

e-books in Gastroenterology category

Book cover: Colorectal Cancer: Surgery, Diagnostics and TreatmentColorectal Cancer: Surgery, Diagnostics and Treatment
by - InTech ,
An in depth analysis of screening for colorectal cancer, evaluation of diagnostic modalities in staging colorectal cancer, recent advances in adjuvant therapy and principles and trends in the surgical management of colorectal cancer is provided.
Book cover: Dyspepsia: Advances in Understanding and ManagementDyspepsia: Advances in Understanding and Management
by - InTech ,
This textbook is specifically written for clinicians involved in managing patients with dyspepsia. It is a practical guide with up-to-date suggestions on evaluation, diagnosis, and management from experts from around the world.
Book cover: Gastrointestinal EndoscopyGastrointestinal Endoscopy
by - InTech ,
Taking advantage of many technical advances, endoscopy has advanced spectacularly in recent years. Video-endoscopes, magnification, confocal and narrow-band imaging endoscopes, endoscopic ultrasounds and enteroscopes emerged.

Book cover: Dyspepsia: Managing Dyspepsia in Adults in Primary CareDyspepsia: Managing Dyspepsia in Adults in Primary Care
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne ,
This national guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the primary care management of dyspepsia symptoms and underlying causes in adults. It was developed for use by the National Health Service in England and Wales.
Book cover: The Gastrointestinal CirculationThe Gastrointestinal Circulation
by - Morgan & Claypool Publishers ,
The objective is to summarize the physiologic role of the blood and lymph vessels in supporting the overall absorptive, secretory, and motor function of the stomach, small intestine, and colon with an emphasis on the mucosal microcirculation.
Book cover: Atlas of Human Intestinal ProtozoaAtlas of Human Intestinal Protozoa
by ,
The aim of this multimedia atlas is to furnish a valid support for the diagnosis of the intestinal protozoan infections. The analytical procedures are described in a simple but exhaustive way, and the atlas comprises over 370 diagnostic images.
Book cover: First Principles of Gastroenterology and HepatologyFirst Principles of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
by - Astra Pharma ,
This online e-book provides information on various topics within gastroenterology, including diagnosis and treatment of related diseases and conditions. The content has been adapted from one of the leading books in the field.
Book cover: Atlas of Gastrointestinal EndoscopyAtlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
by - Atlanta South Gastroenterology ,
This online atlas of gastrointestinal endoscopy is a collection of endoscopic images in health and disease, annotated with patient descriptions. It is recommended as an educational resource for physicians, patients and the simply curious.
Book cover: HepatologyHepatology
by - Flying Publisher ,
Hepatology is a rapidly evolving medical field that will continue to grow over the next decades. This is an excellent state-of-the-art textbook on clinical hepatology. It is well structured and provides in-depth information without being lengthy.
Book cover: Helicobacter pylori: Physiology and GeneticsHelicobacter pylori: Physiology and Genetics
by - ASM Press ,
Comprehensive survey of Helicobacter biology, ranging from fundamental bacteriology through energy metabolism and synthetic pathways, physiology and molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology, virulence and pathogenic mechanisms, and more.