
Marine Engineering

e-books in Marine Engineering category

Book cover: Engineering Mathematics in Ship DesignEngineering Mathematics in Ship Design
by - MDPI ,
Engineering mathematics is a study field where mathematical methods and solving techniques are combined to solve practical engineering problems. This knowledge is employed to obtain several recommendations about diversified fields of ship design.
Book cover: Marine HydrodynamicsMarine Hydrodynamics
by - The MIT Press ,
This classic textbook fills the need for a single volume on the applications of hydrodynamics to marine problems. The book is solidly based on fundamentals, but it also guides the student to an understanding of engineering applications ...
Book cover: Marine Propulsion Simulation: Methods and ResultsMarine Propulsion Simulation: Methods and Results
by - De Gruyter Open ,
This book presents the main steps for the development of a multi-physic simulation platform, able to represent the motions of a twin screw ship in six degrees of freedom, taking into account the whole propulsion system and automation effects.

Book cover: Tsunami Science and EngineeringTsunami Science and Engineering
by - MDPI AG ,
Despite a significant increase in research activities after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, there certainly can be -- and needs to be -- more research with the aim to reduce the destruction caused by tsunamis to us and our environment.
Book cover: The Impact of Ships Stability on Safety of NavigationThe Impact of Ships Stability on Safety of Navigation
by ,
The book is approaching the problems of ships stability loss through the study of operational aspects as well as dynamic ship behaviour in severe conditions offering a picture of some stability failure modes that are not covered by any regulations.
Book cover: Boat-Building and BoatingBoat-Building and Boating
by - Charles Scribner's Sons ,
This book is intended for beginners in the art of boat-building. It begins with the primitive crafts composed of slabs or logs and works up to scows, house-boats, skiffs, canoes and simple forms of sailing craft, a motor-boat, and there it stops.
Book cover: Nautical ChartsNautical Charts
by - J. Wiley ,
A considerable portion of the human race is interested directly or indirectly, whether as mariners or passengers or shippers, in navigation upon the sea. This book covers the general subject of nautical charts, their origin, construction, and use.
Book cover: Lectures on Ship ManoeuvrabilityLectures on Ship Manoeuvrability
by - Bookboon ,
This book contains fourteen lectures which include main principles of ship manoeuvrability. Experimental, theoretical and numerical methods used in the ship theory are presented in a clear and simple form. Each chapter is supplied with exercises.
Book cover: Wooden Ship-BuildingWooden Ship-Building
by - Rudder Pub. Co ,
The object of this book is to place at the disposal of builders of wood ships some much needed information about construction and equipment. Each principal part of a vessel's construction is explained, the book can be used for reference purposes.
Book cover: Offshore HydromechanicsOffshore Hydromechanics
by - Delft University of Technology ,
This text book is an attempt to provide a comprehensive treatment of hydromechanics for offshore engineers. The treatment of the selected topics includes both the background theory and its applications to realistic problems.
Book cover: Introduction in Ship HydromechanicsIntroduction in Ship Hydromechanics
by - Delft University of Technology ,
This preliminary text book provides a short introduction in ship hydromechanics for second year maritime engineering students. Topics have been selected for inclusion based upon their applicability in modern maritime engineering practice.
Book cover: Text-Book of Theorectical Naval ArchitectureText-Book of Theorectical Naval Architecture
by - Longmans, Green, and co. ,
This book has been prepared in order to provide students and draughtsmen engaged in Shipbuilders' and Naval Architects drawing offices with a text-book which should explain the calculations which continually have to be performed.
Book cover: Shipbuilding from its beginningsShipbuilding from its beginnings
by ,
May this book add its mite to a knowledge of the gradual evolution of shipbuilding; may it also cause to disappear this ridiculous way in which ancient ships used to be represented and, most of all, may it awaken the love for the building of ships.
Book cover: Modeling of Sonar Transducers and ArraysModeling of Sonar Transducers and Arrays
by ,
Tutorial describing the mathematical tools used in the modeling of Sonar transducers and arrays. Topics include The Acoustic Wave Equation, Acoustic Array Interactions, The Helmholtz and Kirchhoff Integral Equations, Infinite Element Methods, etc.
Book cover: Shipbuilding for BeginnersShipbuilding for Beginners
by ,
This booklet is issued for use by workmen engaged in building ships. Written in simple language and illustrated with clear diagrams, it will serve both as a guide to the activities of a modern American shipyard and a stimulus to patriotic service.