
General Astronomy

e-books in General Astronomy category

Book cover: AstronomyAstronomy
by - Unglue.it ,
This book is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- or two-semester introductory astronomy courses. It begins with relevant fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies and cosmology.
Book cover: The Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive AstronomyThe Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy
by - J. Wiley ,
I present the main principles of Astronomy in a form adapted to the elementary course of instruction which is commonly given at colleges and the higher grades of academies. I selected those topics which seemed to me to be the most important.
Book cover: Elementary AstronomyElementary Astronomy
by ,
A book written for teachers (and parents) of students in grades K-6. The astronomy topics it covers are those most commonly found in these grade levels: Earth and Sun; night and day; seasons; phases of the Moon; eclipses; solar system; planets...

Book cover: A New AstronomyA New Astronomy
by - American Book Company ,
Contents: Language of Astronomy; Philosophy of the Celestial Sphere; Stars in their Courses; Earth as a Globe; Earth Turns on its Axis; Earth Revolves Round the Sun; Astronomy of Navigation; Observatory and its Instruments; The Moon; The Sun; etc.
Book cover: Astronomy NotesAstronomy Notes
by - astronomynotes.com ,
The notes cover: astronomy's place in the scientific endeavor, scientific method, astronomy without a telescope, history of astronomy, Newton's law of gravity, relativity theories, electromagnetic radiation, telescopes, solar system, the stars, etc.
Book cover: A Handbook of Descriptive and Practical AstronomyA Handbook of Descriptive and Practical Astronomy
by - Oxford At The Clarendon Press ,
The work covers: the planets of our solar system; eclipses; gravity and tides; phenomena including aberration and refraction; comets; chronological astronomy; stars; astronomical instruments; the history of astronomy; and meteoric astronomy.
Book cover: General AstronomyGeneral Astronomy
- Wikibooks ,
This book introduces the advanced secondary or beginning university student to the process that revealed the rich tapestry of the universe to humanity, presenting astronomy not only as a field of knowledge, but also as a human endeavor in science.
Book cover: An Introduction to AstronomyAn Introduction to Astronomy
by - The MacMillan Company ,
It has been assumed that the reader has an interest in the wonderful universe which surrounds him, and that he has arrived at such a stage of intellectual development that he demands the reasons for whatever conclusions he is asked to accept.
Book cover: Astronomy of To-dayAstronomy of To-day
by - Seeley and co. ,
The book gives an account of the science of Astronomy, as it was known in 1910, in a manner acceptable to the general reader. The author takes the theories of Astronomy out of those mathematical forms, and presents them in the ordinary language.
Book cover: A Text-book of AstronomyA Text-book of Astronomy
by - D. Appleton and company ,
The author concentrates attention upon those parts of the subject that possess special educational value. Matter which permits of experimental treatment with simple apparatus is of peculiar value and is given a prominence in the text.
Book cover: General AstronomyGeneral Astronomy
by - Edward Arnold and Company ,
The book will serve to give the reader a sufficiently complete view of the present state of Astronomy. Mathematics has been almost entirely excluded in order that the volume may appeal to the amateur, no less than the student.
Book cover: Handbook of Space Astronomy and AstrophysicsHandbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This handbook is an essential reference for space astronomy and astrophysics. It covers topics such as atomic physics, nuclear physics, relativity, plasma physics, electromagnetism, mathematics, probability and statistics, and geophysics.