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e-books in History category

by Stefan Tanaka - Lever Press , 2019
This short book implores the humanities and humanistic social sciences to actively embrace the richness of different times that are evident in non-modern societies and have become common in several scientific fields throughout the twentieth century.

by T. Mills Kelly - University of Michigan Press , 2013
T. Mills Kelly synthesizes more than two decades of research in digital history, offering practical advice on how to make best use of the results of this synthesis in the classroom and new ways of thinking about pedagogy in the digital humanities.

by Iain Hampsher-Monk (ed.) - Amsterdam University Press , 1998
Contributions by distinguished practitioners of conceptual history from Europe and America illustrate both the distinctiveness and diversity of the genre. The book is devoted to the origins and identity of the field, as well as methodological issues.

by Jo Guldi, David Armitage - Cambridge University Press , 2014
How should historians speak truth to power? Why is five hundred years better than five years as a planning horizon? The History Manifesto is a call to arms to historians and everyone interested in the role of history in contemporary society.

by Kevin Kee - University of Michigan Press , 2014
In the field of history, the Web and other technologies have become important tools in research and teaching of the past. 'Pastplay' is a collection of essays written by leading history and humanities researchers and teachers.

by Richard Davey - McCorquodale & Co., Limited , 1890
Although tradition has not informed us whether our first parents made any change in their garments on the death of their relatives, it is certain that the wearing mourning and the institution of funereal ceremonies are of the most remote antiquity.

by Kristen Nawrotzki, Jack Dougherty - University of Michigan Press , 2013
With our unique focus on writing, our innovative web-born format and our open review process, we seek to move beyond the traditionalist ways scholars -- and historians in particular -- have tended to think about and to use digital technologies.

by Grant Rodwell - University of Adelaide Press , 2013
This text aims to illustrate how historical novels and their related genres may be used as an engaging learning strategy for student teachers in pre-service teacher education courses. The book examines the traditions in Australian historical fiction.

by Edwin James Brady - G. Robertson and Co. , 1918
The body of the material for Australia Unlimited has not been gathered from printed pages, but collected carefully. State by State, mile by mile, year after year, from the wide circle of a continent -- a continent of potentialities still unrealized.

by Ralph Raico - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2010
The great historian of classical liberalism strips away the veneer of exalted leaders and beloved wars. Professor Ralph Raico shows them to be wolves in sheep's clothing and their wars as attacks on human liberty and human rights.

by Mark Damen - Utah State University , 2002
The medium of history and classics as intellectual disciplines is the written word. Sloppiness of expression is as detrimental to any historical study. This guide is designed to help you avoid some of the pitfalls into which students often fall.

by Antony Adolf (ed.) - Center for Global Nonkilling , 2010
The surprise insight from Nonkilling History is that what did not happen explains why humanity lives today. This turns upside down understanding of history as the story of the victory of righteous human violence in struggles to satisfy human needs.

- Wikibooks , 2012
Many people who have not written a research paper in the genre of History often have difficulty with understanding where to start. This Wikibook is an attempt to outline some of the basics for writing a research paper in History.

by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa - ManyBooks , 1907
The history of the Incas by Sarmiento is, without any doubt, the most authentic and reliable that has yet appeared. For it was compiled from the carefully attested evidence of the Incas themselves, taken under official sanction.

by Cooper, Maurice - Dodd, Mead and Company , 1904
While the impulse to satirize public men in picture is probably as old as satiric verse, the political cartoon, as an effective agent in molding public opinion, is essentially a product of modern conditions. Its success depends upon its timeliness.

by Jonathan Gorman - University of Ottawa Press , 1992
Has any question about the historical past ever been finally answered? This incisive study goes one step further and brings into question the very ability of historians to gather and communicate genuine knowledge about the past.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This is a concise textbook on New Zealand history, designed so it can be read by virtually anyone wanting to find out more about New Zealand history. The textbook covers the entire time span of human settlement in New Zealand.

by Humphrey J. Desmond - Marlier & co. , 1902
History perhaps can never become an exact science, the human element inevitably asserts itself to some extent. But if we have more faithfulness to scientific methods of investigation, there are grounds for expecting excellent results in the future.

by F. N. McCoy - University of California Press , 1974
In this handbook the author has analyzed the stages involved in the term research paper from the viewpoint of the time involved in each, the order in which they should be undertaken, and their distribution over the typical university quarter.

by Robert Edward Anderson - McClure, Phillips & Co , 1903
Contents: Pre-Columbian Discoveries of America; Extinct Civilization of the Aztecs; American Archeology; Mexico before the Spanish Invasion; Arrival of the Spaniards; Cortes and Montezuma; Balboa and the Isthmus; Extinct Civilization of Peru; etc.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This work includes historical disasters and tragedies sorted chronologically and geographically. Each event includes details related to the event and details about victims, presented in an educational and historically instructive manner.

by C. Langlois, C. Seignobos - Henry Holt and company , 1904
This is not a summary of universal history for the use of beginners. The book is intended, not as a summary of ascertained facts or a system of general ideas on universal history, but as an essay on the method of the historical sciences.

by Pamela Brooks - How To Books , 2008
You don't have to be a trained historian to be interested in and research local history; all you need is an interest, an inquiring mind, an ability to keep your notes in an order where you can retrieve information quickly, and perseverance.