e-books in Computer Vision category

by Scott Krig - Springer , 2014
Provides an extensive survey of over 100 machine vision methods, with a detailed taxonomy for local, regional and global features. It provides background to develop intuition about why interest point detectors and feature descriptors actually work.

by Widodo Budiharto - Science Publishing Group , 2014
This book is written to provide an introduction to intelligent robotics using OpenCV. It is intended for a first course in robot vision and covers modeling and implementation of intelligent robot. Written for student and hobbyist.

by Jean Gallier - arXiv , 2013
These are notes on the method of normalized graph cuts and its applications to graph clustering. I provide a thorough treatment of this deeply original method, including complete proofs. The main thrust of this paper is the method of normalized cuts.

by Dilip K. Prasad - arXiv , 2013
We propose a new object detection/recognition method, which improves over the existing methods in every stage of the object detection/recognition process. In addition to the usual features, we propose to use geometric shapes as additional features.

by Asim Bhatti (ed.) - InTech , 2012
The topics covered in this book include fundamental theoretical aspects of robust stereo correspondence estimation, novel and robust algorithms, hardware implementation for fast execution, neuromorphic engineering, probabilistic analysis, etc.

by Jan Erik Solem - O'Reilly Media , 2012
The idea behind this book is to give an easily accessible entry point to hands-on computer vision with enough understanding of the underlying theory and algorithms to be a foundation for students, researchers and enthusiasts.

by Simon J.D. Prince - Cambridge University Press , 2012
This modern treatment of computer vision focuses on learning and inference in probabilistic models as a unifying theme. It shows how to use data to learn the relationships between the observed image data and the aspects that we wish to estimate.

by Jose R.A. Torreao - InTech , 2011
In this small book the authors have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints.

by Pei-Gee Ho - InTech , 2011
The objective of the image segmentation is to simplify the representation of pictures into meaningful information by partitioning into image regions. Image segmentation is a technique to locate certain objects or boundaries within an image.

by Ales Ude - InTech , 2010
The purpose of robot vision is to enable robots to perceive the external world in order to perform a large range of tasks. This book presents a snapshot of the work in robot vision that is currently going on in different parts of the world.

by S. Dance, Z.Q. Liu, T.M. Caelli - World Scientific , 1995
Explores a method for symbolically intrepreting images based upon a parallel implementation of a network-of-frames to describe intelligent processing. The system has been implemented in an object-oriented environment in the language Parlog++.

by Rong-Fong Fung - InTech , 2010
This is a book about how to employ the vision theory in the market conditions for students or researchers who want to realize the technique of machine vision. The book consists of 10 chapters on different fields about vision applications.

by R. Jain, R. Kasturi, B. G. Schunck - McGraw-Hill , 1995
The book is intended to provide a balanced introduction to machine vision. Basic concepts are introduced with only essential mathematical elements. The details to allow implementation and use of vision algorithm in practical application are provided.

by Milos Oravec - InTech , 2010
This book aims to bring together selected recent advances, applications and original results in the area of biometric face recognition. They can be useful for researchers, engineers, graduate and postgraduate students, and experts in this area.

by David Marshall - Cardiff School of Computer Science , 1997
From the table of contents: Image Acquisition: 2D Image Input, 3D imaging; Image processing: Fourier Methods, Smoothing Noise; Edge Detection; Edge Linking; Segmentation; Line Labelling; Relaxation Labelling; Optical Flow; Object Recognition.

by Adrian Horridge - ANU E Press , 2009
The book is the only account of what the bee actually detects with its eyes. The erratic path to understanding makes interesting reading for anyone with an analytical mind who thinks about the methods of science or the engineering of seeing machines.

by Asim Bhatti - InTech , 2008
The book comprehensively covers almost all aspects of stereo vision. In addition reader can find topics from defining knowledge gaps to the state of the art algorithms as well as current application trends of stereo vision.

by Julio Ponce, Adem Karahoca - IN-TECH , 2009
Nearest feature classification for face recognition, subspace methods, a multi-stage classifier for face recognition undertaken by coarse-to-fine strategy, PCA-ANN face recognition system based on photometric normalization techniques, etc.

by Rustam Stolkin - InTech , 2007
This book reports recent advances in the use of pattern recognition techniques for computer and robot vision. The areas of low level vision such as segmentation, edge detection, and region identification, are the focus of this book.

by Joachim Weickert - Teubner , 1998
Many recent techniques for digital image enhancement and multiscale image representations are based on nonlinear PDEs. This book gives an introduction to the main ideas behind these methods, and it describes in a systematic way their foundations.

by Kresimir Delac, Mislav Grgic, Marian Stewart Bartlett - IN-TECH , 2008
The main ideas in the area of face recognition are security applications and human-computer interaction. The goal of this book is to provide the reader with the most up to date research performed in automatic face recognition.

by Peng-Yeng Yin - IN-TECH , 2008
The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms.

by Aapo Hyvarinen, Jarmo Hurri, Patrik O. Hoyer - Springer , 2009
Introductory textbook and a research monograph on modelling the statistical structure of natural images. The statistical structure of natural images is described using a number of statistical models whose parameters are estimated from image samples.

by Kresimir Delac, Mislav Grgic - InTech , 2007
This book will serve as a handbook for students, researchers and practitioners in the area of automatic (computer) face recognition and inspire some future research ideas by identifying potential research directions within the area.

by Xiong Zhihui - InTech , 2008
This book presents research trends on computer vision, especially on application of robotics, and on advanced approaches for computer vision. Research on RFID technology integrating stereo vision to localize an indoor mobile robot is included.

by Cesare Rossi - InTech , 2008
The book provides new ideas, original results and practical experiences regarding service robotics. It is only a small example of this research activity, but it covers a great deal of what has been done in the field recently.

by David Vernon - Prentice Hall , 1991
This book is a comprehensive introduction to machine vision, it will allow the reader to quickly comprehend the essentials of this topic. Emphasis is on a range of the tools and techniques for image acquisition, processing, and analysis.

by Ramakant Nevatia - Prentice-Hall , 1982
This book is about visual perception. It is based on the author's experience in teaching graduate courses in the field. It assumes no previous knowledge of the field and aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge of its methods.

by Richard Szeliski - Springer , 2010
The book emphasizes basic techniques that work under real-world conditions, not the esoteric mathematics without practical applicability. The text is suitable for a senior-level undergraduates in computer science and electrical engineering.

by Kokichi Sugihara - The MIT Press , 1986
The book on computer vision which solves the problem of the interpretation of line drawings and answers many other questions regarding the errors in the placement of lines in the images. Sugihara presents a mechanism that mimics human perception.

by Xenophon Papademetris - Image Processing and Analysis Group , 2009
The author's goal was to provide sufficient introductory material for a typical 1st year engineering graduate student with some background in programming in C and C++ to leverage modern open source toolkits in medical image analysis.

by Bruce G. Batchelor - Springer-Verlag , 2002
The author introduces the basic concepts of machine vision, then develops these ideas to describe intelligent imaging techniques for use in a new generation of industrial imaging systems. Several case studies in industrial applications are discussed.

by Dana H. Ballard, Christopher M. Brown - Prentice Hall , 1982
The book on computer vision - the construction of explicit, meaningful descriptions of physical objects from images. Parts of the book assume some mathematical and computing background, but mainly mathematical rigor takes a backseat to concepts.