e-books in Elementary Quantum Mechanics category
by John R. Boccio - Swarthmore College , 2017
Quantum mechanics is a collection of postulates based on a huge number of experimental observations and the ideas. In this book you will learn now the quantum world works, why it must work in this particular way, and how we might understand it.
by Peter E. Blöchl - TU Clausthal , 2013
Contents: Particle waves; Double slit; Towards a theory; Quantum effects; Language of quantum mechanics; Representations; Measurements; Dynamics; Symmetry; Specific Symmetries; Rotations, Angular Momentum and Spin; Atoms; Approximation techniques ...
by Tarun Biswas - State University of New York at New Paltz , 2003
The text maintains the separation of the minimal set of postulates from the mathematical techniques. At the same time close contact with experiment will be maintained to avoid alienating the physics student. Mathematical rigor is also be maintained.
by Weng Cho Chew - University of Illinois , 2012
This set of supplementary lecture notes is intended to teach quantum mechanics to undergraduate students as well as graduate students. The primary text book for this course is Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers by D.A.B. Miller.
by Eric L. Michelsen - UCSD , 2013
Wave mechanics, 1D scattering, matrix mechanics, angular momentum, spin-1/2, updated quantum electromagnetic interactions. This work is meant to be used with a standard text, to help emphasize those things that are most confusing for new students.
by Neil Lambert - King's College London , 2006
From the table of contents: historical development and early quantum mechanics; wave mechanics; some simple systems; formal quantum mechanics and some Hilbert space theory; noncommuting observables and uncertainty; additional topics.
by Eric R. Bittner - University of Houston , 2003
Contents: Survey of Classical Mechanics; Waves and Wavefunctions; Semi-Classical Quantum Mechanics; Postulates of Quantum Mechanics; Bound States of Schroedinger Equation; Quantum Mechanics 3D; Perturbation theory; Many Body Quantum Mechanics.
by Roy McWeeny - Learning Development Institute , 2011
This book is devoted to the second great scientific revolution of the last century, the development of Quantum Mechanics as the necessary replacement of Newtonian dynamics in dealing with the motion of the ultimate constituents of matter.
by James G. Branson - UCSD , 2008
This set of notes covers a 3 quarter advanced undergraduate quantum physics course at UCSD, from the beginning of Quantum Mechanics to the quantization of the electromagnetic field and the Dirac equation. Lecture videos are included.
by Mason A. Porter - arXiv , 2001
Nonlinear dynamics (''chaos theory'') and quantum mechanics are two of the scientific triumphs of the 20th century. The author gives a brief review of the origin and fundamentals of both quantum mechanics and nonlinear dynamics.
by Casey Blood - arXiv , 2010
All the concepts necessary to understand quantum mechanics on an initial level are given in a form suitable for the non-expert. The topics include visualizing the wave function, wave-particle duality, the implications of Schrodinger's cat, etc.
by H. C. Rosu - arXiv , 2000
A graduate course on elementary quantum mechanics. The topics included are the postulates of quantum mechanics, one-dimensional barriers and wells, angular momentum and spin, WKB method, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, quantum scattering, etc.
by Walter Wilcox - Baylor University , 1992
This is an introductory text, it includes material which overlaps with particle physics, including a number of interesting models as well as material on identical particles. The ideas of quantum mechanics are introduced via Process Diagrams.
by T. Haberkern, N. Deepak , 2002
Most of you will have heard the word quantum, and often wondered what it means, or what its significance is. If you wanted a simple tutorial, an introduction to quantum physics without all the hassles of mathematics, then read on.
by David C. Cassidy - American Institute of Physics , 2002
The uncertainty principle is explained with text, pictures and voice clips. Heisenberg's leading biographer tells the full story of this eventful life, including the physicist's controversial role in Nazi Germany's nuclear program.
by Leon van Dommelen , 2012
This book was written for engineering graduate students who find themselves caught up in nano technology. The first part of the book provides a solid introduction to classical quantum mechanics, the second part discusses more advanced topics.
- Wikibooks , 2008
Introduction to the subject of quantum mechanics, following the historical development of the theory. Physics and mathematics required. From the contents: atoms, the Feynman route to Schroedinger, the Schroedinger equation, entanglement.
by Paul E. Dimotakis - California Institute of Technology , 1980
Classical and wave mechanics, Schroedinger equation, quantum behavior in one-dimensional potentials, harmonic oscillator, orbital angular momentum, electromagnetic field, spin, radiation and matter, emission and absorption, and more.
by Max Planck - The Clarendon press , 1922
This is Max Planck's Nobel prize address delivered before the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, 2 June, 1920. He sketches the history of the origin of the Quantum Theory, the development of this theory and its influence on the Physics.