

e-books in Internet category

Book cover: Internet Daemons: Digital Communications PossessedInternet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed
by - University of Minnesota Press ,
McKelvey weaves together history, theory, and policy to give a full account of where daemons come from and how they influence our lives. He asks important questions about how much control is being handed over to these automated, autonomous programs.
Book cover: NetWorld!: What People are Really Doing on the InternetNetWorld!: What People are Really Doing on the Internet
by - Prima Communications ,
The Net is revolutionizing the way millions of people work, learn, fall in love, create art, do business, make friends, and entertain themselves. Rothman explores this new electronic meeting place, as well as the controversy that threatens it ...
Book cover: Introduction to Networking: How the Internet WorksIntroduction to Networking: How the Internet Works
by - net-intro.com ,
This book demystifies the amazing architecture and protocols of computers as they communicate over the Internet. The Internet operates on a few relatively simple concepts that anyone can understand. This book was written for everyone ...

Book cover: Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet ResearchUntangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research
by - Penny Hill Press ,
The Internet -- in all its glory of information and misinformation -- is for all practical purposes limitless, which of course means we can never know it all, see it all, understand it all, or even imagine all it is and will be.
Book cover: Using FirefoxUsing Firefox
- Wikibooks ,
Mozilla Firefox is a free, cross-platform, graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and hundreds of volunteers. Using Firefox is a book designed to help you get the most out of the open source web browser Mozilla Firefox.
Book cover: Internet Safety: Keeping your Computer Safe on the InternetInternet Safety: Keeping your Computer Safe on the Internet
by - Puget Sound Software ,
In this free 113 page ebook I summarize popular articles from covering the basics -- the things you must do, the software you must run and the concepts you need to be aware of -- to keep your computer and your data safe as you use the internet.
Book cover: Netizens: On the History and Impact of the NetNetizens: On the History and Impact of the Net
by - IEEE Computer Society Press ,
Netizens, one of the first books detailing the Internet, looks at the creation and development of this participatory global computer network. The authors conducted online research to find out what makes the Internet 'tick'.
Book cover: Google Apps: The Missing ManualGoogle Apps: The Missing Manual
by - O'Reilly Media ,
A free alternative to Microsoft Office? Google Apps gives you that plus plenty of bonus reasons to switch: collaborate on documents with others at the same time; whip up a Web page stocked with downloadable files; work on it all from any computer.
Book cover: NetLingo: The Internet DictionaryNetLingo: The Internet Dictionary
by - NetLingo ,
NetLingo has thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication including the largest collection of Internet acronyms and text messaging shorthand ;-) We cater to students, teachers, parents, gamers...
Book cover: The World Wide Web: Beneath the SurfThe World Wide Web: Beneath the Surf
by - UCL Press ,
This book serves as an authoritative introduction to concepts and design required to use the WWW. The book is intended for systems operators and managers, IT managers, computer science undergraduates, and general Internet users.
Book cover: Living InternetLiving Internet
by - LivingInternet.com ,
Never before in human history has such a valuable resource been available to so many people at such little cost. This book is an in-depth reference about the Internet, prepared to provide perspective to this most technological of human inventions.
Book cover: Zen and the Art of the InternetZen and the Art of the Internet
by ,
The legendary best-selling Internet introduction is now fully-updated with coverage of the World Wide Web and much more. For years, Internet experts have referred newcomers to this book as the single best way to get started on the Internet.
Book cover: How The Internet WorksHow The Internet Works
by - MakeUseOf.com ,
This guide, by Taty Sena, explores the hardware, software and organizations that power the modern Internet. You will learn about everything from the history of the Internet to the organizations that make it possible today.
Book cover: Own Your Space: Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe OnlineOwn Your Space: Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online
by - Addison-Wesley ,
You download music, Google your homework, constantly IM your friends, check your email before dinner. While you're doing that, you also need to protect yourself. This book is about keeping safe -- protecting your data, your identity, and yourself.
Book cover: Google Guide: Making Searching Even EasierGoogle Guide: Making Searching Even Easier
by - GoogleGuide.com ,
In this tutorial you can learn how to select terms and search effectively; How Google interprets your query; What's included with your results; How to search using special tools and shortcuts; What to do when you can't find the answer you want; etc.
