e-books in Inflation category
by Gerald Epstein - International Labour Organization , 2007
Argues that monetary policy should be expanded to consider employment creation along with inflation control where unemployment and underemployment are a cause for concern. Discusses a range of policy options that can be used to pursue this goal.
by Henry Hazlitt - D. Van Nostrand Company , 1965
The book's title 'What You Should Know About Inflation' only hints at the extent of the issues that Hazlitt addresses. He presents the Austrian theory of money in the clearest possible terms, and contrasts it with the government management.
by Dieter Gerdesmeier - European Central Bank, , 2009
The Treaty establishing the EU has given the Eurosystem the mandate to maintain price stability. This is a book on the importance of price stability, how it can be best achieved and how price stability supports sustainable economic growth in the EU.
by Henry Hazlitt - Arlington House , 1978
The author attempted to analyze thoroughly and in depth nearly a score of major problems raised by inflation and chronic fallacies that are in large part responsible for its continuance. Henry Hazlitt is the author of numerous books in economics.