. The book introduces the different concepts of atmospheric pollution and the underlying principles.