
Computer & Internet Culture

e-books in Computer & Internet Culture category

Book cover: The Geek's Chihuahua: Living with AppleThe Geek's Chihuahua: Living with Apple
by - University of Minnesota Press ,
The ubiquitous iPhone and its kin saturate our lives, changing everything from our communication to our posture. Ian Bogost contrasts the values of Apple's massive success in the twenty-first century with those of its rise in the twentieth.
Book cover: Control Shift: How Technology Affects You and Your RightsControl Shift: How Technology Affects You and Your Rights
by - Smashwords ,
With technology evolving at a dizzying pace, we must urgently decide how to make it work for us. To plot our course wisely, we need to understand technology's power and how it is radically shifting the balance of our lives, for better and for worse.
Book cover: A Field Guide to 'Fake News' and Other Information DisordersA Field Guide to 'Fake News' and Other Information Disorders
by - Public Data Lab ,
The book explores the use of digital methods to study false viral news, political memes, trolling practices and their social life online. It explains the interplay between digital platforms, misleading information, propaganda and viral content.
Book cover: Culture and Empire: Digital RevolutionCulture and Empire: Digital Revolution
by - GitBook ,
The whole planet is getting connected and building vast new communities. This online world thinks faster, and thinks differently. What is going on, and where will this lead us? Pieter Hintjens -- programmer and activist -- tells all in this story.

