
Single Variable Calculus

e-books in Single Variable Calculus category

Book cover: Elementary CalculusElementary Calculus
by - mecmath.net ,
This book covers calculus of a single variable. Contents: The Derivative, Derivatives of Common Functions, Topics in Differential Calculus, Applications of Derivatives, The Integral, Methods of Integration, Analytic Geometry and Plane Curves, etc.
Book cover: Armstrong CalculusArmstrong Calculus
by - GALILEO, University System of Georgia ,
Calculus textbook with a typical schedule and content of the calculus sequence. Contents: Introduction to Calculus; Limits; Derivatives; Applications of Derivatives; Integration; Topics of Integration; Integration Applications; Sequences and Series.

Book cover: Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral CalculusElementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus
by - The Open Court Pub. Co. ,
The style is fluent and familiar; the treatment continuous and undogmatic. The main difficulties which encompass the early study of the Calculus are discussed in connexion with practical and historical illustrations which leave little to be desired.
Book cover: Differential CalculusDifferential Calculus
by - S. Chand And Company ,
This book is meant for students preparing for the B.A. and B.Sc. examinations. The treatment of the subject is rigorous but no attempt has been made to state and prove the theorems in generalised forms and under less restrictive conditions.
Book cover: Differential and Integral CalculusDifferential and Integral Calculus
by - American book company ,
The derivative is presented rigorously as a limit. Maxima and minima are discussed as the turning values in the variation of a function. The related theories of inflexions, curvature, and asymptotes receive direct and comprehensive treatment.
Book cover: A Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal CalculusA Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus
by - Macmillan ,
Although intended primarily for economic students, the book is equally adapted to the use of those who wish a short course in 'The Calculus' as a matter of general education. I have had in mind not so much the classroom as the study.
Book cover: Calculus with Analytic GeometryCalculus with Analytic Geometry
by - W W Norton & Co Inc ,
Contents: Functions, Limits, and Derivatives; Conic Section; Integration; Logarithms and Exponential Functions; Trigonometric Functions; Techniques of Integration; The Definite Integral; Infinite Series; Geometry in the Plane; Differential Equations.
Book cover: A Brief Course in the CalculusA Brief Course in the Calculus
by - D. Van Norstrand company ,
This book is intended not only for the class-room, but for the student without a teacher, who hopes to acquire some knowledge of the working principles of the Calculus in a short time. The book presupposes some knowledge of Geometry ...
Book cover: Calculus IllustratedCalculus Illustrated
by ,
This is a traditional first semester course in introductory calculus. The main goal is some familiarity with the derivative and its applications. Topics: Limits; Continuity; Limits; Differentiation; Maximum and minimum values of functions; Integral.
Book cover: Active CalculusActive Calculus
by - Grand Valley State University ,
Where many texts present a general theory of calculus followed by substantial collections of worked examples, we instead pose problems or situations, consider possibilities, and then ask students to investigate and explore.
Book cover: Elementary Algebra and CalculusElementary Algebra and Calculus
by - Bookboon ,
This elementary book embodies a systematic and efficient teaching method that marries modern evidence-based pedagogical findings with ideas that can be traced back to such educational and mathematical giants as Socrates and Euler.
Book cover: Basic Calculus RefresherBasic Calculus Refresher
by - University of Wisconsin ,
This is a very condensed and simplified version of basic calculus, which is a prerequisite for many courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, etc. It is not comprehensive, and not intended to be a substitute for a one-year freshman course.
Book cover: Calculus ConcentrateCalculus Concentrate
by - Whitman College ,
The text represents one person's attempt to put the essential ideas of calculus into a short and concise format. It may not appeal to a wide range of mathematicians, but it should provide most students with a good foundation in calculus.
Book cover: CalculusCalculus
by - McGraw-Hill ,
Calculus for technical students. Integration with the determination of the constant of integration, and the definite integral as the limit of a sum, are given following the differentiation of algebraic functions and before transcendental functions.