Book cover: The Internet Companion: A Beginner's Guide to Global NetworkingThe Internet Companion: A Beginner's Guide to Global Networking
by - Addison Wesley Longman ,
The book provides a primer on the Internet, explains the rules, and provides step-by-step instructions on accessing many of the resources available through the Internet. It helps both new and experienced users learn how to use the network.
Book cover: World Wide Web: Beyond the BasicsWorld Wide Web: Beyond the Basics
by - Prentice Hall ,
Topics covered: History and evolution of the WWW; Existing and evolving Web standards; Effective representation of information on the WWW; Use of object technology for the WWW; Social and legal issues surrounding the WWW; The future of the Web.
Book cover: From Workplace to Workspace: Using E-mail Lists to Work TogetherFrom Workplace to Workspace: Using E-mail Lists to Work Together
by - IDRC Books ,
From a desktop, e-mail provides a quick link to the world at large, changing a traditional 'workplace' into a 'workspace'. This lively book provides practical guidelines on how to set up an e-mail list, how to launch it, and how to keep it active.
Book cover: Atlas of CyberspaceAtlas of Cyberspace
by - Pearson Education ,
The authors show off a wide range of possibilities in representing the data existing on the Internet. Since so many of these models were created to display never-before-charted territories, the book is largely devoted to analyzing their accuracy.
Book cover: The Music Internet UntangledThe Music Internet Untangled
by - Giant Path Publishing ,
A primer on the different types of online music services and how to use them for music discovery. Though somewhat dated, the fundamentals haven't changed. The chapters on the types of services and music information on the net have remained relevant.
Book cover: The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic FrontierThe Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
by - Perseus Books ,
Written by the man known as the First Citizen of the Internet, this book covers Rheingold's experiences with virtual communities. It starts off with his home community, The Well, out of Sausilito, CA, and makes its way through MUDs and beyond.
Book cover: Planet BroadbandPlanet Broadband
by - Cisco Press ,
The book examines the promise behind the broadband: high-speed access to interactive media and communications. The authors explain why broadband is more than just a better connection to the Internet, and how it improves on every aspect of life.
Book cover: Spreading the Word on the InternetSpreading the Word on the Internet
by - OSCE ,
Reflections from the Amsterdam Conference on Freedom of the Media and the Internet, June 2003. The book includes articles by representatives from the OSCE, the Council of Europe, journalists and media NGOs from Europe and the United States.
Book cover: How to Bypass Internet CensorshipHow to Bypass Internet Censorship
- FLOSS Manuals ,
Because of the internet blocking mechanisms and censorship, many individuals are working hard to ensure that the information on the Internet are freely available. This book documents simple circumvention techniques, and also more complex methods.
Book cover: Surf's UpSurf's Up
by - BPB Publications ,
Introduction to WWW for beginners. From the contents: Search Engines, Electronic Mail, Electronic Greetings, Shopping, GetRight, Chat, Personal Homepage, Hyper Text Markup Language, File Transfer Protocol, Behind the Scenes.
Book cover: The Future of the InternetThe Future of the Internet
by - Yale University Press ,
The book explains the engine that has catapulted the Internet from backwater to ubiquity and reveals that it is sputtering precisely because of its runaway success. The generative Internet is on a path to a lockdown, ending its cycle of innovation.
Book cover: Wireless Networking in the Developing WorldWireless Networking in the Developing World
by - Lulu.com ,
By applying wireless technology in areas that are in need of communications infrastructure, more people can be brought online than ever before. This book was created by a team of individuals participating in the ever-expanding Internet.
Book cover: How To Accelerate Your InternetHow To Accelerate Your Internet
This book provides practical information on how to gain the largest possible benefit from your connection to the Internet. By applying the monitoring and optimisation techniques discussed here, the effectiveness of your network can be improved.
Book cover: 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google55 Ways to Have Fun With Google
by - Lulu.com ,
Interesting facts about Google, Snake Game, Googlesport, Memecodes, Googledromes, cartoons, Google-related games, oddities, everything else. It is an excellent book if you are interested in Google or just want to have fun with the popular search engine.
Book cover: Unlocking Google's Hidden PotentialUnlocking Google's Hidden Potential
by - Netconcepts.com ,
Stephan Spencer has written a new ebook on how to become a Google power-searcher. This guide is a must-have for anyone who uses Google. This ebook will show you how to find what you need quickly and with laser-like accuracy.