
CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

Large book cover: CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN/ASIN: 1565921682
ISBN-13: 9781565921689
Number of pages: 450

An excellent book for expert programmers, CGI Programming on the World Wide Web doesn't waste time with miscellaneous or frivolous topics, but instead focuses on the workings of the CGI specification down to the tiniest detail. Author Shishir Gundavaram begins by explaining what CGI does -- material that's probably familiar to most people reading this book. Fortunately, he promptly moves on to a complete explanation of each of the CGI methods and environment variables. The author also pays attention to every language you could conceivably want to use with CGI, especially ever-popular Perl.

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