

e-books in Physics category

Book cover: Life, the Universe and Everything: 42 Fundamental QuestionsLife, the Universe and Everything: 42 Fundamental Questions
by - arXiv.org ,
We consider 42 questions which must be answered on the road to full enlightenment, and we attempt a first draft of these questions, on topics ranging from the cosmological constant and origin of the universe to the origin of life and consciousness.
Book cover: Unification in One DimensionUnification in One Dimension
by - arXiv ,
A physical theory of the world is presented under the unifying principle that all of nature is laid out before us and experienced through the passage of time. The one-dimensional progression in time is opened out into a multi-dimensional flow ...
Book cover: What is MotionWhat is Motion
by - QuantaOfMotion.com ,
The author created the universal theory of motion meeting the requirements of natural science that continuously grow. A reader is supposed to have sufficient knowledge of general problems of modern physics to comprehensively read this study.
Book cover: The New Physics and Its EvolutionThe New Physics and Its Evolution
by - D. Appleton and Company ,
This book, while avoiding purely technical details, tries to make known the general results at which physicists have lately arrived, and indicates the direction and import which should be ascribed to those speculations on the constitution of matter.

Book cover: The Dimensional Structure of ConsciousnessThe Dimensional Structure of Consciousness
by - Compari ,
A radical interpretation of modern physics. Rather than consciousness existing in space and time, it is suggested that the strange phenomena associated with quantum physics are better understood if space and time are structures within consciousness.
Book cover: Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Mathematics, Physics, AstrophysicsUnfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics
by - arXiv ,
Throughout this book, the authors discuss some open problems in various branches of science, including mathematics, theoretical physics, astrophysics, geophysics, etc. Some parts of these problems may be found useful for scholarly stimulation.
Book cover: Order-of-Magnitude PhysicsOrder-of-Magnitude Physics
by - University of Cambridge ,
This book teaches the art of approximation: dimensional analysis, guessing, and lying. To illustrate these techniques, we study the physics of everyday phenomena. The audience for the book includes graduates and upper-level undergraduates in physics.
Book cover: Theoretical PhysicsTheoretical Physics
by - Foreign Languages Publishing House ,
Rigorous, systematic study by renowned physicist offers advanced students a thorough background in mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics, stressing atomic, nuclear, and microscopic matters.
Book cover: Physics for EntertainmentPhysics for Entertainment
by - Foreign Languages Publishing House ,
Conundrums, brain-teasers, entertaining anecdotes, and unexpected comparisons. Published in 1913, a best-seller in the 1930s and long out of print, the book Physics for Entertainment influenced science students around the world.
Book cover: The Clock and the Arrow: A Brief Theory of TimeThe Clock and the Arrow: A Brief Theory of Time
by ,
The basic idea of this book is to study the concept of time viewing the World as the result of some form of computation of finite precision. This is a modification the classical mechanistic idea of the World as a clock of infinite precision.
Book cover: The Nature of the Physical WorldThe Nature of the Physical World
by - The Macmillan Company ,
Lectures that Eddington delivered in 1927. It treats the philosophical outcome of the great changes of scientific thought which had come about. The theory of relativity and the quantum theory led to strange new conceptions of the physical world.
Book cover: Physics FormularyPhysics Formulary
by ,
This 108 pages document contains a lot of equations in physics. It is written at advanced undergraduate/postgraduate level. It is intended to be a short reference for anyone who works with physics and often needs to look up equations.
Book cover: The People's Physics BookThe People's Physics Book
by - SCIPP ,
A textbook for high school and college physics students and teachers. It is intended to be used as one small part of a multifaceted strategy to teach physics conceptually and mathematically. It is intended as a reference guide and problem text.
Book cover: GRE Physics Test Practice BookGRE Physics Test Practice Book
- Educational Testing Service ,
The test consists of approximately 100 five-choice questions, based on diagrams, experimental data, and descriptions of physical situations. Questions can be answered on the basis of a mastery of the first three years of undergraduate physics.
Book cover: Handbook of Formulae and Physical ConstantsHandbook of Formulae and Physical Constants
- Power Engineering Training Systems ,
For the use of students and examination candidates, approved by the Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee and the Provincial Chief Inspectors' Association's Committee for the standardization of Power Engineer's Examinations in Canada.
Book cover: Modelling Rationality... and Beyond the PhysicsModelling Rationality... and Beyond the Physics
by - American Research Press ,
The author is convinced that the Platonic theory of reminiscence is not a mere speculation, and the meaning of the spirit of science is the expression of a natural phenomenon which in the sense of the MESER concept is called revelation.