Book cover: Integral CalculusIntegral Calculus
by - University of British Columbia ,
Contents: Areas, volumes and simple sums; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Applications of the definite integral to velocities and rates, calculating volume, mass, and length; Techniques of Integration; Differential Equations; Infinite series...
Book cover: Integrate Your Brain: How To Do Calculus In Your HeadIntegrate Your Brain: How To Do Calculus In Your Head
by - Lulu.com ,
Integrate Your Brain teaches how talented mathematicians utilize their normal, human mental ability to tackle calculus. You are gently trained in the fundamental skills, and shown step by step how to put them into action yourself.
Book cover: Relationships, Change and Mathematical AnalysisRelationships, Change and Mathematical Analysis
by - Learning Development Institute ,
This book deals with the mathematics we need in describing the relationships among the quantities we measure in Physics. This leads us into the study of relationships and change, the starting point for Mathematical Analysis and the Calculus.
Book cover: Funny Little Calculus TextFunny Little Calculus Text
by - University of Pennsylvania ,
This text is meant to be read and enjoyed. It assumes you've seen some Calculus before: you know what to do (differentiate / integrate) and how to do it, but you don't know what it really means -- like everything else in life ...
Book cover: Integration and Differential EquationsIntegration and Differential Equations
by - BookBoon ,
Part I introduces the standard techniques of elementary integration and, in some cases, takes the ideas a little further. In Part II, ordinary differential equation are explored, and the solution methods for some standard types are explained.
Book cover: A Reform Approach to Business CalculusA Reform Approach to Business Calculus
by - Arkansas Tech University ,
This short supplement consists of the author's lectures of a freshmen-level mathematics class offered at Arkansas Tech University. These lecture notes are basically well suited for a one semester course in Business Calculus.
Book cover: The Calculus for EngineersThe Calculus for Engineers
by - E. Arnold ,
This book describes what has for many years been the most important part of the regular college course in the Calculus for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students. The students knew only the most elementary mathematics.
Book cover: Calculus for Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, and PhysicistsCalculus for Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, and Physicists
by - Holy Cross ,
The author presents beautiful, interesting, living mathematics, as informally as possible, without compromising logical rigor. You will solidify your calculational knowledge and acquire understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the calculus.
Book cover: The Calculus for BeginnersThe Calculus for Beginners
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The author has been guided by the conviction that it is much more important for the beginner to understand clearly what the processes of the Calculus mean, and what it can do for him, than to acquire facility in performing its operations.
Book cover: Calculus Made EasyCalculus Made Easy
by - The MacMillan Company ,
A book for the mathematically eager who know some algebra. First published in 1910, overall a million copies have been sold. Most talk of continuum and its infinities is suppressed. A remarkable and user-friendly approach to the study of calculus.
Book cover: The Calculus IntegralThe Calculus Integral
by - ClassicalRealAnalysis.com ,
Elementary introduction to integration theory on the real line. This is at the level of an honor's course in calculus or a first undergraduate level real analysis course. It prepares the student for a graduate level course in Lebesgue integration.
Book cover: Graphical CalculusGraphical Calculus
by - Longmans, Green, and Co. ,
All teachers of engineering and applied sciences generally now recognize the vast superiority of graphical over purely mathematical methods of imparting instruction of almost every description. The former are much more convincing to the student.
Book cover: Introduction to the Elementary FunctionsIntroduction to the Elementary Functions
by - Ginn and company ,
The book covers some parts of plane trigonometry and analytic geometry, followed by an introduction to the differential calculus, including differentiation of simpler algebraic functions and applications to problems of rates and maxima and minima.
Book cover: Elementary CalculusElementary Calculus
by - Ginn and Company ,
This book is adapted to the use of students in the first year in technical school or college, and is based upon the experience of the authors teaching calculus to students in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology immediately upon entrance.
Book cover: CK-12 Single Variable CalculusCK-12 Single Variable Calculus
by - CK-12 Foundation ,
From the table of contents: Functions, Limits, and Continuity; Derivatives; Applications of Derivatives; Integration; Applications of Definite Integrals; Transcendental Functions; Integration Techniques; Infinite Series.