Book cover: Open Data and the Knowledge SocietyOpen Data and the Knowledge Society
- Amsterdam University Press ,
This book considers the role of the open data movement in fostering transformation, showing that at the heart of any successful mobilization will be an emerging open data ecosystem and new ways for societal actors to effectively produce and use data.
Book cover: The Web as HistoryThe Web as History
by - UCL Press ,
This volume argues that now is the time to question what we have learnt from the Web so far. The authors explore this topic from a number of interdisciplinary angles, as well as an introduction that provides an overview of this new area of research.
Book cover: The Silicon JungleThe Silicon Jungle
by - Ballantine Books ,
Americans are fighting each other not just in the marketplace but also in the Silicon Jungle. The jungle is not greenery. It is not land. It is nothing more than the mineral in tiny computer chips that switch electronic impulses ...
Book cover: Sharing: Culture and the Economy in the Internet AgeSharing: Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
An exploration of digital culture and its dissemination, 'Sharing' offers a counterpoint to the view that file sharing is piracy. Philippe Aigrain looks at the benefits of file sharing, which allows unknown writers to be appreciated more easily.
Book cover: Software and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and Its ConsequencesSoftware and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and Its Consequences
by - Andsor Books ,
Addressing general readers and software practitioners, the author discusses the fallacies of the mechanistic ideology and the degradation of minds caused by it. Mechanistic ideology has turned most of our activities into pseudoscientific pursuits.
Book cover: The Web, a Multilingual EncyclopediaThe Web, a Multilingual Encyclopedia
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The web is an encyclopedia of the world by the world for the world. This book is a chronology from 1974 to 2010. The quotes are excerpts from the interviews conducted by the author during several years and published in the same collection.
Book cover: Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of ElectronicsDigital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics
by - University of Michigan Press ,
This is a study of the material life of information and its devices; of electronic waste in its physical and electronic incarnations; a cultural mapping of the spaces where electronics accumulate, break down, or are stowed away.
Book cover: Virtual Worlds: A Journey in Hype and HyperrealityVirtual Worlds: A Journey in Hype and Hyperreality
by - Penguin ,
The book examines the reality of virtual reality. It looks at the dramatic intellectual upheavals that gave birth to it, at the hype that surrounds it, at the people who have promoted it, and at the dramatic implications of its development.
Book cover: Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free SoftwareTwo Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software
by - Duke University Press ,
The book investigates the cultural significance of free software, revealing the practices that have transformed software. Kelty explains how these practices have reoriented the relations of power around the creation of all kinds of knowledge.
Book cover: Identity in the Age of Cloud ComputingIdentity in the Age of Cloud Computing
by - The Aspen Institute ,
The author explores the transformative possibilities of the cloud computing for culture, commerce and personal communication. The report considers potential consequences for privacy, governance and security, and it includes policy recommendations.
Book cover: NetiquetteNetiquette
by - Albion Books ,
This book brings etiquette to the bustling frontiers of cyberspace. The author establishes the do's and the don'ts of communicating online, from the Golden Rule to the art of the flame, from the elements of electronic style to virtual romance.
Book cover: A Companion to Digital HumanitiesA Companion to Digital Humanities
by - Wiley-Blackwell ,
A complete yet concise overview of this emerging discipline. The book addresses the central concerns of those interested in the subject. The articles are grouped into topical sections focusing on the experience of particular disciplines.
Book cover: After the Software WarsAfter the Software Wars
by - Lulu.com ,
Given the technology that's already available, we should have cars that drive us around, in absolute safety, while we lounge in the back and sip champagne. This book explains how we can build better software and all get our own high-tech chauffeur.
Book cover: The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese HackersThe Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers
by - Lulu.com ,
This book analyzes the history, ideology, organization, exploits, and political motivations of the Chinese hacker network. Whenever possible, the information contained herein has been taken directly from the Chinese hacker organization itself.
Book cover: Tools for ThoughtTools for Thought
by - The MIT Press ,
Where will our new machines take us? Back in 1985, forward-thinking Howard Rheingold asked research pioneers to describe the nascent personal-computer revolution and its trajectory. The book is an excellent slice of retrospective 'futurism'.
Book cover: The Future Does Not ComputeThe Future Does Not Compute
by - O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ,
The author brings years of computer and Internet experience to the table, leavened by a skepticism of techno-idealism, disdain of muddy thinking, and fear that we have embraced an overwhelming force before we've begun to examine its implications.
Book cover: Moths to the Flame: The Seductions of Computer TechnologyMoths to the Flame: The Seductions of Computer Technology
by - The MIT Press ,
The book is a mixture of futuristic prophecy and historical perspective covering all aspects of computer technology, some frightening, some fanciful. Rawlins reminds us that computers can only reflect the needs and values of their users.
Book cover: The Official Dictionary of Unofficial EnglishThe Official Dictionary of Unofficial English
by - McGraw-Hill ,
The Dictionary presents more than 750 words that have unofficially joined the English language. These words are hot off the street, new even to cyberspace. Each entry features a definition, etymology, and at least three citations from print.
Book cover: The Psychology of CyberspaceThe Psychology of Cyberspace
by - Rider University ,
This hypertext book explores the psychological aspects of environments created by computers and online networks. It presents an evolving conceptual framework for understanding how people react to and behave within cyberspace.
Book cover: Hanging Out in the Virtual PubHanging Out in the Virtual Pub
by - University of California Press ,
Lori Kendall explores the brave new world of social relations as they have evolved on the Internet. In this highly readable ethnography, she examines how men and women negotiate their gender roles on an online forum she calls BlueSky.
Book cover: Hello World: Travels In VirtualityHello World: Travels In Virtuality
by - Raw Nerve Books ,
The story of a life online. Part travelogue, part memoir, Sue Thomas draws on her online travels as well as her physical journeys in the USA, Australia, Spain and England. The author deals with the synergies between digital and physical worlds.
Book cover: The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic FrontierThe Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
by - Perseus Books ,
Written by the man known as the First Citizen of the Internet, this book covers Rheingold's experiences with virtual communities. It starts off with his home community, The Well, out of Sausilito, CA, and makes its way through MUDs and beyond.
Book cover: Planet BroadbandPlanet Broadband
by - Cisco Press ,
The book examines the promise behind the broadband: high-speed access to interactive media and communications. The authors explain why broadband is more than just a better connection to the Internet, and how it improves on every aspect of life.
Book cover: Spreading the Word on the InternetSpreading the Word on the Internet
by - OSCE ,
Reflections from the Amsterdam Conference on Freedom of the Media and the Internet, June 2003. The book includes articles by representatives from the OSCE, the Council of Europe, journalists and media NGOs from Europe and the United States.
Book cover: Digital CreativityDigital Creativity
by - Universita degli Studi di Torino ,
This paper presents one of the task of project Invisibilia Project and confirms that the term ''digital creativity'' represents a disperse notion in which a number of different definition developed along last decades are merged.
Book cover: Blown to BitsBlown to Bits
by - Addison-Wesley Professional ,
Can you control who sees all that personal information about you? This book offers provocative answers to this question and tells intriguing real-life stories. It is a wake-up call to the human consequences of the digital explosion.
Book cover: The New Hacker's Dictionary (The Jargon File)The New Hacker's Dictionary (The Jargon File)
by - The MIT Press
A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor. This is no snoozer dictionary of technical terms, it's the slang and secret language among computer jocks that offers the most fun.
Book cover: How Open Is the Future?How Open Is the Future?
by - ASP-VUB Press ,
The book provides an open platform for a wide range of lawyers, journalists, artists, and activists to discuss the future of open-source and free software, the evolution, prospects, and issues of sharing knowledge and ideas through technology.
Book cover: The Future of the InternetThe Future of the Internet
by - Yale University Press ,
The book explains the engine that has catapulted the Internet from backwater to ubiquity and reveals that it is sputtering precisely because of its runaway success. The generative Internet is on a path to a lockdown, ending its cycle of innovation.
Book cover: We the MediaWe the Media
by - O'Reilly Media, Inc. ,
The book about journalism's transformation from a mass-media structure to something more democratic, a story of evolutionary change and a modern revolution, because technology has given us a toolkit that allows anyone to become a journalist.
Book cover: In the Beginning was the Command LineIn the Beginning was the Command Line
by - Harper Perennial ,
This is a thoughtful, irreverent, hilarious treatise on the cyber-culture past and present; on operating system tyrannies and downloaded popular revolutions; on the Internet, Disney World, Big Bangs, not to mention the meaning of life itself.