Book cover: Real Functions in One Variable: Examples of IntegralsReal Functions in One Variable: Examples of Integrals
by - BookBoon ,
This volume covers partial integration, integration by simple substitutes, integration by advanced substitutions, decomposition, integration by decomposition, trigonometric integrals, MAPLE programs, moment of inertia, and mathematical models.
Book cover: Calculus for Beginners and ArtistsCalculus for Beginners and Artists
by - MIT ,
Calculus is the study of how things change, it provides a framework for modeling systems in which there is change. This online textbook provides an overview of Calculus in clear, easy to understand language designed for the non-mathematician.
Book cover: Real Functions in One Variable: Calculus 1aReal Functions in One Variable: Calculus 1a
by - BookBoon ,
Most students already have assigned textbooks when studying Calculus I, therefore this free book takes a different approach. It focuses on explaining the central theories and warns students of the areas where mistakes are traditionally made.
Book cover: Sequences and Power Series: Guidelines for Solutions of ProblemsSequences and Power Series: Guidelines for Solutions of Problems
by - BookBoon ,
Guidelines for solutions of problems concerning sequences and power series. It is not an alternative textbook, but it can be a useful supplement to the ordinary textbooks. The text presupposes some knowledge of calculus of functions in one variable.
Book cover: A Summary of CalculusA Summary of Calculus
by - University of Hawaii ,
The author introduces limits and derivatives, provides some rules for their computations, discusses some properties of differential equations, geometric properties of graphs, introduces the ideas of the definite and the indefinite integral, etc.
Book cover: One Variable Advanced CalculusOne Variable Advanced Calculus
by - Brigham Young University ,
The difference between advanced calculus and calculus is that all the theorems are proved completely. Routine skills are supposed to be mastered and have no place in advanced calculus which deals with the issues related to existence and meaning.
Book cover: Engineering Mathematics 1Engineering Mathematics 1
by ,
Introduction of elementary mathematical ideas useful in the study of Engineering. The text covers the derivative, maxima and minima, integration, reduction formulas, complex numbers, matrices, Taylor series, and differential equations.
Book cover: Calculus RefresherCalculus Refresher
by ,
A short text covering introductory calculus topics: functions, limits, derivatives, critical points, minimization and maximization, l’Hospital’s rule, higher derivatives, integration, area and definite integrals, numerical integration, etc.
Book cover: Calculus IICalculus II
by - Lamar University ,
These lecture notes should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn Calculus II or needing a refresher in some of the topics from the class. The notes assume a good knowledge of Calculus I topics including limits, derivatives and basic integration.
Book cover: Calculus ICalculus I
by - Lamar University ,
These notes should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn Calculus I or needing a refresher in some of the early topics in calculus. Contents: Review; Limits; Derivatives; Applications of Derivatives; Integrals; Applications of Integrals.
Book cover: Calculus UnlimitedCalculus Unlimited
by - Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co. ,
A supplement to any calculus text, an alternative treatment of calculus using the method of exhaustion for the derivative and integral in place of limits. The book is for calculus students and instructors interested in trying an alternative to limits.
Book cover: Elements of the Differential and Integral CalculusElements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
by - Ginn ,
Variables and functions, theory of limits, differentiation, rules for differentiating standard elementary form, successive differentiation, maxima and minima, differentials, rates, curvature, theorem of mean value, partial differentiation, etc.
Book cover: Yet Another Calculus TextYet Another Calculus Text
by ,
Introduction to calculus based on the hyperreal number system for readers who are already familiar with calculus basics. It covers hyperreals, continuous functions, derivatives, geometric interpretation, optimization, integrals, applications, etc.
Book cover: Understanding CalculusUnderstanding Calculus
by ,
Online introductory book on Calculus that focuses on concepts, without complex and abstract jargon. Integrated throughout the e-book are many engineering applications aimed at developing the student's scientific approach towards problem solving.
Book cover: Brief CalculusBrief Calculus
by ,
Short introductory text on differentiation and integration of functions of a single variable, and iterated integrals. The emphasis is on the techniques of calculus, although proofs are given for the important results at the back of the book.